First-Ever Communication Between People in Dreams

Scientists have brought science fiction closer to reality by achieving the first two-way communication between individuals during lucid dreaming

Lucid dreaming is when a person is aware they are dreaming while still in the dream state.

This phenomenon happens during REM sleep and has numerous potential applications, from solving physiological problems to learning new skills.

In earlier research, REMspace demonstrated that facial electromyography sensors could decode specific sounds made in dreams.

This led to the development of Remmyo, a dream language detectable through sensitive sensors.

In an experiment that sounds like a scene from the movie Inception, REMspace—a California-based company that designs technology to enhance sleep and lucid dreaming—reportedly exchanged messages between two people during slumber.

The participants had an apparatus to remotely track their brain waves, which fed data to the server.

“Yesterday, communicating in dreams seemed like science fiction. Tomorrow, it will be so familiar we won’t be able to imagine our lives without this technology,” REMspace CEO and founder Michael Raduga said. “This opens the door to countless commercial applications, reshaping how we think about communication and interaction in the dream world,” added Raduga.

The company used ‘specially designed equipment’ that included a ‘server,’ an ‘apparatus,’ ‘Wi-Fi,’ and ‘sensors,’ but did not specify its exact technology. The tech was used to track participant’s brain waves and other biological data during the experiment.

The two researchers beamed a word created through a unique language between them using an apparatus that remotely tracked their brain waves, which fed data into the server. Once the server detected that one participant, the company’s CEO, had entered a lucid dream, it generated a random word and transmitted it to him via earbuds.

Eight minutes later, the second participant entered a lucid dream. The server transmitted the stored message from the first participant to her, which she repeated upon awakening.

Later, a REMspace could repeat this experiment with another pair of participants. However, the study must undergo rigorous review before the company can say it achieved dream communication.

Raduga is confident about their results and is widely known for his ambitious – and sometimes bizarre – experiments.

Raduga, 40, implanted an electrode into his brain to ‘control his dreams’.

The electrode implant is made of platinum and silicon. Raduga claimed that electrical triggers sent to this electrode can influence the course of lucid dreams. 

In 2023, he put his life on the line when he attempted to implant a microchip in his brain to control his dreams.

The 40-year-old, who has no neurosurgery qualifications, claims his ‘electrode’ one day has the potential to change the course of lucid dreams.

Gruesome footage of the procedure shows him holding his skin back with paper clips while bulldozing the back of his skull using a drill he found at a hardware store.

He inserted the chip into his brain after watching hours of neurosurgery and “practicing” on five sheep – he told no one of his plans.

The chip was eventually removed from the hospital after five weeks.

The study was described as hazardous, has not appeared in any peer-reviewed journals, and is not backed by any universities, but Raduga claimed he needed to do it for himself.

‘I am glad I survived, but I was ready to die,’ Raduga told the Tavistock-publication in an exclusive interview last year.

“We believe that REM sleep and related phenomena, like lucid dreams, will become the next big industry after AI,” Raduga said.

Scientists have yet to replicate the experiment, and the technology has to be reviewed. But if validated, it is being touted as a significant milestone for sleep research and could provide applications for mental health treatment, skills training, and more, REMspace said.

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Comments (2)

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    Raduga: “In 2023, he put his life on the line when he attempted to implant a microchip in his brain to control his dreams.”
    “Gruesome footage of the procedure shows him holding his skin back with paper clips while bulldozing the back of his skull using a drill he found at a hardware store.”
    You know you’re dealing with the sane when they do stuff like this.

    “Yesterday, communicating in dreams seemed like science fiction. Tomorrow, it will be so familiar we won’t be able to imagine our lives without this technology,” REMspace CEO and founder Michael Raduga said”
    Better than AI he says…

    “Scientists have yet to replicate the experiment, and the technology has to be reviewed”
    “Later, a REMspace could repeat this experiment with another pair of participants. However, the study must undergo rigorous review before the company can say it achieved dream communication”
    That’s put the mockers on it.

    “Get your ass to Mars!”

    What about astral travel? You can do a real peter pan in that scenario. Only problem, despite the golden cord, you’re spiritless body is at the mercy of any would be spiritual squatter, so I’m told.

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    Sunface Jack


    Some people will make extraordinary claims. This bloke Michael Raduga appears to be one of them. He was hallucinating and most probably high on psychedelics.
    When did he start on psychedelics?

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