Fluoride And Its Effects On The Brain


The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has released a new video: “Fluoride & The Brain”. This video is an ideal tool to help educate dentists, doctors, scientists, decision-makers, the media, and friends on the scientific evidence that fluoride can damage the brain and has the potential to lower IQ in children.

This 30-minute presentation is available to watch for free below. Michael Connett explains the fluoride-brain connection in a language most people can understand.

This new video is available on DVD and flash drive. They have also made a comprehensive collection of campaign and educational videos available on a flash drive.

To make your order please use their secure donation page. Learn more at Fluoride Action Network.

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Comments (12)

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    Geraint HUghes


    Are there any other side effects of fluoridated water, such as chronic aches and pains, IBS, bone problems etc?


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    Of course, the useless FDA never investigated the possible repercussions of using a poison like fluoride in dental practice when it was started some 60 years ago. No, lets wait until 10’s of millions have been poisoned and then figure it out. Oh heck…maybe there’s a big pharma drug that can help. Or, maybe even a non-tested mRNA gene therapy for teeth.


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    Mark Tapley


    How asinine can it get. Our wonderful government for decades now has been putting a highly toxic neuro toxic brain damaging industrial waste (almost as deadly as arsenic and mercury) in the goyims drinking water to prevent tooth decay. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, right? It does for the elite criminals behind the scam. The same ones driving the fake virus “vaccine” injections. It is no wonder that as fluoride was put in the public water systems, the government offices brought in bottled water.

    You can also bet that none of the parasitic elites or their children are drinking fluoride, taking the graphene injections or attending public schools as they fly in their private CO2 generating jets, cruise in there diesel guzzling yachts and struggle to pay the light bill in their mega palaces.


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    I have been sampling groundwaters over wide areas of Alberta for the past 40 years. Fluoride occurs naturally in essentially all of these groundwaters, detected sometimes in double-digit concentrations. Of 32 wells I have sampled so far this spring, all contained detectable fluoride. People have been drinking “naturally-fluoridated” well water since this province was first settled, and I have never heard of any ill-effects (e.g. “brain damage”) from doing so, including among family, relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc.


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      Mark Tapley


      None in my wells deep wells in East Texas showed fluoride. If there were I would filter it out because it goes into the bones and raises cancer rates in any population that drinks it. There is no human requirement nor benefit from it. The point is that no government has the right to put anything in anyones water, anymore than they have the right to make medical decisions for the individual. If I want something added to my water, thats my business not the government’s. The same goes for fake virus vaccinations.


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        Geraint Hughes


        I actually agree with you on this.


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      Calcium Fluoride found naturally in ground water is not the same as sodium fluoride and hydrofluoric acid used to fluoridate municipal water.
      What little studies the fda did were on Calcium Fluoride. Not the actual poison aluminum production waste substances being added to water.
      Books of interest on covering this subject,
      The fluoride deception – Christopher Bryson
      Murder by injection- Eustace Mullins


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        Mark Tapley


        Cj, you bring out an important point. Practically all of the fluorides used in fluoridated water come from scrubbers used (mainly in China) to remove not naturally occurring fluoride but an industrial waste that has to be gotten rid of. Over 90% of this garbage is a type of silicon fluoride that increases lead uptake and also carries with it from the fertilizer facility, levels of arsenic exceeding the EPA’s MCLG (maximum contaminant level goal) for arsenic.

        Although this Hexafluorasilisic form of fluoride is the worst form, it is still a good idea to have well water checked because there have been cases as (though rare) where levels are hazardous.


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    I wrote to our local Member of Parliament (MP) to voice my concerns about Government plans to fluoridate the water supply of the entire Un-united Kingdom.
    I received a lengthy reply in which he stated almost everything opposite to that which the ‘unheard’ professionals are warning us about.
    At least we can rest assured that adding Sodium Fluoride to our ‘Naturally’ fluoridated water will be “Safe and Effective” at stopping tooth decay in children aged 0 to 4 years of age.

    The announcement to fluoridate came in response to the first of the Major London Freedom March.
    I think it was Savage Jabbit who made the announcement, but my initial thought on seeing his response and the look on his face, was nothing but pure bloody Evil.

    I find it so sickening to see that, whatever these bloody Cabal Criminals do, is acceptable to the General Public. To be blunt, they simply do not give a shite. They do not want to know what we think and they often turn hostile, as they Protect the narrative. We get Exiled for going against the Cabal narrative and they consider “Us”, to be the Enemy, literally.

    Cheers for the article.


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      I meant that ‘He’ looked pure bloody Evil, not me 🙂


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      Geraint Hughes


      4 year olds do not need their teeth protecting, they are all going to fall out. What daft official wrote that letter?


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        Mark Tapley


        The story about drinking toxic industrial fluoride waste to protect teeth is just another cover story similar to the lie that injecting foreign proteins, nano particles and other garbage into the blood stream provides immunity from non transmissible pathogens.


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