Forensic Science Exposes Dominion Voting Machine U.S. Election Fraud
After election officials identified “glitches” that switched 6,000 Trump votes to Biden, the courts in Antrim County Michigan ordered an audit of Dominion voting machines. The forensic audit was carried out by the Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG).
This group conducted a forensic duplication on the county’s election management server. They investigated compact flash cards used by local precincts in their Dominion ImageCast system, and they audited the memory sticks used by Dominion Voter Assist Terminals and the memory sticks used for the poll book.
This forensic audit found blatant evidence of a coordinated attack on the 2020 Presidential election. The Federal Election Commission allows an error rate of .0008 percent for all voting machines used in US elections. The Dominion machines in Antrim county had an error rate of 68.05 percent! Even more shocking: The ballot-adjudication logs and the security logs for the November 3 general election were removed. All log files for previous elections were still contained on the machines, but someone on the inside was able to erase the all-important log files for the 2020 election.
There was a coordinated attempt to coverup security logs that show wide scale vote switching
“The adjudication process is the simplest way to manually manipulate votes,” wrote Russell Ramsland, who prepared the forensic report. “The lack of records prevents any form of audit accountability, and their conspicuous absence is extremely suspicious since the files exist for previous years using the same software. We must conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been manually removed.”
This bombshell report was released to the public on Dec 14 after it was approved by Kevin Elsenheimer, the chief judge of Michigan’s 13th Circuit Court.
“Because the intentional high error rate generates large numbers of ballots to be adjudicated by election personnel, we must deduce that bulk adjudication occurred,” Ramsland warned. “However, because files and adjudication logs are missing, we have not yet determined where the bulk adjudication occurred or who was responsible for it.” In other words, Democrats premeditated and coordinated their attack on the US election system, tampering with the security logs to cover up their fraud.
In Antrim County, the voting machines rejected an outrageous number of ballots for adjudication. In the adjudication process, election workers are allowed to determine the ultimate outcome for each ballot. The Dominion voting machines were apparently programmed to reject a large number of ballots so the corrupt Democrat election workers could ultimately decide the destiny for these ballots. This coordinated fraud will be hard to trace because the traitors deleted all the security logs prior to 11 p.m. on Nov. 4 and deleted adjudication logs.
Dominion voting system rejected an astronomical number of ballots so they could be manually switched
The security logs are the only way to conduct an audit trail and to detect for more advanced outside attacks on the system files. Ramsland warned that there “is not reasonable explanation for the security logs to be missing.” The logs contain all the authentication failures, domain controls, and error codes. They also contain information on the network connections to the file servers, which includes the times, date transfers, internet connections, and file accesses.
The Dominion ImageCast Precinct system was reviewed by the ASOG cybersecurity team in the Central Lake Township – home to 1,500 voters. During a second tabulation of election results, the ASOG team found that nearly all (1,474 votes) in the precinct were altered. Votes for one candidate vanished, and votes added back to another.
This forensic audit of Dominion voting machines is monumental. The elections in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin cannot be certified under the law because there is evidence of systemic election fraud throughout.
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It stinks but in the end no evidence.
Zoe Phin
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What would evidence look like?
Just Me
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Richard there is no “evidence” because the FBI and DOJ who have subpoena power have decided not to investigate. It wouldn’t be hard to start “squeezing” people like those in Georgia who pulled out the hidden boxes of ballots. The trail would lead to heavyweights in the Democrat Party, and we can’t have that.
Herb Rose
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Hi Just Me,
With the (un)Patriot Act the government has a recording of every phone call made in the U.S. They don’t need to “squeeze” people to get information they just have to find it.
Bob Hill
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Just not true.
Mark Tapley
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What did the goyim think would happen when they installed computer voting and allowed mail in fake ballots. Zionist puppet actor Trump won by a landslide but a flip of the computer switches corrected that. As a consolation the goys should realize that the presidency has been controlled all the way back to 1910 with the syphilitic puppet actor Woodrow Wilson, handled by Eugene Meyer and Bernard Baruch (real president during puppet FDR’s terms). They even had a live in handler with Col. House. Wilson was catatonic for much of his second term. Israeli cheerleader Trump might as well be and the senile self proclaimed Zionist (video deleted) Biden hardly knows where he is. He will make the perfect president for the Zionist Jews whom he has served for the past 50 years while skimming kickbacks along with Barry and The Clinton Foundation. As his cognitive decline advances thats not a problem either. They can always put in a double for public display as they did for Hilary and then they have Zionist Communist Harris to front for the big Jews as the the real Agenda of a global Neo-feudalist system continues. And so does the facade of the Rep. Dem. one party fraud.
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Mark, thanks for the craziness.
A little humor helps these days.
Mark Tapley
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You think I am being facetious but it is the reality. Look at Trump’s top 4 donors in 2016. No. 1 the Zionist Chabad Lubavich (worlds mos racist organization) Kushner clan of which his daughter is married into. No.2 Sheldon (Zionism is all I care about) Adelson. No3. Zionist Jew vulture investor Paul Singer, and No.4 Home Depot founder and Zionist Jew Bernie Marcos. Now when you look at the Dem. side you have the same thing just a different set of Zionist Jews.
The fake parties are kept relatively even and there is always an appearance of division as with the phony Russian investigation or the barely cobbled together impeachment but that is just to make the goyim think they really have a choice. Despite the window dressing there will be no change of Zionist policy. More and bigger government, more wars for Israel, more contrived problem-reaction-solution now enhanced by the fake virus, more fleecing of the flock by the elite’s banking cartel as was done in 08-09 and now for trillions more under cover of the fake virus and staged riots.
The Zionists are working on their favorite tactic, the Hegelian Dialectic thesis-antithesis which looks like it will result in a conflict between Jewmerica and the combined forces of Russia and China (similar to the staged conflict between U.S. and the USSR). This will result in martial law and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Initiative (Agenda 2030-21) and the long planned Neo- feudal system:
The transcript from a 1991 Bilderberg group meeting in Baden, Germany, was released, proving how deluded Rockefeller’s views truly were. Bill Clinton also attended this meeting, I’m sure along with many other members of the elite class. Rockefeller stated:
We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
Prof. Carrol Quggley on the two parties”
Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.
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Mark, since the Zionists have everything already under control, why can I still buy bacon?
Are they going to take my bacon away?
That would be the End Times…..
Mark Tapley
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I agree with you 100%. Geran you have noticed that since the big grain co. and government shill Ancel Keys in the 50’s we have been bombarded by the whole grain low saturated fat diet (high carb -low nutrient diet). This was ramped up even more in the McGovern sessions of the 80’s.
As you indicate, protein quality determines the quality of the meal and the diet.. That is the reason we have been propagandized with the vegan scam (the diet of the poor and malnourished). I don’;t believe there are any truly long term vegans. The vegan diet is almost devoid of the essential vitamins A, D, K and E and would have no animal protein which is far superior to any plant protein. A real vegan of course would get no B12 (only comes from animal sources) and would by necessity have to eat large quantities of plants to get enough nutrients, while at the same time overloading the bloodstream with the resulting glucose (then comes the insulin resistance).
The Zionist elite want every material advantage for themselves and their offspring (like private schools) and so as the cattle are hearded down the perditious road to serfdom and the Zionist syndicate is able to implement Agenda 2030-21 then there is no doubt that your and my bacon will be like a distant fantasy as we scrape around in the 3rd world rat hole of the Neo-feudalist “paradise” to maybe get our potato for the day.
Best regards, Mark
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Speak real words and stop spouting nonsense
Zoe Phin
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Mark, all this stuff is brain poison.
Zionism was a movement for the Jewish people to get their sacred land back – Specifically Mt. Zion (in Jerusalem).
It’s over and done. There is nothing more to it.
Mark Tapley
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You are wrong on every count. The Khazas invaded, occupied, drove out ap. a million native Palestinians, destroyed scores of towns and villages and murdered thousands of innocent people in the process have no genetic connection to the Biblical Jews or the scion Abraham
In the first Zionist Congress of 1897 it was determined that the Zionist Jews and their Gentile allies would gain the worlds most strategic geographic position (Palestine) as directed by British Geologist Alfred MacKinder as a bridgehead for the sea powers, the U.S., Britain and France as a critical point in their efforts to interdict the feared alliance of Russia and the new German nation and as a way to control access to energy flows (recognized even then) from Asia, Africa, the Indian Ocean region. through Afghanistan and through present day Iraq, Syria and Iran into Europe. Pipelines from Russia into Western Europe can also be interdicted from this, the worlds most strategic bridgehead.
The campaign in the Balkans during the Clinton administration was an adjunct by the Zionists in order to strengthen their grip on the energy source deliveries of the entire region.
The average Jew, just as the average Gentile has nothing to do with Zionism but this movement originating with Rabbi Moses Hess in the mid 1800’s now encompasses elites from all areas. The first major objective was the instigation of WW1 in order to prevent the alliance between Germany and Russia, to overthrow the Czar and establish a Zionist kingdom in the east for future wars. USSR was an entirely Zionist operation. The first gov assembly of 486 members had only 16 non Jews. In 1936 under Stalin after the so called “purge” the top ranked officials of the Soviet Republics i.e. party secretaries that held the actual power consisted of 4 Russians, 2 Armenians, 1 Georgian, 1 Buryat and 41 Jews. The European Monarchies were destroyed, Germany defeated but still somewhat intact and groundwork was laid for WW2 as America provided massive agricultural, industrial and financial aid (read Hoover Inst. researcher Anthony Sutton) to keep the Soviets in power as a Hegelian dialectic opposition to be used and then switched to a new enemy for the phony Cold War that finally led into 911 and the phony “War on terror” for todays Plan for Greater Israel.
This movement that you refer to as over and done is making greater progress than ever and is now close to their original objective as pointed out by Britain’s formats journalist of WW2, Douglas Reed as the “destruction of all countries and the establishment of a global totalitarian system.”
TCommunists in China with Mao and the Chinese now lead the way with the social credit score total surveillance, total control system. This is the goal everywhere and will be infused here I expect with the ruse of the UGI fraud. These same elite who contrive the wars, did 911, WMD;s, the global warming hoax, fake shootings, staged riots and the wealth transfers of trillions as in the bailouts for billionaires in 08 and now again with the banking cartel and a new theft of trillions to their buddies on Wall St. as they wipe out the middle class as more wealth goes to the top all using the fake virus, fake test and fake numbers. All of these events were planned long ahead of time and this is just a quick overview with a great deal left out.
Zoe Phin
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You’re conflating a religious homeland to an ethnic or genetic homeland.
Please make the case why Turks and Arabs have a better claim to “Palestine”.
Do not Ottoman Turks also originate in lands close to old Khazaria? Why is it right for them to hold onto Israel?
You make no sense.
Palestinian Flag = Jordan Flag.
Are you working for Jordan?
Mark Tapley
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The native people of Palestine, many who had been there for hundreds of years were attacked and displaced (still continuing with the settlements) by the Khazars (present day Israelis) who have taken over this region for the reasons already stated. The British enabled this process with the Balfour Declaration of 1918 as addressed to Lord Rothschild. The British army protected the invaders from expulsion by the native Arabs who were able to bring In the necessary reinforcements with NAZI assistance in the 30’s to build up the population.
Israel, illegally established in 1947 is the bridgehead in which the U.S. taxpayers continue to give 11 million dollars per day in “defense spending” not including much other benefits. None of this has anything to do with religion. However Netanyahu often use the riligious facade as bait for ignorant people. No matter which fake party is in power in the U.S. (or Britain) the agenda of the syndicate remains in place.
Zoe Phin
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Who are the “native people of Palestine”?
The egyptians, assyrians, turks, arabs, or aryans?
You never answer any questions, just repeat the same nonsense.
Who introduced judaism to Khazaria? People that were originally driven out of Israel by the “native people of Palestine” and the above?
Do you ever get sick of yourself?
Markm Tapley
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It makes no difference what the ethnicity of the inhabitants were. Many of them had deeds from the Ottoman Empire going back over a hundred years. They were what would be referred to as the native inhabitants or “the Palestinians.” This group consisted of ap. 97% Arab and 3% Jew, all semitic peoples native to this region. The Khazars are from the Caspian Sea region and adopted Judaism in the 600’s but none of this is relevant to the issue at hand. The Khazar king chose Judaism instead of Greek Orthodox Christianity or Islam. The Biblical Jews had been dispersed in 70 AD from Palestine but some remained and there were still a few after the Crusades. In other words the 3or 4% of Palestinian Jews at the time of the Balfour Treaty were very likely descendants of the Biblical Jews.
Both the Arab and Jewish Palestinians were vehemently opposed to this fraud that had been agreed between then Prime Minister Balfour and the British Jew rep. Chaim Wiseman all the way back in 1907. Note that none of this could have been accomplished except by instigating a war with the Ottoman Turks that controlled all of this area. Balfour of course was aware of this. The Rothschilds had initially tried to buy the area of Palestine in the mid 1800’s but the Turks refused. This shows how powerful the Zionists already were. The British also would not have risked war with Germany unless they knew that the U.S. would provide assistance both militarily and financially.
The Zionist contrived WW1 (read Hidden History -The Secret origins of WW1 by Docerty) was the most critical event of the 20th century. it not only laid the groundwork for the next phase of war but also for where we are today as the Zionist syndicate presses on toward realizing the goal set long before their official convention of 1897.
Zoe Phin
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Deeds from the Ottoman Empire?
Only SUBJECTS would need deeds from an empire.
Your argument: Old domination is inherently good, but new domination is inherently bad.
“but the Turks refused. This shows how powerful the Zionists already were.”
No, it shows how powerful the Turks were. When you refuse a sale, it means you’re the powerful one.
How much is Jordan paying you for your propaganda?
T. C. Clark
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Hmmmmm….all the “glitches” went Joey the Clown’s way….but even more remarkable is how dead people were 100% for Joey……and all those votes arriving in the middle of the night…Joey must demand a complete open investigation in order to secure his victory,no?
Just Me
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T.C. Clark you are right. As an example in Wisconsin there were 200,000 ballots that were illegally counted. Basement Biden’s margin of victory was 20,000. Guaranteed that Biden did not win Wisconsin.
Mark Tapley
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Pulling another scam about every 10 years now. First 911 to gain more control Next the massive wealth transfer with the Bailout for Billionaires program in 08-09. Now under cover of the long planned fake virus, the staged riots and fake floyd another banking cartel bailout for their buddies on Wall St. for trillions more while further eliminating whats left of the middle class and bankrupting millions of businesses.
If the elite are not careful about rigging the elections too obviously, then some may figure out that it is all just a facade to make them think they had a choice. The strange thing about it however is that Trump and senile Biden were both just puppet actors placed in office and controlled by the same syndicate just like almost all of them since Wilson. There would not have been any change in policy. The syndicate controls them both as well as the sinecures in the senate and the big majority of the house.
T. C. Clark
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I have seen a figure of 43,000 votes in 3 states that were the difference. Six states have big accusations of fraud but no investigations seem to be going on….investigators need to be hired to try to get the truth.
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It’s truly disappointing to see an article like this on PSI. Natural News is a completely unreliable source for news, unless unscientific alarmism is what you’re after. PSI has been a valuable source of rational counterpoint to AGW/climate change alarmism, so it’s shocking to see it embrace similar alarmism regarding the U.S. election.
Those of us who understand software and the use of configuration or reference tables (and the too-common lack of robustness in software) can easily see how only partially updating reference tables will screw up the output. In the Antrim County case, the discrepancy was stark and led to the manual recount. Being apparently limited to one county, this analysis can’t support the broad claim of widespread fraud.
Just Me
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Referring to a declaration submitted by Charles J. Cicchetti, the legal filing claims the probability of Biden winning the popular vote in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin independently, given President Donald Trump’s early lead in those states is “less than one in a quadrillion, or one in 1,000,000,000,000,000.” To win the four contested states collectively, the odds for Biden drop to “one in a quadrillion to the fourth power,” the lawsuit says.
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Unless someone stops all this racist Zionist conspiracy pap, this website will become a trash heap. If ‘Zionists” were so powerful. Mark Tapley, you would have your throat slit and learn what a Columbian Necktie is. That is what true conspiracies do.
Finn McCool
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He reminds me of the last nutter, Dean somebody. May even be the same guy with a different name.
Mark Tapley
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Do you think the fake virus promoted by all the MSM, governments, and Big Pharma is an accident? what about 911? Do you believe the official story? What about the phony WMD’s used as justification to invade, occupy and kill hundreds of thousands of people and displace millions more? What about the long running Global warming scam put up by the Club of Rome and promoting the carbon tax scam? What is the real purpose and who benefits? Do you not see the link between the fake climate scam as reported on this site and the U.N. official documented program of Agenda 2030-21? Are you still not able to see how the elite have manipulated the economy and accelerated the wealth transfers to the top through the banking cartel founded in 1913 again now as in 08 while using the fake virus as explained on this site ton eviscerate the remaining middle class and economy? Long ago FDR stated that ‘” in politics if something happens you can bet it was planned that way.” I guess he should know.
The elites that engineer these programs and many others more than anything else want everyone to follow the MSM narrative and just become obedient livestock. There are “nutcases” put up in the alternative media as operatives to discredit legitimate inquiry so as to backwash everyone opposed to their agenda. It is strange to me that you question the official narrative on the “virus” and yet evidently make no connections to these events I have mentioned and many others. The same elite, the same MSM, the same government politicians, agencies and operatives are running the other scams as well.
Zoe Phin
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Now you’ve abandoned all the stupid Zionist stuff?
Tell me what does a Jewish homeland have to do with the FED, the 4th national bank of the US?
Maybe Zionists also created the first paper money in 10th century China? or Massachussetts in the 1690s?
Yeah, you’re a nutter if you claim the dark arts only for the Jews. The dark arts are ancient and omnipresent.
Linda Marie
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Upon reading a article yesterday morning, it said ,” Covid is caused by Weaponized 5G towers.” According to my sources, President Trump received information stating that, 5g was spreading covid/causing covid! I need to dig deeper into this, for more truth! I read this on BIN