FDA Grants Big Pharma 100% Immunity

A senior executive from AstraZeneca, Britain’s second-largest pharmaceutical manufacturer, told Reuters that his company was just granted protection from all legal action.

Key parts of the clinical trials are being skipped as big pharma will not be held accountable for adverse side effects for administering the experimental COVID-19 drugs.

In America the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) already has a law called the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which provides immunity to vaccine companies if something goes wrong.

Remember, they still haven’t found a vaccine which could be effective for the 2003 SARS virus after 17 years. What makes you think they can rush through a vaccine that is both effective and safe for COVID-19? People need to wake up to this wanton criminal fraud and mass genocide.


Nancy Morgan Hart https://headlineswithavoice.com

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Comments (1)

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    Joseph Olson


    National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) passed in 1986 has all ready been expanded by bureaucratic fiat to every voodoo vaccine on the market, including dangerous Gardasil.

    We need a two year moratorium on all vaccines until open examinations by independent, objective scientists verify safety and efficacy.


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