Fauci: We Probably Need COVID Booster Shots in 12-18 Months

Image: Kevin Dietsch/UPI/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Dr. Anthony Fauci has said that you may need to receive the COVID-19 vaccine again a year from now, even if you’ve already been inoculated.

Fauci’s comments came Sunday during an appearance on Mehdi Hasan’s MSNBC show.

Hasan asked Fauci if Americans should be prepared to get COVID-19 booster shots every six or twelve months, like the flu shot. Prompting his question was Pfizer’s announcement that its vaccine will offer at least six months of protection.

Here’s what Fauci said:

We need to be careful about that six month number. The study only went out as far as six months. So we know for sure it’s effective for six months, but it’s highly likely that it will be effective for a considerably longer period of time. The way to get the answer is to just follow people closely enough to determine when that level of efficacy or protection diminishes, both with regard to the level of the antibodies as well as clinical data with regard to breakthrough infections.

So the good news is that it’s at least six months. Hopefully it’ll be a lot more. But in direct answer to your question, if it turns out that it is a year or a year-and-a-half, we very well may need to get booster shots to keep up the level of protection.”

Fauci’s credibility has diminished in the eyes of many Americans as of late. In December he admitted to goal post moving because of new scientific data and because for a long time he didn’t think the public was ready to hear “what he really thinks.

Most recently Fauci struggled to explain why COVID-19 cases have not skyrocketed in Texas, which repealed its mask mandate last month and allowed businesses to operate at 100 percent capacity:

Yeah, you know, it, uh, can be confusing because you may see a lag and a delay because often you have to wait a few weeks before you see the effect of what you’re doing right now. I mean, when you say that they’ve had a lot, uh, of activity on the outside like ball games, I’m not really quite sure. It could be they’re doing things outdoors.”

See more here: bigleaguepolitics.com

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Comments (10)

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    A year later , no sign of covid and no intention of taking a covid poison jab .


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    Not a Sucker


    Thanks but no thanks ?


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    And which vaccine patents have Fauci’s name on it? The more shots, the more money in his pocket, the highest paid civil servant in the federal government.


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    At least he is consistent – first double masking, now double vaccinations.


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    I’m never taking the first one, or starting a family with someone who has. It would be like purposely injecting genetic abnormalities into your own bloodline.
    Dumb to take it.


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    And another 2 weeks to flatten the curve, right Dr, Mengele Fauci? No thanks, you can keep your poison gene scrambling therapies and stick ’em…just not into me, ever!


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    ‘Booster Shots’ ? Because the “vaccine” shots have destroyed our natural immune system.


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    Visit the site “2020news.de” (ten languages), please. International lawyers, judges, doctors from around the world against PCR and vaccine terror. Thank you !


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    Este es uno de los artífices de la eutanasia y la eugenesia que está viviendo la humanidad por cuenta de la OMS, Bill Gates y las multinacionales de vacunas. Hay que desenmascararlo y sacarlo de su zona de confort. Junto con Gates, han movido los hilos de las marionetas tras el telón. ModeRNA es financiada por el Gobierno y la vacuna de Johnson &Johnson es financiada por el Departamento de Defensa de USA. ModeRNA, desde su fundación en 2010, ni tiene ni una sola vacuna ni un solo medicamento aprobados. Siempre ha experimentado y fracasado con RNAm.
    BionNTech, fue creada apenas en 2018 pero sus dueños tuvieron otra empresa de “experimentación con ARN” que fue vendida a Japón. Ni con la primera ni con la nueva, jamás han tenido un medicamento o vacuna creados y aprobados.
    ¿Qué papel turbio y de doble faz están jugando los CDC y la FDA con Fauci y Gates en este juego macabro?


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