Finally, CDC Admits Just 9,210 Americans Died FROM Covid19
We had suspected governments were manipulating the death toll numbers from the coronavirus pandemic. But the full extent of the fraud has only now become apparent as the CDC’s own data reveals just six percent of officially reported deaths with COVID19 were FROM COVID19.
As has been the case in other countries, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has been rigging the numbers to stir alarm and deter dissent from draconian ‘lockdown’ measures imposed by local and state authorities.
The trick was attributing on death certificates anyone dying WITH symptoms of COVID (respiratory infection, coughing, etc) as dying FROM the virus.
Data from multiple sources from around the world has shown that typically patients notified as a death with the virus already had two or more severe co-morbidities (such as cancers, pneumonia, heart disease, etc). So that the likely cause of death could be from those existing illnesses, not the virus, itself. It was and is pure guesswork to assign any death to the virus.
But the consensus narrative has been to downplay these confounding factors and place the emphasis on a coronavirus which has not yet been clinically isolated and proven as a new pathogen in science.
But this week the CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid. 9,210 deaths (screenshot above). The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes.
(H/T Raylene Lightheart)
“This week the CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid. 9,210 deaths. The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes. “
“The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust.”I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I’m sick of it.”
But as we have reported earlier, there is a lack of compelling scientific evidence to establish the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID19). There is no ‘gold standard’ for the disease and scientists dispute one will ever be found. The RT-qPCR tests used are controversial insofar as they are known to register existing human DNA as a marker for the virus, which is why so many false positives are being found.
The very idea that a vaccine can be developed for a virus not yet isolated/proven is becoming the subject of much debate. See: ‘COVID-19: Vaccine ‘Not Possible’ For A Virus Not Yet Quantifiable.’
A key problems with the RT-PCR tests widely being used is that they cannot identify and discriminate between the different corona virus types. In effect, someone simply with a common cold could cause a positive test result.
What is not being reported in the mainstream media is that the PCR test is not looking for the entire sequence of the COVID-19 virus (which has never been determined). Instead, the test can only identify a nucleate common to all coronaviruses
Against what standard can it be calibrated to determine repeatability? The answer is none. It is also in fact not a diagnostic tool. Its the only low cost tool they have so its being used for a purpose that it is not designed for. i.e. not fit for purpose and are “scientifically meaningless.”
Professor Kary Mullis, the inventor of this test and who won the Nobel prize in chemistry in 1993 for it regarded the PCR as inappropriate to detect a viral infection.
In short, the pandemic response by policymakers and government science ‘experts’ is premised on guesswork and has veered towards the very alarmist end of the spectrum.
Once we put the 2019/20 pandemic ‘crisis’ in a year on year perspective it becomes starkly evident that this ‘novel coronavirus’ was of no greater impact than a severe influenza season, and certainly not sufficient justification for the devastating shutdown of the global economy with concomitant and more deadly impacts.
About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
Richard Wakefield
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Again with the pseudoscience!!
What this is saying is 6% of those who died had no other illness from which the virus could exploit and cause death. If someone has an illness, like asthma, and would have lived another ten years but died because they got the virus, what did they die FROM?
Geeze, why is this so hard to understand???
This website is becoming more and more nonsense. I’m going to have to unsubscribe. Never again will I use this site for anything, including climate related stuff.
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Don’t let the door hit ya
Good riddance ricky
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Along the same “principle:” if someone had a cancer and would have lived another 10 years, yet, due to the plandemic lock-down couldn’t get their due treatments, they would also count as C19 death, nicht wahr?
Bye now, JaKo
KC and the sunshine band
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Please don’t go.
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The problem with counting all deaths as covid19 when you have 2 or more illnesses you can not say it was the virus that did it. You could have a common cold that contributed to the death so did the cold kill them or the prior diseases? Yet they are calling every death where there are even slight could be the virus as the virus thus they died of the virus even if it was a fatal auto accident where the person was DOA on arrival. They could of had, might of had, so they died of the virus. The test they are using, even the doctor who created said, they are guessing because the test does not work for viruses, yet they are still using it and claiming their results are facts. People have made them change the cause of death on the death certificate because their family member was never tested, did have it and died of unrelated causes. Over 600,000 people were told they tested positive and not one had been tested. You getting the picture yet? The government and the CDC are playing games with this virus. An estimated life expectancy is not a factual time but a you might have up to so long. It is not and never has been an actual time limit. I know of one person who was told they had maybe a year with luck to live and twenty years later were still alive.
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The rule of thumb has always been the primary disease. For example if you have cancer, get the flu and die, then that would be classified as cancer. Not sure why it’s any different here. Plus I know for a fact people with zero symptoms that tested negative on arrival at the hospital had their deaths attributed to COVID. A stroke, a car accident, you name it.
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Common cold = coronavirus
olav ankjær
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I understand your frustration, Richard.
But we are talking here about numbers for SARS-cov-2 in comparison with other Coronavirus.
1) The coronavirus does not have a higher mortality rate than other Coronaviruses. Preliminary figures indicate lower mortality.
2) SARS-Cov-2 appears to be less contagious than other Coronaviruses. All preliminary statistics rather to that.
3) A large part of the population does not develop the disease Covid 19 by infection with SARS-Cov-2 (Immunity).
4) Like the “climate hysteria”, group thinking has once again led to ordinary people being deceived and cheated.
5) Most people still trust the authorities and believe these base their decisions on sound science and good advisers. As this is no longer the case, this reveals a huge potential problem for all of us now and into the future.
The groups that are locked into this “group thinking” are very many and strong, not least financially. In addition, an enormous amount of money is allocated to these groups from our tax money. Authorities across the globe are also exposed to, and influenced by, this group thinking.
The next thing we can then compare, how many of the dead do not have other diseases so that we can thus say with “great certainty”, died of SARS-cov-2.
If we then do the same analysis of other Coronaviruses, SARS-cov-2 was or is worse than other influenza viruses, NO NO NO.
James Bancroft
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When someone who is HIV positive dies from a motorcycle accident, what did he die of?
Did he die from HIV or did he die because of injuries from a motorcycle accident?
COVID-19 proved to not be the deadly disease/virus/bug they government lied to us it was.
Big man
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Mate you just contradicted yourself. If Covid is the motorcycle crash then yes the person dies from the crash.
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COVID-19 is not the motorcycle but rather HIV.
John McGee
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When engaging in reading to comprehend a scenario, it’s important to pay attention closely. HIV is the motorcycle, not CVD19. CVD19 was not a part of the scenario.
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Thank you Richard for being able to see through this article, and defending truth. You renew my faith that not everyone has been brainwashed.
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Richard is WRONG, and so are you if you believe him! Why would the CDC lie about being WRONG to begin with? That would make absolutely NO SENSE!
Richard Wakefield
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U.S. CDC reports coronavirus deaths increase by 1,006 to 182,149
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Hight COVID death rates help sell the “must have vaccine” agenda, which results in $billions for those who make them. Follow the money and it almost always clears up the picture!
Beware, vaccines are dangerous!
The Dark Lord
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thats date of report not date of death … they are harvesting deaths from weeks/months ag and counting them on one day …
Uneekly Me
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Again with the analytical BS.
And what you’re saying is there a million ways to interpret something without scientific facts. Too bad you missed the FACT where it says, “Professor Kary Mullis, the inventor of this test and who won the Nobel prize in chemistry in 1993 for it regarded the PCR as inappropriate to detect a viral infection.” And to m there part where the CDC says THERE’S A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DYING WITH THE VIRUS AND FROM THE VIRUS.
No, someone with asthma, who may have lived another 10 years but was diiagnosed with the virus and died with the virus does NOT mean he/she died FROM THE VIRUS. What it could mean is the test might have detected a false positive, the person had a severe asthmatic attack and died, no autopsy was performed so they will EXPLOIT THE DEATH and call it a “COVID DEATH.” WITHOUT FACTS THERE’S ONLY GUESSWORK AND DELIBERATE LIES!!!
Cody Hansen
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Had we followed the same exact model with Swine Flue. Those numbers probably would have been just as high as well. However there is a difference between death from Swine Flue and death with Swine Flue. Just like here there is a difference between death from covid and death with covid
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like we give a shit what you are saying?
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So you see something you don’t want to hear and so you run away?
Has no one questioned the fact 60K people in the United States die every year
from the flu yet no one in the last 6 months has died of the flu? All at once the flu
deaths in America is close to 0 all while china virus the the cause of death for everything
including falling down stairs.
Mark MD
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In fact this study means that in 6% of COVID-related deaths, the patient was otherwise completely healthy (“for 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the ONLY cause mentioned”). The other 94% had some comorbidity, which could be as simple as high blood pressure, acne, recent pregnancy, among other not otherwise life threatening causes. This means 1/16 covid deaths are in completely healthy people. These numbers are more worrisome than they are reassuring.
Tom O
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Actually Mark, no it doesn’t say that these deaths were otherwise completely healthy. It says that they were not found to have any noticed co-morbidity. I won’t even try to figure out why 9200 people dying in a span of 8 months from COVID is more worrisome to you than 153,000 with COVID, unless you had a vested interest in vaccines.
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These are such low numbers for goodness sakes. We’ve been lied to by the officials, the CDC.
But all you care about is your own ego!!!
Get over yourself!
And stay asleep.
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“… died because they got the virus,what did they die FROM?
I think no one disputes that buddy.
I think people have problem with the other 94% that died and happened to symptoms for this vaguely defined “virus” that may or may not exist.
Richard Wakefield
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Yet the virus’s RNA has been mapped and in GenBank.
The Dark Lord
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Accordingly, there is no agreement yet on the exact taxonomic position of SARS-CoV-2 within the subgenus Sarbecovirus. When we included SARS-CoV-2 in the dataset used for the most recent update (May 2019) of the coronavirus taxonomy currently being considered by ICTV19, which includes 2,505 coronaviruses, the species composition was not affected and the virus was assigned to the species Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, as detailed in Box 4.
not mapped …
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I hope you will take the time to analyze this from another perspective. Nobody is denying what you say is true, but does it still justify the current societal response?
Lowering the immune systems of healthy individuals, putting many people out of work, masking healthy people?
Whether what you say is true or not, the lying from these agencies and NGO’s must stop. We must demand it.
How does it make sense that they tally anyone testing positive, yet they only count the recoveries from hospitals? That is giving the citizens an inaccurate picture of the true climate.
Back in February, I remember reading an article where a highly successful epidemiologist said something along the lines of: This is crazy to put this data out there. You cannot possibly track everything needed to keep perspective, nor put it in a format to make sense to everyone. This is why we do not track the annual flu season this way.
If it is important for people to know the number of cases, it is equally important to know the percentage of false positives as well as tracking all positives to either recovery or death. Anything short of that is misleading and ripe for manipulation.
This article only points out that the hysteria does not match the true nature of the current situation.
It is my observation that most people look at this data with emotion. Using scientific method requires us to go where ALL the data leads. He makes it clear that we need to stand up for scientific method and CDC and others are not giving people enough information to do so.
They are only giving enough information to make an emotional response. (which is typically the wrong response)
Richard Wakefield
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Explain the second waves worse than the first in Japan, Australia, Spain, who returned lockdown and have their daily cases subsequently drop. The facts panning out in countries proves you’re wrong.
The Dark Lord
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there is no second wave of deaths which proves you wrong …
Truth Seeker
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Spains current case numbers are worse than the so called “first wave” but their deaths are massively negligible in comparison with first wave. For any country that had a “first wave” of any severity, even if their case numbers are high now (like Spain and Japan – look at France, India and Bazil too), the pattern is clear. The death rates are plummeting. We can speculate why but the stats don’t lie.
Australia & NZ didn’t really even have a first wave to speak of – most of the cases were from a cruise ship.
I am here in Aus. 70% of deaths are in aged care homes. These folk are not in community. You would think we could protect them wouldn’t you. The average age of so-called COVID death (which just means you have COVID symptoms remember) is well over 80. The current strategy of dealing with this virus is nonsensical now we know much more about it, and have effective treatments….and humans are becoming more resistant OR the virus is mutating away its virulence.
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You are not reading this correctly. It says that only 6% of those who died with Covid19, died of COVID19 because they did not have any other identified disease. But when somebody has several diseases it is impossible to say which is the main cause. You are also making an unjustified assumption about the life expectancy.
This debate about deaths has done nothing but generate fear and panic about a not very serious virus. We should only look at deaths as a total and we can only compare total deaths when sufficient statistics have been obtained. If there are excess deaths this year, then there could be fewer next year. Will we be celebrating that? It really does not matter; we all must die at some point. The only issue that matters to those still alive is to know if there is something that enables us to improve our health. In this case and many others, it is don’t get a virus, which is equivalent to stop going out of the house and don’t let anybody in and I cannot see many wanting to do that.
Richard Wakefield
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“You are also making an unjustified assumption about the life expectancy.”
65 year old with asthma, could easily live to at least 85, gets the virus and dies. The virus wasnt the cause of death?
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I thought you were gone after the first post, what are you still doing here?
Tom O
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Trolling as usual.
The Dark Lord
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and if they make sure they are actually infected with and displaying symptoms of corona then covid19 as cause of death would be justified …. BUT THEY ARE NOT DOING THAT … they are taking a PCR test and assuming you have a serious case of the disease covid19 … which is obviously false for 90% of positives (asymptomatic or mild symptoms)
Thoth al Khem
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Coronahoax is the biggest load of poop and HOAX ever perpetrated on MANKIND and you would think YOU might remember the media LYING ABOUT 9-11 but Noooooooo….YOU believe this ZIONIST media…..SAD…..THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.
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Even with the largest death toll, 170,000 it’s still a 99.99% survival rate! Jeez what is so hard to understand about that.
John McGee
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Richard, you’re a moron.
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Sooooo . . . you’re saying that what that corrupt stench hole called the CDC said is in ANY WAY TRUE? Let’s go real slooooow for little RW. The CDC is a vested interest. Their alleged role as an advocate died long ago, most likely prior to the birth of twinkies like you. The 6%? Those are the victims of what the CDC/WHO/NIH (i.e. Fauci and Gates and Dershowitz) CLAIM was caused by SARS-Cov-2….an mRNA particle that NO TEST PROTOCOL IS ABLE TO ISOLATE. Are we going too fast for little RW?? Ohhhhhh….”nonsense” eh? Well try this, why is it that the very slime twinkies like you protect threatened MDs with jail terms if they prescribed hydroxychloroquie for their patients who had SYMPTOMS of COVID-19??? What next twinkie, are you going to say that you know more than Dr. Harvey Risch?? In other words twinkie, GET LOST!
Thoth al Khem
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People like YOU are BRAINWASHED by the Media and this Plandemic ONLY EXISTS in the Media. BYE…Unsubscribe and NEVER COME BACK.
John O'Sullivan
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Adios, Mr Wakefield.
Tom O
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It is my assumption – always a bad thing to do – that this post of yours implies you have decided to block him. I am not sure that is good. Actually, he serves a purpose in that he shows all sorts of things that show you how information can be misdirected, For the most part, I rather enjoy calling him a COVID troll, trying to show propaganda for proof. But it IS your site and right. I do agree that he can hijack an article pretty easily some times. That also tells you the ones that “they” fear the most. Perhaps you should put a “subtitle” on each article he posts on instead, something like “RW is commenting on this so it must be something worth reading!”
John O'Sullivan
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Tom, My adios to RW came after he said he wouldn’t be commenting/reading this site again. Seems like RW is not a man of his word. Even so, he is welcome to keep on posting comments.
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Freedom of speech has become a rare treasure.
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Unless your ANTIFA or BLM. Just sayin’….
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to TOM O….learn how to read.
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Wakefield like I told you they were lying.
Albert Ellul
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For sure, a young man who had died in a motor bike accident in Florida was registered as a Covid-19 victim for having been found to be asymptomatically covid-19 positive. Many others suffering from multiple co-morbidities would have died anyway from any winter influenza that visit us annually, when we don’t put our economies in deep freeze.
The issue here is about the economy and Hydroxychloroquine, which could have saved thousands of lives if patients had the ‘RIGHT TO CHOOSE to live by asking their doctors for treatment with the HCQ+Zn+Azithromycin regimen, same as women have the right to choose to kill their own babies. Bur death is more important than life in these time when evil is called good and good evil.
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Exactly right Albert
Charles Higley
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During a HEAT WAVE, the death rate goes up, but it DOES NOT RETURN TO NORMAL afterward and takes a dip below the normal death rate. This means that the heat wave took people who would have died in the next months anyhow—they just went earlier.
In a COLD WAVE, the death rate rises, but itRETURNS TO NORMAL afterward and does not take a dip. This means that the cold wave actually killed people who were not already compromised. Cold clearly kills more than heat, up to >10X than heat waves.
Interestingly, with the supposed C-19 virus, they are seeing death rates dipping below average. This means that, like heat waves, this virus mostly took people who already had conditions that we soon to be lethal.
Nursing homes have a high death rate during the flu season every year, which is not news but also not mentioned much. However, this year, deaths in nursing homes were elevated as, not only did some states and countries introduce infected people to nursing homes, nursing home workers were also scared (by the media hype) to properly take care of their charges and many died from the virus AND DIFFERENT LEVELS OF NEGLECT.
The above comment that asthma and C-19 could be fatal is misleading. There are different levels of asthma severity, different related stimuli, and different levels of control and treatment. For those with critically severe asthma or neglected treatment, C-19 could be fatal. However, it is a serious mistake to assume that just having (treatable) asthma means you will die if you get the virus. That’s simply being reactionary and fearful and not realistic.
I have stress-induced asthma, produced once by my mother, bless her d****d soul. Does that means I will die if I get the virus? NO.
Tom O
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Interesting. I would like to point out that actually, viruses don’t “exploit” conditions. They just do what viruses do – invade and multiply. It is amazing, to me, how many different pathways this virus seems to be capable of attacking the human cells, especially considering it is “novel,” not seen before, it would seem to me by calling it that. From what could it have evolved, if this was an offshoot of a “bat” virus? It is almost as if it was “designed” by “the universe” to attack humans that have multiple serious health issues and to leave those who are healthy untouched.
Thanks, John, for Bringing this information to our attention. Like our resident troll who is threatening to leave, we all will view information as we are inclined to see it. I did notice he didn’t, this time, claim that the virus had been isolated.
It would be nice to have more links to useful datasets in a way, though I don’t know if most of us have time to download and explore them, much less have the knowledge needed to interpret them. Keep up the good work.
We need more people willing to show “truth to power,” as the gentleman running for the Senate in Massachusetts, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, would say. If you are in a position to cast a ballot in the Republican primary in Mass., I would suggest you give the good doctor a serious look. I do like what I see in his stance, especially in how to deal with COVID-19, since his approach is a strong immune system is all you need to protect you, and a vaccine isn’t necessary.
Richard Wakefield
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“It is almost as if it was “designed” by “the universe” to attack humans that have multiple serious health issues and to leave those who are healthy untouched.”
Coronaviruses have co-evolved with mammals for 50 million years.
False claim: All patients who die of COVID-19 have serious health problems
Thoth al Khem
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NEVER use Reuters as ANY KIND of source.
The ROTHSCHILDS BOUGHT REUTERS in the 1880’s and then bought AP in the 1980’s. This Bullsh^t virus ONLY EXISTS IN THE MEDIA……The ZIONIST Media.
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Richard Wakefield You quote Reuters with that ridiculous paid for and bought reuters item. Maybe you should revisit critical thinking. Pity you share the same name as a real thinker.
Frank Keckeissen
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Time for the CDC to shutdown
We need a lawsuit for 3 trillion dollars against them for fraud
Laurence Franks
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Doesn’t seem like we had a good return on our investments with the CDC. Then again when do we get any good returns on any forced investments(Taxes). It’s mind blowing that we started taxation in the united states to avoid being from the bastards we left!
BTW. anyone know of people who give away 3.75 million dollar properties to California Mayors. Shame that was reported for 1/4 of a day and goes into the dark like the Vegas Shooting!
Dr Roger Higgs
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John, this is another first-class article, thank you.
You rightly say: “In short, the pandemic response by policymakers and government science ‘experts’ is premised on guesswork and has veered towards the very alarmist end of the spectrum”.
That’s beautifully put. The exact same applies to perfectly natural global warming, wrongly claimed by the inept IPCC (a political entity, see below) to be man-made …
Here’s the strange thing, an amazing coincidence … or not. The virus hoax and the man-made-warming hoax emanate, respectively, from the WHO and the IPCC, which are BOTH agencies of the shady United Nations. Now, ask yourself two questions. (1) What is the goal of the United Nations? Answer: world governance (the clue is in the name), with all nations abolished (except one, in fact). (2) Who controls the United Nations? I think we all know the answer to that.
Please keep up the noble fight for truth.
Best regards,
PS I’ll miss Wakefield’s entertaining comments.
Robert Beatty
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Well reported John,
Here in Queensland our doctors can be prosecuted for proscribing HCQ. Now every evening we have a Pro Biotic Zinc tablet chased down with a glass of Fever Tree tonic water.
Take care.
John O'Sullivan
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Thanks, guys. Together we are spreading the word that science fraud is rampant in our governments. They lie to us endlessly about the virus, just like they have done about man-made global warming.
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Good to see another debunking of the panic narrative surrounding covid-19. This is a mild virus for most, with only the already very sick and very elderly needing to be in even the slightest fear from it. Nothing about the minor level of danger covid-19 presets can justify the dictatorial actions taking place right across the world by all manenr of deluded governments who are too cowardly to copy the, proven, effective, Swedish pragmatic way of dealing with it. But it’s a shame your article tries to suggest covid-19 isn’t real, that will make it very easy for the bed-wetting pro-lockdown believers of the “the world is ending because of this cough” narrative to discredit you. Given that some excess deaths were seen in places which did not lock down I don’t think we can deny that there is a covid virus going around, but we can see that as places which locked down tended to have worse excess deaths (Belgium, Peru, Italy, Spain, UK…) than places which didn’t (Sweden, Brazil, Belarus…), and places where the virus never really gained a foothold are still living in terror under fanatically draconian leaders (New ZealotLand, Australia, Phillipines…) and nonetheless seeing excess deaths rocket up due to lockdown (and the virus get in anyway eventually).
Ashlie Staffen
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this whole tab. is a twist on reality…. it is sad people actully belive this, and that it is publicized. If we as a nation had adequate testing the results would be more accurate, Period!
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Yet another dodgy headline from you John that misrepresents the facts. You simply cannot take a stat about deaths with no comorbidities and extrapolate “CDC Admits Just 9,210 Americans Died FROM Covid19”. You are as bad as the mainstream media at twisting the data. Please stop it.
Finn McCool
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Josh. Get real.
Scottish government figures from care home deaths.
Week 12: 251 ‘normal’ 5 ‘Covid’
Week 13 393 ‘normal’ 49 ‘Covid’
Week 14 410 ‘normal’ 189 ‘Covid’
So explain to me how so many old people died without Covid and 243 were classed as Covid without being examined by a doctor and without being admitted to hospital. DNR notices were being handed out without family knowledge or consent.
No autopsies were carried out and the poor buggers were cremated as soon as they were huckled out the door. No families were allowed to be there.
If that isn’t twisting the figures, then I don’t know what is.
It’s a fecking disgrace and nothing less than government sanctioned euthanasia.
Old people were left to die alone in fear without care and written off as COVID19 victims.
Over 50% of COVID19 ‘deaths’ were in care homes. Who knows what was happening in empty hospitals whilst the staff were all dancing round handbags making tik tok videos.
A blind man on a galloping horse could see the figures are manipulated to cover government incompetence.
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Very interesting info and ties in with info from Italy.
I can see the total deaths in age groups above, where is this data? –
The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes.
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I presume here-
deaths from Covid
deaths from all causes
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High death rates help sell “must have vaccine”, which results in $billions for those who make them. Follow the money and it almost always clears the picture!
Beware – vaccines are dangerous! Avoid at all costs.
Joel Walberr
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Still means nothing as the tests are flawed and sar-cov2 has yet to be proven to exist as a new, unique and sole cause of AIDS 2.0
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It’s basic. So if someone has other illnesses and health conditions, and would get the flu in past years and died, did they did FROM the flu or a combination of all their issues. Yes, people with other health conditions and illnesses are more likely to die from the flu, including COVID. This is no difference than any other flu season. There is more behind this than we are being told. The push for mandatory vaccines for this is concerning.
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Covid science is so fraudulent it’s comical. The WHO-recommended test that identifies the alleged pathogenic virus SARS COV-2 tests for the primary sequence of chromosome 8. This means literally ANY HUMAN can potentially test positive. If the test is fraudulent the entire “pandemic” is fraudulent. The people perpetrating this fraud should be tried for war crimes at the Hague.
Andy Rowlands
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The so-called ‘fact checkers’ are now claiming this is false, that the CDC did not say it. They obviously didn’t read the CDC webpage.
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Please help me make some sense of this.
It is interesting that though UV kills viruses, the possibility that the larger hole in the ozone layer lasting more than one week would affect the spread of Covid-19 virus, has not been discussed or considered.
The ozone layer protects Earth from UV rays. A hole in the layer removes the protection over the area that corresponds to the conic shape extending from the hole, thereby increasing the amount and intensity of UV rays over even a broader dispersed range than the opening itself.
The emitted rays should disperse through the hole like a flashlight beam, from higher to lower spaces of concentration.
If Ultra Violet Light kills viruses such as Covid 19, and the virus allegedly originated in the northern hemisphere in Wuhan, China, then it seems that the increase UV rays would have neutralized most viruses to some degree, over a large corresponding portion of the dispersion area of northern hemisphere of Earth, where the “hole” in the ozone layer opened wider.
See the links below.
“Ozone is good at trapping a type of radiation called ultraviolet radiation, or UV light, which can penetrate organisms’ protective layers, like skin, damaging DNA molecules in plants and animals. There are two major types of UV light: UVB and UVA.”
“The hole fell to less than 3.9 million square miles through September and October, despite hitting a peak of 6.3 million square miles earlier in the year.”
Ozone hole three times the size of Greenland opens over the North Pole
Ozone hole three times the size of Greenland opens over the North Pole
Ozone holes open over the South Pole every year. Holes at the North Pole are much, much rarer.
North Pole’s largest-ever ozone hole finally closes
North Pole’s largest-ever ozone hole finally closes
An unusually strong polar vortex kept the hole open for nearly a month — now, it’s finally shut again.
The largest ozone layer hole over Arctic has CLOSED in huge boost to environment
The largest ozone layer hole over Arctic has CLOSED in huge boost to env…
Edward Browne
THE largest ever hole in Earth’s ozone layer has closed after opening just weeks ago, scientists have said.
A new hole is forming in the ozone layer over the Arctic
A new hole is forming in the ozone layer over the Arctic
But it’s nothing compared to the more well-known ozone hole you’re probably thinking of.
Herb Rose
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Hi Chz,
Ozone is formed in the atmosphere when an oxygen molecule absorbs energy from iiv light and splits into two oxygen molecules. In the upper atmosphere, where the uv is most intense, the oxygen is in the form of oxygen atoms or N2O. In the stratosphere (where the atmosphere is denser) the oxygen atom produced combine with an oxygen molecule to form ozone. It is the oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere absorbing uv and stopping 95% from reaching the Earth’s surface, not the ozone. The concentration of ozone molecules in the ozone layer is 10 ppm, not enough to absorb anything.
The uv and x-rays that provide the energy (450,000 joules/mole) to split O2 molecules comes from the solar flares, not the sun’s surface. We are at the beginning of a grand solar minimum where there are few flares producing uv. The reduction of ozone is a natural result of the low solar activity. The ozone molecule is unstable and spontaneously decomposes into an oxygen atom and an oxygen molecule..So while uv kills viruses the result of less ozone (bigger “hole”) is an increase in oxygen molecules and a reduction of uv.
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cdc? you mean a random old pastor?