Fossil of dinosaur killed in asteroid strike found?

Scientists have presented a stunningly preserved leg of a dinosaur. The limb, complete with skin, is just one of a series of remarkable finds emerging from the Tanis fossil site in the US State of North Dakota.

But it’s not just their exquisite condition that’s turning heads – it’s what these ancient specimens are purported to represent.

The claim is the Tanis creatures were killed and entombed on the actual day a giant asteroid struck Earth.

The day 66 million years ago when the reign of the dinosaurs ended and the rise of mammals began.

Very few dinosaur remains have been found in the rocks that record even the final few thousand years before the impact. To have a specimen from the cataclysm itself would be extraordinary.

The BBC has spent three years filming at Tanis for a show to be broadcast on 15 April.

The programme will review the discoveries, many that will be getting their first public viewing.

Along with that leg, there are fish that breathed in impact debris as it rained down from the sky.

We see a fossil turtle that was skewered by a wooden stake; the remains of small mammals and the burrows they made; skin from a horned triceratops; the embryo of a flying pterosaur inside its egg; and what appears to be a fragment from the asteroid impactor itself.

“We’ve got so many details with this site that tell us what happened moment by moment, it’s almost like watching it play out in the movies. You look at the rock column, you look at the fossils there, and it brings you back to that day,” says Robert DePalma, the University of Manchester, UK, graduate student who leads the Tanis dig.

It’s now widely accepted that a roughly 12km-wide space rock hit our planet to cause the last mass extinction.

The impact site has been identified in the Gulf of Mexico, off the Yucatan Peninsula. That’s some 3,000km away from Tanis, but such was the energy imparted in the event, its devastation was felt far and wide.

The North Dakota fossil site is a chaotic jumble.

The remains of animals and plants seem to have been rolled together into a sediment dump by waves of river water set in train by unimaginable earth tremors. Aquatic organisms are mixed in with the land-based creatures.

The sturgeon and paddlefish in this fossil tangle are key. They have small particles stuck in their gills. These are the spherules of molten rock kicked out from the impact that then fell back across the planet. The fish would have breathed in the particles as they entered the river.

The spherules have been linked chemically and by radiometric dating to the Mexican impact location, and in two of the particles recovered from preserved tree resin there are also tiny inclusions that imply an extra-terrestrial origin.

“When we noticed there were inclusions within these little glass spherules, we chemically analysed them at the Diamond X-ray synchrotron near Oxford,” explains Prof Phil Manning, who is Mr DePalma’s PhD supervisor at Manchester.

“We were able to pull apart the chemistry and identify the composition of that material. All the evidence, all of the chemical data, from that study suggests strongly that we’re looking at a piece of the impactor; of the asteroid that ended it for the dinosaurs.”

The existence of Tanis, and the claims made for it, first emerged in the public sphere in the New Yorker Magazine in 2019. This caused a furore at the time.

Science usually demands the initial presentation of new discoveries is made in the pages of a scholarly journal. A few peer-reviewed papers have now been published, and the dig team promises many more as it works through the meticulous process of extracting, preparing and describing the fossils.

To make its TV programme, the BBC called in outside consultants to examine a number of the finds.

Prof Paul Barrett from London’s Natural History Museum looked at the leg. He’s an expert in ornithischian (mostly plant-eating) dinosaurs.

“It’s a Thescelosaurus. It’s from a group that we didn’t have any previous record of what its skin looked like, and it shows very conclusively that these animals were very scaly like lizards. They weren’t feathered like their meat-eating contemporaries.

“This looks like an animal whose leg has simply been ripped off really quickly. There’s no evidence on the leg of disease, there are no obvious pathologies, there’s no trace of the leg being scavenged, such as bite marks or bits of it that are missing,” he tells me.

“So, the best idea that we have is that this is an animal that died more or less instantaneously.”

The big question is whether this dinosaur did actually die on the day the asteroid struck, as a direct result of the ensuing cataclysm. The Tanis team thinks it very likely did, given the limb’s position in the dig sediments.

If that is the case, it would be quite the discovery.

But Prof Steve Brusatte from University of Edinburgh says he’s sceptical – for the time being.

He’s acted as another of the BBC’s outside consultants. He wants to see the arguments presented in more peer-reviewed articles, and for some palaeo-scientists with very specific specialisms to go into the site to give their independent assessment.

Prof Brusatte says it’s possible, for example, that animals that had died before the impact were exhumed by the violence on the day and then re-interred in a way that made their deaths appear concurrent.

“Those fish with the spherules in their gills, they’re an absolute calling card for the asteroid. But for some of the other claims – I’d say they have a lot circumstantial evidence that hasn’t yet been presented to the jury,” he says.

“For some of these discoveries, though, does it even matter if they died on the day or years before? The pterosaur egg with a pterosaur baby inside is super-rare; there’s nothing else like it from North America. It doesn’t all have to be about the asteroid.”

There’s no doubting the pterosaur egg is special.

With modern X-ray technology it’s possible to determine the chemistry and properties of the egg shell. It was likely leathery rather than hard, which may indicate the pterosaur mother buried the egg in sand or sediment like a turtle.

It’s also possible with X-ray tomography to extract virtually the bones of the pterosaur chick inside, to print them and reconstruct what the animal would have looked like. Mr DePalma has done this.

The baby pterosaur was probably a type of azhdarchid, a group of flying reptiles whose adult wings could reach more than 10m from tip to tip.

Mr DePalma gave a special lecture on the Tanis discoveries to an audience at the US space agency Nasa’s Goddard Space Flight Center on Wednesday. He and Prof Manning will also present their latest data to the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in May.

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Comments (24)

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    Mark Tapley


    More dinosaur story time. As we have seen many times before, when the paleontologists don’t have a real explanation they default to either meteorites or volcanoes. Do they really think the leg would still have skin after 66 million years? Not only skin but T Rex bones with other soft tissue, ligaments and even the remains of blood vessels have been found. These findings are not in the arctic but in Montana which often has hot weather in the summer. If an asteroid of that magnitude struck, where is it. There have been thousands of meteorites found all over (always near the surface) the world. I guess this one disintegrated on impact, huh? These huge reptiles were covered by the cataclysmic flood we see evidence for all over the world, that occurred only a few thousand years ago. They were covered quickly by the huge amount of sediment we see evidence of all over the world as in the Grand Canyon. Had they been blasted by an asteroid we would not have evidence of them preserved as they were, all over the world.


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    Herb Rose


    Hi Mark,
    I agree with you that this is an effort trying to make evidence support an existing belief. The damage done to the various animals certainly appears to be the result of a flood, but not “the flood”. It is more like the result of a flood caused by an ice damn collapse like the one that formed the dells in Wisconsin. That would pile all the various animal types in one ;location and cover them preventing decomposition. Why would a pterosaur lay eggs where a triceratops roams? If it were the great flood why would the fish be found with the concentration of other animals. If it were a slow receding flood why would the fish be found at all?
    The sediment in the Grand Canyon is evidence that it is more than a few thousands years old. Sediment occurs when water flows over land and washes away soil. The different sediment in the grand canyon’s layers has been compressed into rock as more sediment was deposited over a long period of time and as the land rose the layers were exposed. If the great flood had occurred the sediment would have been washed from the land during the 40 days and nights of rain. It then would settle into one layer, not thousands of different layers like in the Grand Canyon.
    The evidence you cite to support your beliefs do not do so. The fossilized footprints of humans and “dinosaurs” is another bogus example of selecting evidence for the belief instead having the evidence indicate what to believe. The trail of footprints inTexas show the human was following the animal. Where the footprints overlap the human footprint is complete and deeper than the animals footprint. If the animal print had come after the human print it would have compressed the mud into the human print obscuring part of it. The fact that the human print is deeper than the animal print shows that the human was denser (greater weight per square inch) which wouldn’t make sense if the animal was a dinosaur with solid bones. What the trail indicates to me is that a human was hunting a giant flightless bird (like the giant Moa) which had hollow bones not that humans and dinosaurs co-existed.


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Herb:
    The great flood was not just a deluge of water but a complete change in the whole ecosystem of the planet which up to that point had been covered in an atmosphere and environment unlike today. That is the only explanation for the giant flying reptiles that scientists say would never get off the ground under conditions now. That is why alligator bones and tropical plant remains are found in the arctic.

    The Bible said that great chasms opened up from the deep, not just rain. Just like swirling a jar of sand, clay and gravel and letting them separate that is what uccured in these layers we see all over the world, including the ones where large petrified tree trunks extend through “millions of years” of archeological strata. These sedimentary layers occur in many areas of the world. They were not all pushed up by tectonic plates nor the result of hundreds of millions of sedimentary deposition. If that were the case there would be areas of top soil deposition, tree root formations, animal borrowings and erosion cracks between the layers. There are none. Neither would many areas if deposited over millions of years contain curly areas as would be the case in a violent and quick massive flood.

    I can not attest to the footprints, having not seen them or close up photos. The footprints would have been made at the same time. Someone should be able to give a close approximation of both the wt. of the human and wt. of whatever kind of animal it was. I do know (as PSI article sites skin on T Rex). several different paleontological teams have confirmed the discovery of T Rex bones with soft tissue, ligaments and even the remains of blood vessels in Montana. This certainly puts these giant reptiles here during the time of humans.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Mrk,
      Scientists believed that it was impossible for bumble bees to fly.
      If great chasms opened in the oceans why wouldn’t the sediment be settling in those chasms instead of on land?
      A petrified forest, like the one in Arizona, is where trees turn to stone and then as dust storms and flash floods occurred they were buried under multiple layers of sediment. Again your argument attest to them being stationary for a long time, not just a one time
      There are no burrows or tree roots through the sediment because these degrade as water fills them with sediment and that sediment is compressed into rock. You cite the petrified wood in multiple layers and the lack of hole or roots through those layers as proof of the flood.
      The dinosaur fossils (including soft tissues and feathers are not the bones, soft tissues, and ligaments from dinosaurs but images of them produced as minerals replace their components, just as petrified wood is not composed of wood. Everything you cite as proof of their contemporary age points to their antiquity.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Herb:
        The giant winged reptiles are a lot easier to do aeronautics on than an insect. This global flood, including chasms exploding from the core of the earth changed everything, not like natural flood events today. As I stated the sedimentation events we find all over the world show none of the hallmarks of hundreds of millions of years but rather rapid deposition. This includes the entrapment of petrified tree trunks. This is seen in many diverse areas including tropical climates. There is also no explanation for the wavey layers seen in much of these strata. If this sedimentation process occurred over hundreds of millions of years we would see the evidence I described above. Not just layers which look like a laminated table top, except where they curl all over the place.

        The Paleontologists report not mineralized deposits (that would also be depleted in 66 million years) but actual skin as PSI reports, soft tissue, ligaments, and remains of blood vessels similar to the flesh found on the mammoths in Siberia. And this is in a temperate climate. The evolutionist mantra is always “give me enough time and anything can happen.” Just as Darwin’s simplistic antiquated theory of evolution becomes more ridiculous every year, 66 million yr. old dinosaurs and Hundreds of millions yr. old gradually forming sediment layers in a 4.5 billion year old planet are being exposed.


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Mark,
          Look up the word “Fossil”.They do not find soft tissue they find images of the soft tissue. Have you seen fossils of leaves? A fossil with soft tissue is not made of anything but rock.
          Do you think that the bottom of the ocean or any body of water is perfectly flat, so that as sediment settles it makes perfectly flat layers? No, the sediment conforms to the contour of the surface it lands on producing waves and ripples that when compressed into rock form permanent lines.
          It takes special conditions to produce petrified wood. Normally it just decomposes into CO2. In order to petrify it first must be protected from normal decay then it must be submerged in water so dissolved minerals replace the molecules in the wood, preserving the appearance of wood. It is a very slow process that takes considerable time and during that time sediment continues to build up around it producing different layers.
          You continue to believe that the present positions of the land masses have been constant throughout Earth’s history and the climate has also been constant. This is not the case. The trunks of trees with roots still in the ground have been exposed as the glaciers in Greenland have retreated showing that trees were once growing where no trees can grow now. When it was discovered it was given the name Greenland because of the vegetation. It was abandoned when it became uninhabitable due to the cooling climate and no vegetation grew.
          There are tropical plants and animals in the arctic because a long time ago (crocodiles predate dinosaurs) the land was once a lot further south and the climate was warmer.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Herb:
      I understand what fossils are. That is not what has recently been found by well known Paleontologist Mary Shweitzer. With high magnification, she has shown the network of blood vessels and even blood cells (not fossilized minerals). She also found “soft stretchy ligaments.” Sweitzer also found various proteins and even fragments of DNA. Sweitzer is a traditional paleontologist who has always believed the millions of years balony evolution narrative. She now says that there are only two possibilities. Ether the remains are much younger than previously thought, or were specially preserved in some way, (yeah right).

      Herb, on the contrary, I never said that the world’s climate had always been constant but had been radically changed by the global flood that was not a normal innundation but a cataclysmic change of the entire ecosystem. When I mentioned the alligator bones and plants, this was not in Greenland but in northern Canada. I guess it was farther south too huh Herb? The name Greenland was given by the Vikings, who during the medieval warming established two settlements there, where after squabbling intermittently with the Inuit (lost a dozen men in combat) and then facing a gradually colder climate, finally gave up and went back to Copenhagen.

      As to all those swirly curls we see in many sedimentary layers, the idea that a hundreds of millions year deposition would curve around like that is ridiculous as aluminum and composite airplanes flying through massive structural steel and concrete buildings. and even protruding through the far side. Fortunately the CGI used on the fake space station is now somewhat better. Herb, you believe everything the Jew MSM and the bought out establishment tell you. You even still believe in the fake virus. Has it not occurred to you that if the Rockefeller CDC and over 150 other Gov. agencies really had a virus they would not need an Insilco (imaginary) genome fragment or a fake test?
      Romans 1:21-22
      For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Mark,
        I believe in contagions. Whether these contagious entities are the “viruses” that they have identified or some other entity (prion?) is still not settled.
        The soft tissue poses a dilemma. They always find remains (bones, teeth) of humans not fossils or in the cases of younger mummified remains the soft tissues are in the process of decay and disappearing before the fossilization has begun. The turning of remains into rock is a longer process. so in the case of a fossil with soft tissues the rate of one of these processes must have been drastically changed. You choose to believe that somehow the fossilization process for dinosaurs has sped up and that those fossils are contemporary to the unfossilized human remains. I on the other hand believe that since the preponderance of dinosaur finds are fossils while human remains are unfossilized that it is the decay process of soft tissue that has been slowed by some unknown action and dinosaurs disappeared before humans came on the scene.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Herb:
        There has since the days of Darwin been a systematic effort to hide any evidence counter to the evolutionist narrative of “millions of years” and random chance. Sweitzer was fired from her job but managed to go to work for a better Univ. Below I link another similar situation where CSUN Microscopist M. Armitage was fired but was able to collect damages. I believe the fact that some of these reptiles were so massive must have contributed to the preservation of tissue and of course being swept under a tsunami of dirt all at once. It may be that they were quick froze like appears to be the case with the mammoths. As for humans, it is very rare to find ancient remains. I don’t think the earth’s population was very large (as the Bible indicates with Lot). The case of the “cave man” found in the mountains between Austria and Italy is one of the very few that was well preserved. He was judged to be ap. ten thousand years old and from appearances could have been a next door neighbor or even relative. All opinions should be on the table. Let everyone come to their own conclusion. Hiding data and suppressing evidence as has been done with the germ theory demonstrates conspiracy to commit fraud. If there was nothing to hide there would be no need to constantly try to stamp out contrary viewpoints.

        On the subject of viruses, and pathogenic transfer it seems to me that it is like Darwin’s Transitionary fossils. If they were there, they would have been found by now. Pasteur’s medical diary, laying bare 40 years of unmitigated fraud was the beginning of this medical superstition as he reportedly admitted on his death bed by repenting that “the germ is nothing, it is all in the terrain.” This is what many medical observers including the widely experienced nurse Florence Nightingale had been saying for years. By the time of the alleged 1918 flu, the MSM (newspapers and the new radio) were already firmly under control, so it was easy to fool the gullible public. When you mix in a dozen hog and chicken substrate (and no telling what else) blood toxins along with massive doses of the new drug aspirin you get similar results as today, The only thing needed was to report all deaths as the “flu” as with hospital policy during the fake virus.

        We don’t agree on everything herb but thats ok. This old guy has learned from your science explanations and your viewpoints. Thanks for time and diligence. There is no doubt (contrary to some so called “teachers” on the PSI site) that you are a highly qualified instructor and a valuable asset to the academic field.


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Mark,
          As to Darwin. He was correct on the finches of the Galapagos islands that creatures must adapt to the existing conditions in order to survive. I am not a believer in that this adaption is a random result of mutation (Almost always bad) but a feedback system where the environment guides what traits are expressed. (Semi Lysenkoism). When this specialization becomes too pronounced it leads to a new species that continues to develop on a separate path. Any animal that loses its ability to adapt is doomed (ask a giant Panda).
          As to viruses there is something that will transmit the disease to you if you are bitten by a rabid animal, no matter how healthy you are. The reason this may not have been discovered is because once someone believes they have the answer they stop searching. Prions are a cause of diseases only recently discovered.


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            Jerry Krause


            Hi Herb.

            You wrote: “As to Darwin. He was correct on the finches of the Galapagos islands that creatures must adapt to the existing conditions in order to survive. I am not a believer in that this adaption is a random result of mutation (Almost always bad) but a feedback system where the environment guides what traits are expressed. (Semi Lysenkoism).”

            Again I had no idea of what (semi Lysenkoism0 so I googled and found,

            Have a good day, Jerry

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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Herb:
      Darwin’s finches are not a sign of adaptation but just another desperate attempt by the evolutionists to grasp hold of any perceived change no matter how minor and insignificant. All wild animals have to have some capability to adapt to their environment and some inherited characteristics will make the succeeding generations more resilient than some other animals of the same species. Just as Brahman cattle can withstand hot arid conditions better than Herfords. These are merely genes that are already in those animals, as Pottenger’s long term studies with cats demonstrated by the expression of favorable genes or what are called epigenetic traits. This characteristic is strictly limited depending on the species. Some animals such as the dog are very “plastic” while others such as the Panda are very limited. The different gene expressions noted by Darwin are just normal for that breed of birds. You may have a Mastiff or a tea cup Chihuahua but they are both just expressing genes that are already in the same animal.

      There is no change of kind as Darwin said must occur on a incremental basis to create new types of animals (just give me enough time). Darwin said that the fossil evidence would have to prove this gradual change by the presence of transitionary animal fossils or his theory was false. There should be millions of them but there are none. So the evolutionists are left no choice but to grab at straws such as fake peppered moths and inconsequential beak variations.

      Whenever genetic expression goes too far, that animal or plant fails to reproduce as we see with the hybrid Mule. Yes I know reproduction is possible but it is extremely rare. The same is true with plants. There is only so much you can do with them. Luther Burbank found this out a long time ago.

      Herb I dare say, you have probably never known of a person with rabies. Neither have I. What is being transmitted are toxins. If a dog (you know how nasty they all are) eats something that is rotten, then the bacteria in the rotting flesh may produce toxins which could be dangerous if someone were bitten. The Prions (foreign proteins) you mention may be a factor in rare cases such as the Kuru disease (cannibalism) but that would be so remote as to be a nonissue.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Mark,
        Finches cannot fly from South America to the Galapagos so all the finches on the islands are descendent from the few finches that were carried there by storms. The finches on different islands are quite different from the finches on other islands as is the fauna on the islands. This is adaption (including strange structures) to match the resources available.
        Dogs eat disgusting things, bite people, and lick their butts all the time but the only time they transmit rabies is when they have the disease (foaming at the mouth, abnormal hostile hydrophobia). People also contract rabies from bats and skunks which carry the disease but have no symptoms. Rodents (disgusting diet), even when bitten by a rabid animal do not contract the disease or spread it.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Herb:
        I have noticed two different types of wood peckers in my yard. They are quite different from each other but they do not demonstrate the necessary “change of kind” required by Darwin. The woodpecker is another amazing and unique example of an irreducibly complex organism that defies evolution. It had to be specifically engineered for its purpose. It could not have evolved over millions of years. However the finches got out to the islands, some of them were able to survive and pass their genes on, which is normal. This is not a change of kind any more than the fact that people in the Netherlands tend to be taller than most other groups.

        Herb, there you go with the fake hydrophobia again. All of this is antidotal scare stories. I bet you have never known anyone who contracted rabies from any animal but more especially from skunks or bats. If the disease exists why would mice not carry it also? The “hydrophobia” is probably the result of a dog having eaten the nasty, toxic laden garbage. It may be that these usually emaciated animals are in many cases dehydrated and that may cause the foaming. Note also there is no purified, isolated, verified sample of a rabies “virus.”


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Mark,
          Where a niche appears an organism will fill it. How else do you explain roaches whose diet is plastics? As an opportunity appears where there is less competition for resources something will take advantage of it. The insect larvae in trees were an unexploited resource until a bird adapted (no brain damage from hitting its head against a wall) to take advantage of that resource. Different trees, different adaptions, and woodpeckers with different adaptations.As I said these adaptations are not from random change (mutation) but a feed back from the environment. As for the people in the Netherlands being taller, you do know that much of their country is below sea level?
          Rabies is no fake. The reason you or I don’t know anyone who has had it is because it was (until recently) 100% fatal. Dog’s mouth are cleaner than humans despite their diet because they pant (no sweat glands) and they are constantly flushing their mouths out. Animals other than dogs get rabies (raccoons foxes), and it is not because they were in poor condition but because they were not vaccinated against it. The disease exists and the lack of identification of a virus doesn’t make it fake. I’d bet that you have never known a person with leprosy because it is quite rare and not very contagious but believe in it because it seems to be much more prevalent and a larger threat in biblical times.(Do you not believe in fungi and athletes foot also?)
          As I said rodents (like mice and rats) have an immune system that prevents them from getting rabies.


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        Hello Herb:
        You are reverting back to Darwin’s basic argument that animals could adept just because of a perceived need. The woodpecker not only has a one of a kind cranium but also has a specially developed tongue for spearing bug larvae. They say that even though the woodpecker sometimes hammers very rapidly, it closes its eyes before each impact for additional cushioning. I guess all of these unique traits just happened to be imbedded in the DNA (building blocks) just waiting to be incrementally expressed over millions of years, huh Herb? Just as with the spider and its intricately engineered web, or the metamorphosis of the caterpillar (no evolutionary explanation) this all requires the input of coded information that can only come from an intelligent source. No organisms have ever made any changes except within the narrow scope (finches) of the DNA already within the recessive reaches of the coded data installed from the beginning. That is why we see no new “kinds” as Darwin predicted and also why we see no evidence for these illusory incremental changes in the fossil record. Your hypothesis is farfetched. Animals would not have latent DNA just laying around for whatever vicissitude they may encounter. And while some in this area would be exposed to one contingency, those somewhere else would be exposed to something else. How convenient to have a multipurpose tool kit that morphs the organism on a need to basis. We can see from even the tiny bacteria flagellum that many (perhaps all) organisms are irreducibly complex and could not have developed in stages, anymore than could an airplane designer say, ok we’re going to use wings and ailerons now but we’ll do the horizontal stabilizer later. Instant crash.

        You Herb have been told that rabies is fatal. Just as you have been told that Polio, Ebola, Zika and AIDS are real. I know you are a true believe in the tissue sample garbage of “vaccines” but this simplistic notion of injecting foreign proteins, aluminum adjuvants and nano particles, never provided immunity to anyone against anything. Fungi and toxins are real but as many medical practitioners noticed long ago, the disease is there before the bacteria is present. This is often observed in Tuberculosis. Many people never have the bacteria found in the system. We now know that the Bubonic plague occurred during times of crop failure and possibly unusual climatic conditions. Scurvy, pellagra, rickets and many other metabolic conditions were previously assumed to be pathogenic. We cannot assume a disease is infectious until the pathogen is found and transmission is established.


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    Why oh why, Herb, would you engage M.T. on this? Slow day? ALL of his comments clearly show his confirmation bias stems from a book, beliefs if you prefer, written by men, 1700 years or so ago. According to him, this is ‘the truth’, & no logic, evidence, direct sightings!!!, would convince otherwise. Why these men, commissioned to write this book, should be of unimpeacable character & truthfulness is beyond me, yet ALL evil since, perpetrated by any human, anywhere, per M.T., is labeled as the ubiquitous ‘zionist jews’. You cannot drag a mind that cannot see past its own bias, beliefs, from the sediment. Leave him to his wordy comments & soldier on to more meaningful pursuits…


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Seriously,
      I am fully aware that there is no altering M.T.’s belief (or Frank’s) but it important to refute his “science” for others who may read him and think he has a credible argument based on reality.
      On his last foray into PSI I thought by ignoring him he would stop his commenting at this site and do his evangelization at a more appropriate site. It didn’t work. For some reason there are those who see science as an enemy of faith and need to show those who look for truth in reality the error of their ways.


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        Hi Seriously,
        Since the Bible is not meant to be understood by mere mortals, It is not possible for you to refute it, no matter what you say. The fact people misrepresent the meanings is purely down to that point.

        I consider your comment, “written by men, 1700 years or so ago”, to be purely subjective. And no, I don’t follow the book myself.


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          Really??? All the biblical scholars of ANY faith have all pointed out, studied, confirmed, documented, etc., that Constantinople commissioned the bible to be written, 300 – something, a.d. Some have even postulated that it was to rally them all together so they would stop killing each other over their many interpretations of christianity. Many ‘books’ submitted, many not in final draft. You’ll never see this but Herb is right – others may read and truth needs to stand. So, book written ‘that mere mortals could never understand’, written by mortals (men) is your argument??? LOL!!!! Talk about magical thinking! I’m falling off my chair – you are hysterical🤣


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            I see you are easily entertained, or you feign joviality about something you don’t understand to any degree, and you use the acronym, lol. Rather silly given the circumstances… Par for the course in my experience.

            “commissioned the bible to be written, 300 – something, a.d”
            That’s your proof is it? Hysterical, but not in a funny way.
            Indeed, the first 2 search results I found deny your claim.
            “Even after nearly 2,000 years of its existence, and centuries of investigation by biblical scholars, we still don’t know with certainty who wrote its various texts, when they were written or under what circumstances”

            “Those who wrote the Bible lived at different times, some separated by hundreds of years. In many cases they were complete strangers to one another”.:

            “You’ll never see this”
            On the contrary, I’ve been waiting for you. I didn’t expect agreement, but I did expect decency in the handling of it.

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            Mark Tapley


            Hello Seriously:
            Don’t know who your “scholars” are but all books of the Bible were written long before the Catholic apostasy of Constantine, who only gave his executive order (similar to puppet Trump and his ex. order for the ADL Pharisees) to codify rulings of his crony heretics in the liturgical swamp of Catholicism. We have many old translations of all the Biblical books and they all corroborate what the Bible says. This is not the case for instance with the Koran ( a collection of oral traditions that copied heavily from Catholicism) where the three oldest translations are far different. Seriously, is Herb your spiritual advisor? If so then it is a case of the blind leading the blind, in which you both shall fall into the ditch.
            Galatians 6:7
            Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
            2 Peter 2:1
            “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.”

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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Herb,

      While we frequently disagree on scientific issues and we are critical of each other’s science, I totally agree with your comment of April 12, 2022 at 9:36 pm. However, in your comment of April 13, 2022 at 9:40 am you referred to PRIONS. Something which I had never read before. So I Googled it and found, at Wiki, a long report which referenced its Scientific History. Something I have urged you to do more often if you know there is support for what you write. It really would not take much effort on your part to link to this Wiki article so a PSI reader could learn more than just the existence of a word.

      So despite of your failure to do this, I thank you for bringing PRIONS to my attention.

      Have a good day, Jerry
      Have a


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