FLiRTing with Disaster-New COVID jabs for a predicted summer surge
Since when do we have predictions about a surge in a flu-like illness over summer?
And, of course, the surge will happen if enough people are so brainwashed they believe the CDC about anything! If the CDC said the sky was blue, I would need to go to a window just to double-check. Because everything they state is a profit-driven lie destined to kill and injure as many innocents as possible.
As Hoodie and John Larter would say on Club Grubbery – You just couldn’t make this stuff up!
Will your last COVID vaccine work against new ‘FLiRT’ variants?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been tracking the new variants, scientifically known as KP.2 and KP.1.1 since at least the start of 2024. They’ve been steadily growing in prominence ever since, and have garnered the nickname “FLiRT” because of their mutations.
Just what the world needs – promiscuous viruses!
Of course, there is no proof that any virus has ever caused symptoms or infection. Go ahead—prove me wrong. But the CDC has never, ever let the truth get in the way of a profitable drug deal.
The latest data shows KP.2 is the dominant strain in the U.S., comprising almost 25% of the tests that have been sequenced. KP.1.1 makes up about 8% as of the end of April. Both are sublineages of the JN.1 lineage of the Omicron variant, the main COVID variant for roughly three years.
Fact or fiction? Our World in Data stopped publishing numbers of COVID tests nearly 2 years ago – for various reasons you can read about on the linked page.
The CDC itself makes finding any accurate information about how many tests have been performed in the country in the last few months very difficult. The closest I could come was this page on their website, which appears to show that very few tests have been performed nationwide (they refer to sequences rather than test results.
But I think the two are interchangeable?), so even though they say this ‘new strain’ makes up 8% of the total, the total is not representative of the population of about 340,000,000 people (not counting illegal aliens which could number over 20,000,000!)
Aside from that, we know that the PCR is totally incapable of detecting an infection or a virus, and we learn that the entire thing is, as we say in the scientific community, bullshit!
Previously, health officials have said the COVID vaccines would provide protection from the virus for “several months.” In a February update on the newest vaccine booster made available in September, the CDC said that while it had (from September to January) been effective, they expected that protection would “decline over time” as had been seen with previous doses.
However, because the FLiRT variants are relatively new, there isn’t enough data to show whether the vaccine or immunity from a recent case of COVID will provide effective protection against them.
Even the corrupt CDC is saying that any purported ‘protection’ will only last for several months (is 2 several?), but they are urging everyone from 6 months of age and up to inject themselves with poison for such a short-term benefit – even according to their own predictions.
Speaking with TODAY, Dr. William Schaffner, professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, said lab studies so far have shown vaccines and immunity may only provide partial protection.
…As of Thursday, the CDC is reporting minimal COVID activity in wastewater nationwide, and virus-related hospitalizations and deaths, as well as the rate of patients visiting emergency departments testing positive for COVID, are down.
I love that this ‘expert’ used the general term “vaccines” rather than COVID vaccines because this is probably the truest thing he’s ever said in his life. All vaccines are incapable of providing immunity. Full stop.
And if you believe that their tests are capable of detecting viruses in wastewater, I have a bridge in Brooklyn going cheap! Dial 1-800-SCIENCELIES to find out more.
The article concludes this way – for those who have grown to adulthood but are far too ignorant to know how to take care of themselves or their families when they have a cold.
It’s too soon to say whether a new COVID vaccine will be created for the summer months. While the CDC recently eased guidance surrounding COVID, the agency still recommends everyone 6 months old and older get the updated COVID vaccine released in fall, if they haven’t already.
Health experts are also continuing to encourage testing if you experience symptoms or are exposed, staying home if you’re sick, practicing good hygiene, and wearing a mask and social distancing when in public.
The intent is blatantly obvious: If we can get people to take COVID poisons once a year, we can double our profits (did you know that the CDC made over $5 billion US a year well before COVID on the vaccine patents they own? Their profit today must be astronomically higher). And all of it is absolutely risk-free…at least for the CDC, the pHarmaceutical companies, the doctors, nurses and the government.
See more here Daily Sceptic
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In New Zealand and Chile, flu vaxx is in May, because winter is in July and August. Only in Tahiti, which is also in the southern hemisphere, flu vaxx is in November. Why? Because Tahiti belongs to France. ??? Another question? No, there is no vaxx against dumbness.
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I guess covid changed the regular flu season that has been in effect for hundreds of years by becoming relevant during the summer and warmer months. That’s exactly why it was fake as will be any other virus that comes along in the summer.