Fission detonations within the Sun Fits New Theory
A new study offering possible reason for the intense heat of surface solar fission exactly fits the pronouncements of Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, Dr. M. a. Padmanabha Rao, and Robert J. Tuttle. This states that naturally occurring U-235 fission is found within all major celestial bodies.
The GeoReactor was first described by Dr. J. Marvin Herndon in the early 1990s. His summary description was published in 2014. Dr. Herndon’s GeoReactor may be the cause of the Earth’s heating and cooling cycles, from the Ice Ages to warm Interglacials , including the current uptick in beneficial heat and CO2 coming from within Earth.
Dr. Rao addressed U-235 fission revealed by Bharat Radiation in solar flares and Rao explains that U-235 fission causes our perception of sunlight. Bharat Radiation ( approx. 12 to 31 nanometers) is the signature radiation band identified by Dr. Rao, located between soft x-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV).
These radiation bands are typical emissions from White Dwarfs, the residual cores of Red Giants. As described by Herndon, stars ignite as large Hydrogen Bombs. U-235 Fission is the trigger for Fusion. White Dwarf stars are far more numerous than main sequence stars ( T-Tauri stars), like our Sun. A binary system of White Dwarfs spiral down into one another to ignite a Type I-a Supernova. In other words, like very large atomic bombs.
Brown Dwarfs are the greatest number of faintly visible stars known. They are stellar masses which have consumed the fissile elements in their cores, following progression from White Dwarf to Red Dwarf. They remained isolated and did not form binaries.
In turn, Robert J. Tuttle describes how the coalescence of minor amounts of molten U-235 produce supercritical fission detonations within stars. These events yield solar flares. Tuttle published details this in his publication, “The Fourth Source. Effects of Natural Nuclear Reactors” in 2012.
From there we may inspect the “Curve of Binding Energies”. We may see that fission and Fusion work together to provide all the elements on the Periodic Table as well as the Energy to power the Universe. Note the stability point of the “Iron Peak”. Iron 56 has the highest Binding Energy (Strong Force) and is not Fusile nor Fissile. This mechanism drives the major composition of planetary cores towards Iron.
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