Finally, Pfizer’s Former Top Scientist Agrees with PSI: “no ‘covid’ virus”

Pfizer’s former chief scientist has joined ranks with a growing body of esteemed experts in affirming that he finds no evidence for the existence of a COVID19 virus. Dr Michael Yeadon’s assessment accords with the findings detailed in our new book, ‘Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon.

Mike Yeadon, the molecular biologist and toxicologist, longtime leader of Pfizer’s respiratory research division, has become persona non grata to the lying mainstream media for daring to admit what Principia Scientific International researchers were first saying in the early stages of the pandemic – no lab and no government has ever provided a gold standard isolate of the ‘SARS-CoV-2’ or ‘covid virus.’

Over the past three years we have called out every faux facet of the pandemic medical fraud – we asserted from the outset that if there was no emprical proof of a virus then there can be no vaccine to cure a non-existent pathogen. Moreover, we showed how the PCR ‘tests’ were bogus because PCR is a mere replication tool, with no diagnostic value whatsoever!

As Dr Yeadon now states:

“I’VE GROWN INCREASINGLY FRUSTRATED about the way debate is controlled around the topic of origins of the alleged novel virus, SARS-CoV-2, and I have come to disbelieve it’s ever been in circulation, causing massive scale illness and death. Concerningly, almost no one will entertain this possibility, despite the fact that molecular biology is the easiest discipline in which to cheat.

That’s because you really cannot do it without computers, and sequencing requires complex algorithms and, importantly, assumptions. Tweaking algorithms and assumptions, you can hugely alter the conclusions.”

Like my esteemed colleague Dr Saeed Qureshi and many others at PSI, Dr Yeadon could see there was a smoke screen created around bioweapons and Wuhan and a possible lab escape.

As goes with climate fraud, as goes with COVID fraud: a panoply of self-serving government ‘experts’ shilling with a groteque smoke and mirrors deception all trumpeted from the monolothic UN – be it either the IPCC (climate) or WHO (medical).

Like us who have been fighting the global warming fake narrative for over 13 years Yeadon now sees the ‘perpetrators’  of the pseudo science scares have significant control over the media.

In 2020 Dr Qureshi and I wrote:

“Freedom of Information Law (FOIA) and written admissions by authorities about the COVID19 virus by several English-speaking governments reveals that NONE have successfully isolated and proven the existence of the novel coronavirus.”

Principia Scientific International was the first science association to reveal that Britain, Ireland, the United States and New Zealand had admitted their lack of evidence for COVID19. Our science and medical experts had thereby determined that, absent any official and verifiable laboratory proof of a novel virus, there can be no realistic prospect of a vaccine to defend against it.

Of course, our findings were a major revelation in the war on disinformation. But we were systematically shadow banned, ignored and deplatformed by those who had most to gain from perpetuating the mass hypnosis over the fake deadly pathogen.

“There’s no independent journalism at present. It is not as though they need to embarrass the establishment. I put it to readers that they’ve chosen to do so,” laments Dr Yeadon.

As far back as 2020, we were detailing how the traditional scientific method should be applied to dispel the claims of the covidian cultists in our article,’ The Science That Exposes The COVID19 Virus As A Hoax’.

Principia Scientific researchers have endured repeated censorship, ghost bans and ridicule because this was always a war for the hearts and minds of the 80 percent of the population who either lack critical reasoning skills or are ignorant of how the scientific method actually works.

Our major contribution to the scientific community is that we have linked climate and covid as two mass deceptions whereby junk computer modeling has taken the place of old fashioned  lab testing, experimentation, replication of results, transparency of methodology, etc. All the virtues of the scientific method set out so well by Karl Popper, but which our corrupt governments replaced with dumbed down post normal science.

Teaming up with Australia’s most qualified expert on vaccine injury, Dr Judy Wilyman, Dr Qureshi and I set about drafting an important new book that exposes details of the medical tyranny. Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon’ is increasingly being validated as one of the most prescient publications on the biggest medical fraud in history.

Dr Yeadon may have come to the right conclusion years after some of us, but he is a powerful ally to truth because, like Dr Saeed Qureshi, he has had a long and distinguished career working within the medical industrial complex and possesses an insider’s grasp of the machinations of science in the service of profit, not people.

We urge all concerned citizens to please read for free all of Dr Qureshi’s and Dr Wilyman’s articles on  Principia Scientific using the ‘search’ function at the top right of the web site. For the full story buy our book here.

Read Dr Yeadon’s full article at

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 


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Comments (12)

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    Saeed Qureshi


    Thanks, John, for a great write-up.
    Tide has turned. As a suggestion to everyone, if you like to know the reality about viruses (isolation, characterization, testing), please consider seeking help from chemists and related scientists, in particular having expertise in testing. They will show you that virus testing (PCR and antigen) are fraud. Everything is based on this fraud and hence becomes a fraud. It is that simple!


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      That’s about the size of it. No true testing = no cases = no pandemic.


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    Robert Beatty


    Australia is now left with the results in the form of a huge financial, deficit due to the extreme overreaction to ‘Covid’. That is not said using 20:20 hind sight. My letter to PM Scott Morrison on April 15th 2020 showed strong feelings and indicated that cabinet were over stepping the mark.
    I wrote: “Australia has about 25 million people who live to an average 82 years of age. 25000000/82/365=835 people die on average every day. How many of those are diagnosed as Cov19 and why is this being hyped up to be more than “the greatest moral challenge of our generation”? YOU GUYS IN CABINET ARE ABSOLUTELY NUTS. We needed nothing more than some border restriction and possibly temporary field hospitals. The handling of the cruise ship issue has been absolutely atrocious and unsympathetic. The worst aspect is our economy is now unfixable any time soon, and certainly not by our current choice of political alternatives.”
    We will live with the negative effects of Covid-19, including financial and medical, for many years to come.


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    Kevin Doyle


    So, are you folks alleging that a ‘Chinese Lab’ virus did not exist? Was this our imagination? Or was it confusing a simple ‘Influenza’ virus for something worse?
    If you are going to make this suggestion, then you should have a good explanation for the respiratory illness which killed many older folks??

    Otherwise, you will be considered insane by most reasonable people.
    Show us the evidence, or go back to your Mom’s basement…


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      Saeed Qureshi


      Kevin Doyle

      The article is not alleging. It is confirming with scientific facts previously reported that the virus does not exist.

      “If you are going to make this suggestion, then you should have a good explanation for the respiratory illness which killed many older folks?”

      One cannot provide a good explanation of something imaginary (the virus or the illness).

      Come out of “your Mom’s basement …” and look at the facts and observe the world around you. Hopefully that will help.


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      It was a puzzle for me too until it was pointed out that the flu had simply disappeared in almost exactly the same statistical numbers as Covid had appeared.

      It was and is a fraud in plain sight and the medical profession went along with it; not all but the criminals occupying the medical profession’s positions of power – all the way up to HM Gov’s cabinet – in coordination with the government’s secret truth chilling media psych unit.

      What most ordinary people could not and cannot to this day get their heads around is the sheer criminality. Its difficult to believe that the government(s) you elect have people running the country who arrogantly set themselves apart from the rule of law and decide to harm their own citizens and the people who support and voted for them.

      It simply does not compute.

      The legacy media – the propaganda media promoting the government narrative at all costs – are at the core of the Covid fraud and democide under way.

      They simply ignore the truth and divert peoples attention whenever they gain any traction in social media. Its a strategy which maintains the required level of ignorance such that ordinary people don’t make trouble or start asking awkward questions like what about the obvious link between the untested mRNA injections (known to be unsafe, ineffective and for the unfortunates lethal and injurious ) .

      So much evidence of criminal negligence at best and so little police action.

      ‘Covid’ hijacked the flu infections. Sometimes people forget just how infectious dangerous a real respitory illness like Flu is.

      Thats why these ‘Covid’ criminals chose it to achieve their non-medical objectives using peoples misplaced trust in the medical profession.

      You get the picture?


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      In my preceding comment it should read

      “….like what about the obvious link between the untested mRNA injections (known to be unsafe, ineffective and for the unfortunates lethal and injurious ) AND EXCESS DEATHS …”


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      Gerald Brennan


      Kevin, you want to be shown evidence that something does not exist.
      The onus to prove is on the party that asserts that something DOES exist. If you would so much as scratch the surface of this issue you would discover that there is no evidence of the existence of SARS-CoV-2 or any virus.


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    The day the WHO says this and ceases to exist that will be when I will believe that anyone really give a damn.


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    There is no way to control any virus, assuming they even exist. There is no real proof how viruses move around the planet. If they come about naturally, how does that work? If they are made in a lab, how do you control them once they get outside? Either viruses are not harmful or they will wipe out mankind. There is no in-between, almost or maybe.


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    The lab leak and GoF research are distractions. I think they were making the bioweapon vaccine at Wuhan. The globalist’s most important thing is maintaining the control of the narrative, which is by presenting two false ideas (lab leak and GoF), and people think one or the other must be true, but neither are true. It’s used to distract our attention from what’s really going on.

    There was NO virus released accidently from a lab in Wuhan. It was the flu, renamed SAR-CoV2, and a fake pcr test. Bill Gates said, “people aren’t afraid of the flu”. Where did the flu go in 2020? In the US deaths from the flu are 60-80,000 each flu season (with millions being infected). But, suddenly, 0 deaths in 2020? And few flu infections? Continuing to say it is a deadly virus allows the globalists/WHO/et al to continue their narrative of emergency mandates and measures, testing, masking, pushing the deadly c-19 injections and vax passports which will control of our movements


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      Interesting how canada has been ignored in this.


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