The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Wednesday that it is banning the use of Red No. 3, a synthetic dye responsible for the vibrant cherry red color in foods and beverages, citing its association with cancer in animal studies:
The dye is still used in thousands of foods, including candy, cereals, cherries in fruit cocktails and strawberry-flavored milkshakes, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a food safety advocacy group that petitioned the agency in 2022 to end its use.
Food manufacturers will have until Jan. 15, 2027 to reformulate their products. Companies that make ingested drugs, such as dietary supplements, will get an additional year.
This ban was LONG overdue. Unfortunately, the other synthetic food dyes that have also been linked to serious deleterious health effects still remain on the market.
A few months ago, I summarized the harm linked to synthetic food dyes — outdated FDA standards expose Americans to toxic food dyes linked to cancer, neurobehavioral issues, and other health risks, demanding urgent regulatory action:
Batada et al found that nearly half (43.2%) of grocery store products contained artificial food colorings (AFCs), with Red 40 (29.8%), Blue 1 (24.2%), Yellow 5 (20.5%), and Yellow 6 (19.5%) being the most common. Candies (96.3%), fruit-flavored snacks (94%), and drink mixes/powders (89.7%) had the highest prevalence of AFCs, while produce contained none.
Oliveira et al summarized the deleterious health effects linked to synthetic food colorings in children: neurobehavioral disorders, allergic reactions, carcinogenic and mutagenic potential, gastrointestinal and respiratory issues, toxicity, developmental and growth delays, and behavioral changes.
Sultana et al illustrated the specific health hazards associated with particular synthetic food dyes:
Miller et al conducted a systematic review of the potential neurobehavioral impacts (activity and attention) of food dye consumption. They included 27 clinical trials of children exposed to synthetic food dyes and found that 16 of 25challenge studies (64%) demonstrated evidence of a positive association, with 13 studies (52%) reporting statistically significant findings.
The authors concluded, “Current evidence from studies in humans, largely from controlled exposure studies in children, supports a relationship between food dye exposure and adverse behavioral outcomes in children, both with and without pre-existing behavioral disorders.” They also noted that:
“Animal toxicology studies were used by FDA as the basis for regulatory risk assessments of food dyes [25]. All current dye registrations were made between 1969 and 1986 based on studies performed 35 to 50 years ago. These studies were not designed to assess neurobehavioral endpoints.
Dye registration was accompanied by derivation of an “acceptable daily intake” (ADI) based on these studies. FDA ADIs have not been updated since original dye registration, although there have been several reviews of specific effects since then, the latest in 2011.”
Synthetic food dyes, widely prevalent in U.S. products and lacking nutritional value, rely on outdated FDA approvals despite evidence of widespread toxicity, carcinogenicity, and adverse neurobehavioral effects, strongly warranting urgent regulatory action to protect public health.
While the FDA has finally made a decision that will benefit public health, they are still allowing the dangerous COVID-19 genetic injections to be administered to all individuals aged 6 months and older despite far exceeding criteria for a Class I recall. The immediate removal of unsafe and ineffective gene therapy injections should be the first priority before any other product bans.
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Most of these chemicals have been on the market for half a century and have been subjected to studies during that period. I’m skeptical of the validity of this report. I would appreciate articles that take exception to these studies to allow for a more balanced presentation. This website has degenerated from its original mission to expose the global warming scam and has morphed into an apologist for holistic medicine.
“This website has degenerated from its original mission to expose the global warming scam and has morphed into an apologist for holistic medicine.” I strongly agree.
Except George there are now potential readers to read articles like this 2016 one without figures. But I believe this article, as is, is better than no article. George, what do you beliece?
Written by Dr Jerry L Krause on July 13, 2016. Posted in Current News
C. Sutcliffe (Weather and Climate) wrote: “It was from the study of the prevailing winds as they were observed, especially the surface winds from the days of world exploration in sailing ships, that the concept of the general circulation of the atmosphere, the most important concept in the whole of meteorology, arose.”sutcliffe
And, “If the general circulation is, by definition, a matter of average winds of the world it immediately embraces all the other major physical quantities and physical processes. One cannot go far in the study of winds without introducing the driving force, the pressure; and one cannot go far in the study of pressure without introducing air density and air temperature for the pressure of the air above. Again the study of temperature introduces energy and its transformation, the absorption and emission of radiation, evaporation and condensation and the conversion of latent heat: vertical motions introduce clouds and rainfall, and so on until the whole of weather science is drawn into the argument. Thus, a complete understanding of the general circulation of the atmosphere implies a complete understanding of every process in world climatology and it is for this reason that it may justifiably be called the central problem of the science.”
If I were to ask—What is the prime mover of this atmospheric circulation?, what might one answer? In C. Donald Ahrens very popular meteorology textbook—Meteorology Today 9th Ed—I find the statement: “We know the primary cause of the atmosphere’s general circulation is the unequal heating that occur between tropical and polar regions.”
Steven A. Ackerman and John A. Knox in their popular meteorology textbook, Meteorology 3rd Ed, introduce the idea of conceptual models. And they state: “A simple conceptual model of the global wind pattern must explain the steady winds that have long been observed by mariners. A model of global atmospheric circulation must also be consistent with other observed pattern, such as the position of deserts and regions of high precipitation in January and July (Figure 7-4, shown below).
From the figures above can be seen how small these regions of great precipitation are relative to the total area of the earth’s surface; we see where they are (generally) and where they are not.
The titles of the first five chapters of Physical Chemistry 2nd Ed. by Farrington Daniels and Robert A. Daniels were: 1. Introduction; 2. Gases; 3. First Law of Thermodynamics; 4. Thermochemistry; 5. Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics. In the first chapter I learned that physical chemistry was composed of thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum theory, statistical mechanics, and molecular structure. In the second chapter, while there was considerable mathematical equations and reasoning, about the only thing I could claim to have learned was PV=nRT (The Ideal Gas Law).
The third chapter began: “This chapter provides an introduction to the applications of the concepts of heat, work, energy, and heat capacity in physical chemistry. It is followed by a chapter on the measurement of the heats of chemical reactions. Much of physical chemistry is based upon thermodynamics, which deals with the heat and work accompanying chemical and physical processes. In this chapter I learned there were five types of work: Mechanical; Volume expansion; Surface increase; Electrical; Gravitational. I learned that “Only work and heat can be measured directly, but it is helpful to define energy, which includes the internal energy of a substance as well as heat and work.” And I learned the First Law of Thermodynamics: “A cyclic process is a process in which a system is carried through a series of steps which eventually bring the system back to its initial conditions. The change in internal energy for a cyclic process is zero since the internal energy is a function only of the state of the system.” And there were more mathematical equations which I cannot claim to fully comprehend as I know others do.
In these general comments I pass over the 4th chapter because it is Thermochemistry and not so directly related to the physical properties of the atmosphere. And the 5th chapter is the primary reason I have briefly reviewed the first three chapters and the little I learned in their study. The 5th Chapter began: “The first law of thermodynamics states that when one form of energy is converted into another the total energy is conserved, but it does not indicate any other restriction on this process. Although various forms of work can be converted completely into heat and ideally may be transformed completely into one another, it is found that only a fraction of a quantity of heat may be converted into work in a cyclic process.”
I have reviewed how little I learned in the first three chapters to state: This last statement I consider I fully understand and it is something I have never read in the context of the endless 2nd Law arguments that are made in the context of the greenhouse effect. I have never read that a thunderstorm, during which atmosphere is lifted from the surface to the top of the troposphere, is a clearly defined heat engine except the cyclic is not completed during its brief existence.
It is written that Solomon long ago stated: “The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again.” (Holy Bible, Ecclesiastes 1: 5-7 (NIV)
Hence, there is little doubt that when we study weather and climate we are studying cyclic processes. So, the purpose of this article is consider what we know about heat engines and their functioning. I am sorry it took so long to get to this point, but it seems an observable fact that those who debate weather and climate have never gotten to this point. However, these debaters might consider that what I will review is too unique and therefore term if crazy. While yet others might claim that thunderstorms have been described in detail so nothing of worth can be added to what is known.
However, I believe we can generally agree that thunderstorms are small, isolated, atmospheric events of short duration. I believe we can agree that after a thunderstorm has ‘passed’ there remains an observable ‘thin’ cloud high in the atmosphere indicating that all the matter lifted from the surface has not been cycled back to the surface in the vicinity of the thunderstorm. But there is a rule: what goes up must come down. So there is the question: Where does that cloud, which remains after the event of the thunderstorm long passed, come down? But this will be a question for later.
The first question that it seems to need be answered is: Why does this small thunderstorm, which so quickly does work in lifting atmosphere from the surface to the top of the troposphere, have such a brief existence? The answer, I believe, is: “it is found that only a fraction of a quantity of heat may be converted into work in a cyclic process.”
The sun heats the earth’s surface and the surface heats the atmosphere in contact with it and according the ideal gas law this heated atmosphere at the base of the atmosphere expands so that it density becomes less than nearby surface atmosphere which has been heated as much.
So by the principle of buoyancy the more heated surface atmosphere is lifted by the denser, cooler, atmosphere away from the surface. Of course, this process has been described over and over. And we understand that the temperature of this lifted parcel of atmosphere decreases as its internal kinetic energy is converted to gravitational potential energy.
And we understand (observe) that at some point, as this parcel of atmosphere is lifted, water vapor will begin to condense to form cloud. And we understand that this condensation of water vapor releases energy (termed the latent heat of condensation) which slows the cooling of the temperature as the parcel continues to be lifted through an atmosphere whose temperature is less than that of the parcel.
And we understand this lifting process would continue to the limit of the atmosphere if the temperature of the atmosphere through which the parcel is being lifted did not begin to warm so that at some point the temperature of the parcel was no longer greater than that of the surrounding atmosphere which had been lifting the parcel.
What has been lost in this common description of a thunderstorm event is: “that only a fraction of a quantity of heat may be converted into work in a cyclic process.” And I do not know how to find it except by drawing upon our common experiences (observations) of the heat engines that we have invented. For what happens to these heat engines, if the energy of the fuel being consumed that is doing a small amount of work, is not removed from the vicinity of the engine?
We know, I believe, that the engine will quickly self-destruct. So my answer to the question— Why do thunderstorms have such a short duration?—is that, if they have no process by which the excess heat can be removed from their vicinity, they self-destruct. This is the case if they are isolated from another very important, unique, sometimes feature of the atmosphere.
This feature is termed a jet stream. So, as the parcel rises into it, the excess heat, as well as some of the cloud, is quickly carried away from the top of the thunderstorm so that atmosphere can be continuously lifted from the surface to the base of this jet stream and the lifetime of the thunderstorm can be much longer. However, jet streams, part of the atmospheric circulation system, are rarely, if ever, observed in tropical regions but thunderstorms certainly are.
Another thing we know about the heat engines, which we have invented, is that they need a fuel to do work. There seems to be little doubt, once one considers it, that water vapor is the fuel of thunderstorms. And I quickly jump to the conclusion that precipitation is the exhaust of these natural heat engines known as thunderstorms. For we observe that even though thunderstorms can have a short lifetime, they often produce a great amount of precipitation in their short lifetime. Hence, the great importance of Ackerman and Knox’s Figure-4. For in this figure we can see (observe) the quite small localized regions where thunderstorms exert their tremendous influence in driving the global atmospheric circulation. The fewer thunderstorms, which occur at higher latitudes, than those of the tropics, do drive certain regional atmospheric circulations. And it has been observed how these higher latitude thunderstorms can strongly influence the localized atmospheric circulations of their ‘vicinities’.
I love the Sutcliffe quote—“All this may seem a far cry from the general circulation of the world’s atmosphere but the detail serves to point the moral, that one cannot explain the broad features of world climate if one does not know the actual mechanisms involved.”
I had copied my 2016 article “Atmospheric Heat Engines—Global Atmospheric Circulation” instead of just providing a link to tempt some reader to at least give it a look. And it was followed in a couple of weeks by an article titled “Yet More Corrections To Greenhouse To Greenhouse Gas Theory Errors”, by some unknown author (UA), which John O’ (PSI editor) credited to me.
A good deal of confusion still exists because the. UA did supply his references and I did not supply a very critical reference to Einstein’s Laws of Radiation (The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Volume I Lecture 42 (Applications of Kinetic Theory) Section 42-5 (Einstein’s laws of radiation). pp. 42-8 to
UA simply wrote “The fact is that matter always absorbs the radiation it ia capable of absorbing according to the usual laws of physics. However Einstein assumed there were two types of emission–spontaneous and induced. According to absorbed radiation is not always converted into sensible or latent before it emitted (strangely termed spontaneous emission) from the matter; instead a portion of the absorbed radiation can be directly emitted (induced emission) from the matter.” UA’s words, not mine. Herb and readers, you can check it out. I have and I believe UA correctly understands Einstein’s laws of radiation.
Perhaps this ‘degeneration’ is due to the need to keep going in the face of neutering forces, appeal to a wider audience, as well as monetarily survive?
Howdy, you are correct. Principia Scientific was formed to expose the failure of government and corporate science to adhere to the traditional scientific method – to encompass ALL science and tech – not just the climate debate. The mission is clearly set out on our Mission Statement available in the link above. Millions around the world have read our articles and understand that the powers that be have conned the people with a faux ‘ trust the science’ narrative when the ‘science’ being peddled not only betrays objectivity and transparency, but demonstably relies on lies, fallacies and misunderstandings.
Hi Matt,
These blanket pardons should be found to be unconstitutional by the courts. The constitution’s written giving the president thrower to grant pardons for offense, It was never envisioned as the giving of indulgences. A president cannot hire someone to do anything he wants or is told to do by giving him a promise of protection for all his actions. Hopefully someone will take it to court and Fauci will beheld responsible for his treason.
We (you and I) have had a private history relative to SCIENCE and PSI. But now PSI has become involved in POLITICS and I believe we need to address the fact of GOOD and EVIL.
My family immigrated, as did many northern European farmers, to the USA because of Karl Marx (EVIL). Before Karl Marx there had been Niccolo Machiavelli who wrote the book titled “THE PRINCE”.
This book is the play book for how to control other people to one’s benefit. Which, if one actually reads this book, is clearly EVIL and being followed by EVIL PEOPLE today. And clearly CLIMATE CHANGE Is one of the EVIL weapons being used today..
John O’Sullivan:
Principia Scientific was formed to expose the failure of government and corporate science to adhere to the traditional scientific method
James McGinn:
The scientific methods of “traditional” science is often ensconced in the spiritualism of Judeo-christian beliefs and their associated consensus-based reasoning. For example, the theoretical thinking of meteorology’s approach to describing the physic of storms is devoid of empiricism and otherwise reads like scripture. It’s a just-so-story of imagined causes and imagined effects. It’s nonsense.
James McGinn
Hi James,
Meteorology is devoid of any science but it is not due to spiritualism. (the same errors are made by all faiths).
The thermometer was designed to measure the flow energy from one medium to another. In a gas it is exposed to only one medium and measures the amount of energy being transferred to it due to collisions from gas molecules. The readings in a gas are not comparable to the flow of energy between different mediums.
As the molecules in a gas gain energy it expands and there are fewer collisions, so the readings at different temperatures do not represent the kinetic energy of the molecules.
The barometer is also reading the energy transferred by collisions of molecules, not the weight of the molecules. As the molecules gain horizontal energy less energy is transferred to the barometer and retained by the molecules.
Meteorology does not know what their fundamental tools are measuring. This ignorance has led to the ridiculous beliefs.
Because the temperature measurement of the Earth’s surface is greater than the air temperature they believe the surface is heating the air when in fact the air is being heated by the Oxygen and Nitrogen absorbing 95% of the UV coming from the sun and converting it to ke and the greater energy of the gas molecules is adding energy to the surface.
Anyone who has been out on the ocean or skiing over snow covered ground knows that the air can get warmer than the surface and yet they ignore this obvious contradictory evidence in order to maintain their existing beliefs.
It is the hubris of scientist that prevents science from progressing.
so the readings at different temperatures do not represent the kinetic energy of the molecules.
James McGinn:
Apples and oranges. I’m talking about the cartoonishly dumbed down theories regarding the physics of storms and general circulation. For example, what causes the relatively focussed flow of jet streams? What is the relationship between jet streams and storms? Does one cause the other, how?
Hi James,
The atmosphere is the result of the ke of molecules and the radiated energy from the Earth. No ke of the molecules, no atmosphere.
Weather, including storms, is the result of the interaction of these 2 energies as they establish equilibrium.
The gas molecules gain energy from the sun.and since the energy above is greater, the flow of energy is along the surface towards the poles. As the upper atmosphere molecules receive less energy from the sun, the lower atmosphere expands. When the energy of the lower molecules exceeds the energy of the upper molecules the energy flows up, creating the eastward flow of the jet streams whose speed is greater than the surface. It is this that causes the clockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere and corner clockwise rotation in the Southern Hemisphere. It the flow of energy that create theft streams and storms.
To understand the atmosphere you must first understand the flow energy.
To understand the atmosphere you must first understand the flow energy.
James McGinn:
You are just parroting back the obvious stuff that everybody knows. If you can’t address the questions I posed then why even respond?
Donald Knight wrote a book titled “Ideas In Chemistry — A History of the Science” which I could not understand but I believe you could. Because I believe you are a philosopher as this author is .And the alchemists who tried to convert lead and other dense metals into gold were not philosophers. But they did trust the philosophers (the wise men of their time) who reasoned that this was possible. But clearly these alchemists were persistent men who did not give up as they invented a furnace which could melt sand to make glass.
And John, I believe you could understand the philosophy about which Knight wrote. Because I doubt you have ever been an alchemist. I conclude you better understand philosophy than what inventive alchemists still do as they make (invent) NEW molecules and materials..
Two of my posts disappeared while one is still in the recent list?
Jerry, it is not just lead and gold, it pertains the hidden of life itself. The philosopher’s stone is the Holy Gail. The ultimate Mortal goal being gold, or enlightenment, but that hardly describes it since it is divinity itself, while the usual mortal is lead.
Red dye had a serious effect on one of my children when he was small and in diapers. My wife cut out all products with red dye and the boy was a whole different child, happier, healthier all round. He was the only one in the family who had a problem with it.
Much better! Now you are sharing an observed case which totally supports my claim that LIFE SCIENCES are completely different from PHYSICAL SCIENCES because most individuals are different from any other individual.
I suspect that some of you are familiar with the Galileo Thermometer (GT) which seems to measure approximate temperature, via the principle of buoyancy to 4 degrees F. However because I am arranging my science museum in my living room, I just learned (observed) that my GT actually measures temperature to the nearest degree F. My GT is nearly a foot tall and the bulb involved remained stationary (for a while) at a fractional position between 72F and 78F which are easily estimated to the nearest degree F. Just ponder how little water’s density varies from one degree to the next. The lesson is LITTLE THINGS can NATURALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
E. G. Ebbighausen in his book “Astronomy Fourth Edition’ began “The fascination most people feel for astronomy arises from the very special nature of astronomy’s concern for the remote inaccessible regions of the universe. Chemists, physicists, biologists, or archeologists can actually handle and study–in the field or the laboratory–those samples of nature that are of interest to them. But astronomers can do this only when they have in hand a fragment of meteoric material.”
It seems he has not read, or disagrees with what Newton wrote at the beginning
of Book III of The Principia in his rules of reasoning In philosophy. I doubt if he or many other recent scientists have ever touched a copy of Newton’s famous book. And I consider this a great CURRENT PROBLEM and the reason for this comment. Get a copy of Newton’s Book III and at least read his rules and his comments about these rules. BUT first get a copy of Galileo’s famous book and read what he wrote about the first couple of days if you want to begin to understand the FUNDAMENTALS of SCIENCE.
Here is an current event article which you likely not find directly posted here.
Are wildland firefighters affected by Trump’s hiring freeze? Federal officials aren’t sure
Author Hunter BasslerPosted on January 24, 2025Categories Firefighter pay, United States, Wildland Firefighter
Moments after being inaugurated, President Donald Trump ordered a hiring freeze throughout all federal agencies for the foreseeable future.
The freeze includes the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Forest Service (USFS), triggering worries among the nation’s wildland firefighters as record-breaking fires burn Los Angeles and just months before peak wildfire season begins. Many wildland firefighters who recently accepted job offers took to the internet to ask whether the offer will now be revoked.
“As part of this freeze, no Federal civilian position that is vacant at noon on January 20, 2025, may be filled, and no new position may be created except as otherwise provided for in this memorandum or other applicable law,” Trump’s order said. “This freeze applies to all executive departments and agencies regardless of their sources of operational and programmatic funding.”
firefighters wildland
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) released a memorandum to each executive department and agency head moments after Trump’s order. The memorandum offers some insight into the exemptions of Trump’s order, namely an exemption of seasonal employees.
“Appointment of seasonal employees and short-term temporary employees necessary to meet traditionally recurring seasonal workloads, provided that the agency informs its OMB Resource Management Office in writing in advance of its hiring plans,” the memorandum said.
While some assumed the seasonal employee exemption covered wildland firefighters, confusion arose when USDA sent out its own memo a day later that said no exceptions applied to the department.
“At this time, there are no exceptions to the hiring freeze with respect to the Department of Agriculture (USDA),” the USDA memo obtained by WildfireToday said. “Accordingly, effective immediately, agencies and offices are not authorized to extend an offer of employment to any person. Persons to whom an offer of employment has been extended, but acceptance has not been received, shall be contacted immediately and be informed that the offer has been revoked.”
WildfireToday asked the USFS for clarity on whether wildland firefighter positions were exempt. The service referred us to the following statement from a USDA spokesperson:
“USDA is reviewing all the Executive Orders signed by President Trump and expects to share guidance on implementing them to agencies and mission areas as soon as possible.”
Wildland firefighters
This isn’t the first time a federal-wide hiring freeze enacted by Trump caused mass confusion for wildland firefighters. He ordered a similar freeze in 2017 after he took office.
Then USDA Acting Deputy Secretary Michael Young, however, exempted several public safety-related positions from that freeze in 2017 weeks after it went into effect. Time will tell if the current administration enacts the same exemption.
“The (2017) exemption specifically allows the Forest Service to move forward with hiring wildland firefighting resources, such as individual firefighters and specialists,” reporting from the Flathead Beacon said. “Other positions that were exempt in the USDA decision include law enforcement and disaster preparedness-related personnel in multiple agencies, food inspectors and medical officers in the Food Safety and Inspection Service and cyber security personnel in multiple agencies.”
This is a developing situation. WildfireToday will share updated guidance once it is released by USDA officials.
Saeed Qureshi
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I am starting to wonder if cancer is an illness, or if it’s a “product” like a “virus and its illness/infection” to make money. It appears so.
George Tomaich
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Most of these chemicals have been on the market for half a century and have been subjected to studies during that period. I’m skeptical of the validity of this report. I would appreciate articles that take exception to these studies to allow for a more balanced presentation. This website has degenerated from its original mission to expose the global warming scam and has morphed into an apologist for holistic medicine.
Jerry Krause
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Hi George,
“This website has degenerated from its original mission to expose the global warming scam and has morphed into an apologist for holistic medicine.” I strongly agree.
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi George,
Except George there are now potential readers to read articles like this 2016 one without figures. But I believe this article, as is, is better than no article. George, what do you beliece?
Atmospheric Heat Engines—Global Atmospheric Circulation
Written by Dr Jerry L Krause on July 13, 2016. Posted in Current News
C. Sutcliffe (Weather and Climate) wrote: “It was from the study of the prevailing winds as they were observed, especially the surface winds from the days of world exploration in sailing ships, that the concept of the general circulation of the atmosphere, the most important concept in the whole of meteorology, arose.”sutcliffe
And, “If the general circulation is, by definition, a matter of average winds of the world it immediately embraces all the other major physical quantities and physical processes. One cannot go far in the study of winds without introducing the driving force, the pressure; and one cannot go far in the study of pressure without introducing air density and air temperature for the pressure of the air above. Again the study of temperature introduces energy and its transformation, the absorption and emission of radiation, evaporation and condensation and the conversion of latent heat: vertical motions introduce clouds and rainfall, and so on until the whole of weather science is drawn into the argument. Thus, a complete understanding of the general circulation of the atmosphere implies a complete understanding of every process in world climatology and it is for this reason that it may justifiably be called the central problem of the science.”
If I were to ask—What is the prime mover of this atmospheric circulation?, what might one answer? In C. Donald Ahrens very popular meteorology textbook—Meteorology Today 9th Ed—I find the statement: “We know the primary cause of the atmosphere’s general circulation is the unequal heating that occur between tropical and polar regions.”
Steven A. Ackerman and John A. Knox in their popular meteorology textbook, Meteorology 3rd Ed, introduce the idea of conceptual models. And they state: “A simple conceptual model of the global wind pattern must explain the steady winds that have long been observed by mariners. A model of global atmospheric circulation must also be consistent with other observed pattern, such as the position of deserts and regions of high precipitation in January and July (Figure 7-4, shown below).
From the figures above can be seen how small these regions of great precipitation are relative to the total area of the earth’s surface; we see where they are (generally) and where they are not.
The titles of the first five chapters of Physical Chemistry 2nd Ed. by Farrington Daniels and Robert A. Daniels were: 1. Introduction; 2. Gases; 3. First Law of Thermodynamics; 4. Thermochemistry; 5. Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics. In the first chapter I learned that physical chemistry was composed of thermodynamics, kinetics, quantum theory, statistical mechanics, and molecular structure. In the second chapter, while there was considerable mathematical equations and reasoning, about the only thing I could claim to have learned was PV=nRT (The Ideal Gas Law).
The third chapter began: “This chapter provides an introduction to the applications of the concepts of heat, work, energy, and heat capacity in physical chemistry. It is followed by a chapter on the measurement of the heats of chemical reactions. Much of physical chemistry is based upon thermodynamics, which deals with the heat and work accompanying chemical and physical processes. In this chapter I learned there were five types of work: Mechanical; Volume expansion; Surface increase; Electrical; Gravitational. I learned that “Only work and heat can be measured directly, but it is helpful to define energy, which includes the internal energy of a substance as well as heat and work.” And I learned the First Law of Thermodynamics: “A cyclic process is a process in which a system is carried through a series of steps which eventually bring the system back to its initial conditions. The change in internal energy for a cyclic process is zero since the internal energy is a function only of the state of the system.” And there were more mathematical equations which I cannot claim to fully comprehend as I know others do.
In these general comments I pass over the 4th chapter because it is Thermochemistry and not so directly related to the physical properties of the atmosphere. And the 5th chapter is the primary reason I have briefly reviewed the first three chapters and the little I learned in their study. The 5th Chapter began: “The first law of thermodynamics states that when one form of energy is converted into another the total energy is conserved, but it does not indicate any other restriction on this process. Although various forms of work can be converted completely into heat and ideally may be transformed completely into one another, it is found that only a fraction of a quantity of heat may be converted into work in a cyclic process.”
I have reviewed how little I learned in the first three chapters to state: This last statement I consider I fully understand and it is something I have never read in the context of the endless 2nd Law arguments that are made in the context of the greenhouse effect. I have never read that a thunderstorm, during which atmosphere is lifted from the surface to the top of the troposphere, is a clearly defined heat engine except the cyclic is not completed during its brief existence.
It is written that Solomon long ago stated: “The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again.” (Holy Bible, Ecclesiastes 1: 5-7 (NIV)
Hence, there is little doubt that when we study weather and climate we are studying cyclic processes. So, the purpose of this article is consider what we know about heat engines and their functioning. I am sorry it took so long to get to this point, but it seems an observable fact that those who debate weather and climate have never gotten to this point. However, these debaters might consider that what I will review is too unique and therefore term if crazy. While yet others might claim that thunderstorms have been described in detail so nothing of worth can be added to what is known.
However, I believe we can generally agree that thunderstorms are small, isolated, atmospheric events of short duration. I believe we can agree that after a thunderstorm has ‘passed’ there remains an observable ‘thin’ cloud high in the atmosphere indicating that all the matter lifted from the surface has not been cycled back to the surface in the vicinity of the thunderstorm. But there is a rule: what goes up must come down. So there is the question: Where does that cloud, which remains after the event of the thunderstorm long passed, come down? But this will be a question for later.
The first question that it seems to need be answered is: Why does this small thunderstorm, which so quickly does work in lifting atmosphere from the surface to the top of the troposphere, have such a brief existence? The answer, I believe, is: “it is found that only a fraction of a quantity of heat may be converted into work in a cyclic process.”
The sun heats the earth’s surface and the surface heats the atmosphere in contact with it and according the ideal gas law this heated atmosphere at the base of the atmosphere expands so that it density becomes less than nearby surface atmosphere which has been heated as much.
So by the principle of buoyancy the more heated surface atmosphere is lifted by the denser, cooler, atmosphere away from the surface. Of course, this process has been described over and over. And we understand that the temperature of this lifted parcel of atmosphere decreases as its internal kinetic energy is converted to gravitational potential energy.
And we understand (observe) that at some point, as this parcel of atmosphere is lifted, water vapor will begin to condense to form cloud. And we understand that this condensation of water vapor releases energy (termed the latent heat of condensation) which slows the cooling of the temperature as the parcel continues to be lifted through an atmosphere whose temperature is less than that of the parcel.
And we understand this lifting process would continue to the limit of the atmosphere if the temperature of the atmosphere through which the parcel is being lifted did not begin to warm so that at some point the temperature of the parcel was no longer greater than that of the surrounding atmosphere which had been lifting the parcel.
What has been lost in this common description of a thunderstorm event is: “that only a fraction of a quantity of heat may be converted into work in a cyclic process.” And I do not know how to find it except by drawing upon our common experiences (observations) of the heat engines that we have invented. For what happens to these heat engines, if the energy of the fuel being consumed that is doing a small amount of work, is not removed from the vicinity of the engine?
We know, I believe, that the engine will quickly self-destruct. So my answer to the question— Why do thunderstorms have such a short duration?—is that, if they have no process by which the excess heat can be removed from their vicinity, they self-destruct. This is the case if they are isolated from another very important, unique, sometimes feature of the atmosphere.
This feature is termed a jet stream. So, as the parcel rises into it, the excess heat, as well as some of the cloud, is quickly carried away from the top of the thunderstorm so that atmosphere can be continuously lifted from the surface to the base of this jet stream and the lifetime of the thunderstorm can be much longer. However, jet streams, part of the atmospheric circulation system, are rarely, if ever, observed in tropical regions but thunderstorms certainly are.
Another thing we know about the heat engines, which we have invented, is that they need a fuel to do work. There seems to be little doubt, once one considers it, that water vapor is the fuel of thunderstorms. And I quickly jump to the conclusion that precipitation is the exhaust of these natural heat engines known as thunderstorms. For we observe that even though thunderstorms can have a short lifetime, they often produce a great amount of precipitation in their short lifetime. Hence, the great importance of Ackerman and Knox’s Figure-4. For in this figure we can see (observe) the quite small localized regions where thunderstorms exert their tremendous influence in driving the global atmospheric circulation. The fewer thunderstorms, which occur at higher latitudes, than those of the tropics, do drive certain regional atmospheric circulations. And it has been observed how these higher latitude thunderstorms can strongly influence the localized atmospheric circulations of their ‘vicinities’.
I love the Sutcliffe quote—“All this may seem a far cry from the general circulation of the world’s atmosphere but the detail serves to point the moral, that one cannot explain the broad features of world climate if one does not know the actual mechanisms involved.”
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb and PSI Readers,
I had copied my 2016 article “Atmospheric Heat Engines—Global Atmospheric Circulation” instead of just providing a link to tempt some reader to at least give it a look. And it was followed in a couple of weeks by an article titled “Yet More Corrections To Greenhouse To Greenhouse Gas Theory Errors”, by some unknown author (UA), which John O’ (PSI editor) credited to me.
A good deal of confusion still exists because the. UA did supply his references and I did not supply a very critical reference to Einstein’s Laws of Radiation (The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Volume I Lecture 42 (Applications of Kinetic Theory) Section 42-5 (Einstein’s laws of radiation). pp. 42-8 to
UA simply wrote “The fact is that matter always absorbs the radiation it ia capable of absorbing according to the usual laws of physics. However Einstein assumed there were two types of emission–spontaneous and induced. According to absorbed radiation is not always converted into sensible or latent before it emitted (strangely termed spontaneous emission) from the matter; instead a portion of the absorbed radiation can be directly emitted (induced emission) from the matter.” UA’s words, not mine. Herb and readers, you can check it out. I have and I believe UA correctly understands Einstein’s laws of radiation.
Have a good day
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Perhaps this ‘degeneration’ is due to the need to keep going in the face of neutering forces, appeal to a wider audience, as well as monetarily survive?
John O'Sullivan
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Howdy, you are correct. Principia Scientific was formed to expose the failure of government and corporate science to adhere to the traditional scientific method – to encompass ALL science and tech – not just the climate debate. The mission is clearly set out on our Mission Statement available in the link above. Millions around the world have read our articles and understand that the powers that be have conned the people with a faux ‘ trust the science’ narrative when the ‘science’ being peddled not only betrays objectivity and transparency, but demonstably relies on lies, fallacies and misunderstandings.
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We note the creature known as “I am the science” has been granted a preemptive pardon by US president, Biden.
Is somebody who is non compos mentis able to sign anything without it being open to challenge?
Herb Rose
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Hi Matt,
These blanket pardons should be found to be unconstitutional by the courts. The constitution’s written giving the president thrower to grant pardons for offense, It was never envisioned as the giving of indulgences. A president cannot hire someone to do anything he wants or is told to do by giving him a promise of protection for all his actions. Hopefully someone will take it to court and Fauci will beheld responsible for his treason.
Jerry Krause
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Hi John and PSI Readers,
We (you and I) have had a private history relative to SCIENCE and PSI. But now PSI has become involved in POLITICS and I believe we need to address the fact of GOOD and EVIL.
My family immigrated, as did many northern European farmers, to the USA because of Karl Marx (EVIL). Before Karl Marx there had been Niccolo Machiavelli who wrote the book titled “THE PRINCE”.
This book is the play book for how to control other people to one’s benefit. Which, if one actually reads this book, is clearly EVIL and being followed by EVIL PEOPLE today. And clearly CLIMATE CHANGE Is one of the EVIL weapons being used today..
Have a good day
James Bernard McGinn
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John O’Sullivan:
Principia Scientific was formed to expose the failure of government and corporate science to adhere to the traditional scientific method
James McGinn:
The scientific methods of “traditional” science is often ensconced in the spiritualism of Judeo-christian beliefs and their associated consensus-based reasoning. For example, the theoretical thinking of meteorology’s approach to describing the physic of storms is devoid of empiricism and otherwise reads like scripture. It’s a just-so-story of imagined causes and imagined effects. It’s nonsense.
James McGinn
Herb Rose
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Hi James,
Meteorology is devoid of any science but it is not due to spiritualism. (the same errors are made by all faiths).
The thermometer was designed to measure the flow energy from one medium to another. In a gas it is exposed to only one medium and measures the amount of energy being transferred to it due to collisions from gas molecules. The readings in a gas are not comparable to the flow of energy between different mediums.
As the molecules in a gas gain energy it expands and there are fewer collisions, so the readings at different temperatures do not represent the kinetic energy of the molecules.
The barometer is also reading the energy transferred by collisions of molecules, not the weight of the molecules. As the molecules gain horizontal energy less energy is transferred to the barometer and retained by the molecules.
Meteorology does not know what their fundamental tools are measuring. This ignorance has led to the ridiculous beliefs.
Because the temperature measurement of the Earth’s surface is greater than the air temperature they believe the surface is heating the air when in fact the air is being heated by the Oxygen and Nitrogen absorbing 95% of the UV coming from the sun and converting it to ke and the greater energy of the gas molecules is adding energy to the surface.
Anyone who has been out on the ocean or skiing over snow covered ground knows that the air can get warmer than the surface and yet they ignore this obvious contradictory evidence in order to maintain their existing beliefs.
It is the hubris of scientist that prevents science from progressing.
James Bernard McGinn
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so the readings at different temperatures do not represent the kinetic energy of the molecules.
James McGinn:
Apples and oranges. I’m talking about the cartoonishly dumbed down theories regarding the physics of storms and general circulation. For example, what causes the relatively focussed flow of jet streams? What is the relationship between jet streams and storms? Does one cause the other, how?
Jerry Krause
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Hi James,
After more than a DECADE I am still waiting to read YOUR EXPLANATION OF THE CAUSE OF A TORNADO.
Have a good day.
Herb Rose
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Hi James,
The atmosphere is the result of the ke of molecules and the radiated energy from the Earth. No ke of the molecules, no atmosphere.
Weather, including storms, is the result of the interaction of these 2 energies as they establish equilibrium.
The gas molecules gain energy from the sun.and since the energy above is greater, the flow of energy is along the surface towards the poles. As the upper atmosphere molecules receive less energy from the sun, the lower atmosphere expands. When the energy of the lower molecules exceeds the energy of the upper molecules the energy flows up, creating the eastward flow of the jet streams whose speed is greater than the surface. It is this that causes the clockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere and corner clockwise rotation in the Southern Hemisphere. It the flow of energy that create theft streams and storms.
To understand the atmosphere you must first understand the flow energy.
James Bernard McGinn
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To understand the atmosphere you must first understand the flow energy.
James McGinn:
You are just parroting back the obvious stuff that everybody knows. If you can’t address the questions I posed then why even respond?
Jerry Krause
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Hi John O’ and PSI Readers,
Donald Knight wrote a book titled “Ideas In Chemistry — A History of the Science” which I could not understand but I believe you could. Because I believe you are a philosopher as this author is .And the alchemists who tried to convert lead and other dense metals into gold were not philosophers. But they did trust the philosophers (the wise men of their time) who reasoned that this was possible. But clearly these alchemists were persistent men who did not give up as they invented a furnace which could melt sand to make glass.
And John, I believe you could understand the philosophy about which Knight wrote. Because I doubt you have ever been an alchemist. I conclude you better understand philosophy than what inventive alchemists still do as they make (invent) NEW molecules and materials..
Have a good day
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is just about lead and gold – should read:
isn’t just about lead and gold
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Two of my posts disappeared while one is still in the recent list?
Jerry, it is not just lead and gold, it pertains the hidden of life itself. The philosopher’s stone is the Holy Gail. The ultimate Mortal goal being gold, or enlightenment, but that hardly describes it since it is divinity itself, while the usual mortal is lead.
I’ll post the links again:
Alchemy symbol glossary:
Inner Gold – Alchemy and Psychology
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Red dye had a serious effect on one of my children when he was small and in diapers. My wife cut out all products with red dye and the boy was a whole different child, happier, healthier all round. He was the only one in the family who had a problem with it.
Jerry Krause
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Much better! Now you are sharing an observed case which totally supports my claim that LIFE SCIENCES are completely different from PHYSICAL SCIENCES because most individuals are different from any other individual.
Have s good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
I suspect that some of you are familiar with the Galileo Thermometer (GT) which seems to measure approximate temperature, via the principle of buoyancy to 4 degrees F. However because I am arranging my science museum in my living room, I just learned (observed) that my GT actually measures temperature to the nearest degree F. My GT is nearly a foot tall and the bulb involved remained stationary (for a while) at a fractional position between 72F and 78F which are easily estimated to the nearest degree F. Just ponder how little water’s density varies from one degree to the next. The lesson is LITTLE THINGS can NATURALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
E. G. Ebbighausen in his book “Astronomy Fourth Edition’ began “The fascination most people feel for astronomy arises from the very special nature of astronomy’s concern for the remote inaccessible regions of the universe. Chemists, physicists, biologists, or archeologists can actually handle and study–in the field or the laboratory–those samples of nature that are of interest to them. But astronomers can do this only when they have in hand a fragment of meteoric material.”
It seems he has not read, or disagrees with what Newton wrote at the beginning
of Book III of The Principia in his rules of reasoning In philosophy. I doubt if he or many other recent scientists have ever touched a copy of Newton’s famous book. And I consider this a great CURRENT PROBLEM and the reason for this comment. Get a copy of Newton’s Book III and at least read his rules and his comments about these rules. BUT first get a copy of Galileo’s famous book and read what he wrote about the first couple of days if you want to begin to understand the FUNDAMENTALS of SCIENCE.
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
The principal reason for this comment is to make it handy to get back to what I had started here.
Have a good day
Jerry. Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
Here is an current event article which you likely not find directly posted here.
Are wildland firefighters affected by Trump’s hiring freeze? Federal officials aren’t sure
Author Hunter BasslerPosted on January 24, 2025Categories Firefighter pay, United States, Wildland Firefighter
Moments after being inaugurated, President Donald Trump ordered a hiring freeze throughout all federal agencies for the foreseeable future.
The freeze includes the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Forest Service (USFS), triggering worries among the nation’s wildland firefighters as record-breaking fires burn Los Angeles and just months before peak wildfire season begins. Many wildland firefighters who recently accepted job offers took to the internet to ask whether the offer will now be revoked.
“As part of this freeze, no Federal civilian position that is vacant at noon on January 20, 2025, may be filled, and no new position may be created except as otherwise provided for in this memorandum or other applicable law,” Trump’s order said. “This freeze applies to all executive departments and agencies regardless of their sources of operational and programmatic funding.”
firefighters wildland
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) released a memorandum to each executive department and agency head moments after Trump’s order. The memorandum offers some insight into the exemptions of Trump’s order, namely an exemption of seasonal employees.
“Appointment of seasonal employees and short-term temporary employees necessary to meet traditionally recurring seasonal workloads, provided that the agency informs its OMB Resource Management Office in writing in advance of its hiring plans,” the memorandum said.
While some assumed the seasonal employee exemption covered wildland firefighters, confusion arose when USDA sent out its own memo a day later that said no exceptions applied to the department.
“At this time, there are no exceptions to the hiring freeze with respect to the Department of Agriculture (USDA),” the USDA memo obtained by WildfireToday said. “Accordingly, effective immediately, agencies and offices are not authorized to extend an offer of employment to any person. Persons to whom an offer of employment has been extended, but acceptance has not been received, shall be contacted immediately and be informed that the offer has been revoked.”
WildfireToday asked the USFS for clarity on whether wildland firefighter positions were exempt. The service referred us to the following statement from a USDA spokesperson:
“USDA is reviewing all the Executive Orders signed by President Trump and expects to share guidance on implementing them to agencies and mission areas as soon as possible.”
Wildland firefighters
This isn’t the first time a federal-wide hiring freeze enacted by Trump caused mass confusion for wildland firefighters. He ordered a similar freeze in 2017 after he took office.
Then USDA Acting Deputy Secretary Michael Young, however, exempted several public safety-related positions from that freeze in 2017 weeks after it went into effect. Time will tell if the current administration enacts the same exemption.
“The (2017) exemption specifically allows the Forest Service to move forward with hiring wildland firefighting resources, such as individual firefighters and specialists,” reporting from the Flathead Beacon said. “Other positions that were exempt in the USDA decision include law enforcement and disaster preparedness-related personnel in multiple agencies, food inspectors and medical officers in the Food Safety and Inspection Service and cyber security personnel in multiple agencies.”
This is a developing situation. WildfireToday will share updated guidance once it is released by USDA officials.
Have a good day
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There’s a big shake-up looming, though I expect such outright emergencies are subject to special dispensation by need alone.