Fauci predicts ‘flood’ of COVID vaccine mandates after FDA approval

Though controversial, vaccine mandates are becoming the “new normal” in places like New York City and Dr. Anthony Fauci now says Americans can expect a “flood” of vaccine mandates from localities and private businesses, especially once the vaccine is cleared by the Food and Drug Administration.

The federal government will not impose vaccine mandates, but once the vaccines clear the FDA hurdles, Fauci predicts that places that have been reluctant to impose mandates will be “emboldened” to do so.

Organizations, enterprises, universities, colleges that have been reluctant to mandate at the local level will feel much more confident,” Fauci said in a discussion with USA Today’s Editorial Board.

For those who remain hesitant about the vaccine, the federal government’s refrain from mandates won’t mean much as some, including Democratic lawmakers, push private businesses and companies to mandate vaccinations just about everywhere and for everything.

They can say, ‘If you want to come to this college or this university, you’ve got to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this plant, you have to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this enterprise, you’ve got to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this hospital, you’ve got to get vaccinated,” Fauci explained.

As for children who are ineligible to receive the vaccine, Fauci said every adult at school must be vaccinated to protect young students. Those students should also be required to wear masks for their entire school day.

I would rather have a child be a little bit uncomfortable with a mask on and be healthy than a comfortable child without a mask in an ICU. It just doesn’t make any sense to me why you would want to not protect the children,” Fauci posited, completely glossing over parents’ freedom to make decisions based on what they think is best for their own child.

The doctor has been accused countless times of politicizing the crisis. One focus group of vaccine hesitant people  said they wanted to here from “anyone besides him“.  Fauci told USA Today that we’re living in a “dystopian world” and that the public “are being misled.

He echoed the talking point that has been beaten into Americans’ psyche lately– that as coronavirus cases rise thanks to the Delta variant, this has become a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Unlike the previous variants and surges that primarily affected the older population, Fauci explained that it is now the  younger population who is primarily being impacted, “When you walk into a hospital, what you’re going to see is a lot of young people, some of whom are seriously ill, but you’re not seeing an overwhelming outstripping of the capability of the hospitals throughout the country,” he told USA Today.

The Centers for Disease Control reports that over 70 percent of Americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine and fifty percent of the population is now fully vaccinated.

One positive outcome stemming from the vaccine is the unlikely return to lockdown measures. According to Fauci, “The rationale for shutting down was that the hospital system would not be able to handle the surge of cases because everybody was getting sick.

Even so, despite the uptick in vaccinations, Fauci predicts without a 100 percent vaccination rate, the world will be in this for the long haul, an outcome Republican lawmakers and conservative Americans have fretted since the first lockdown. Fauci maintains that unless the virus is stopped everywhere,  it will continue to mutate and could come back in a form that can evade current vaccines.

If we’re protected against measles here and there are a million cases of measles in Afghanistan or in India or in Uganda or in Kenya and somebody comes over here, it almost doesn’t matter. But if we’re protected against one group of (COVID-19) variants and a bizarre variant emerges somewhere in a low- or middle-income country, then we’re vulnerable,” Fauci stated.

While he may be a doctor, Fauci does not understand what motivates Americans in their decision to receive or not receive the vaccine.

The reason to get vaccinated is not so that you can go around without wearing a mask. The reason is because we don’t want you to wind up in the ICU. And I can guarantee you 99 percent that if you get vaccinated, you are not going to wind up in the ICU,” Fauci fervently explained.

The elimination of mask and social distancing mandates represents a return to normalcy that most Americans crave. Transparency and an openness to addressing questions or concerns from the vaccine hesitant could also boost vaccination rates.

Fauci, however, seems to enjoy his role as the arbiter of coronavirus information and the power and notoriety that comes with it too much to loosen the hold he has on the country just yet.

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Comments (33)

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    This is not the sort of article I want from this site
    scientific articles please not fake news I can read anywhere.


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      So, are those quotes of Fauci’s not real?


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      Joseph Olson


      “I AM SCIENCE” ~ Fehrer Fauci, see DailyMail.co.uk > June 10, 2010

      No one elected this tiny tyrant to be science overlord, to destroy our Constitution, to murder millions and destroy the businesses of hundreds of millions worldwide. Wrapping himself in the mantle of science to commit these crimes makes his behavior a SCIENCE debate subject.


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        Uhm, so why do you think he has support? How is he allowed to even speak?

        Your societies chose what it chose.


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      Thats not fake news , fake news comes from the below sources .

      It’s very very very difficult to find factual information these days since all search engines only link to propaganda sources .

      Try searching for political info on Google for instance , the ONLY links they will show you are from the below hard left wing propaganda sources :

      ALL factcheckers will also ONLY link to the below sources:

      Cnn, Msnbc,Abc,Cbs, Nbc, HuffPost, NYT, WashPost, The AP, BuzzFeed, Politico, NewsWeek, The Hill, Rolling Stone, Sky News, USA Today, Time, LA Times, Reuters, BBC, Boston Globe, Vox, The Miami Herald, Mother Jones, Snopes, HLN Yahoo, MSN, NY Daily News, Vice, Univision, Wikipedia, People, PBS, NPR, Politifact, New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, Daily Beast, Bloomberg, Aurn, National Journal, BI ,

      The best way to know with 100% certainty what’s factual info is to seek out what the main stream media insist is disinformation because what they claim is disinformation and not trustworthy is 100% trustworthy .


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        I notice you have only one eye.


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        “The best way to know with 100% certainty what’s factual info is to seek out what the main stream media insist is disinformation because what they claim is disinformation and not trustworthy is 100% trustworthy .”

        Wrong. Because controlled opposition. Like Yeadon, Malone, van den Tosser.


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          It’s as if morons have never considered hegelian dialectics, proxy wars relating to attempts of industrial control.


      • Avatar



        You MUST include Fox News in your list of Fake News. They are Controlled Opposition for the purpose of making Patriots feel like they have a voice. Murdoch is a globalist piece of filth. Fox Just reports on stuff we already know and have their actors pretend to be all upset about it. They never get to the bottom line truths and are not allowed to do investigative journalism. They are told what to report.


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    Not quite sure of how to address Midget Mengele – the criminally-insane mendacious psychopath… Let me try in French…

    fcuk you…


    • Avatar



      Why not use the real moniker:
      “[Dr.] Faust is highly successful yet dissatisfied with his life, which leads him to make a pact with the Devil…” (wikipaedia quote)
      BTW, the French would say: “Va vous faire foutre !” 😉
      Cheers, JaKo


      • Avatar



        I would remind him that I cook things.

        Or perhaps…

        But then again, considering my name is Frank, referencing Alpha Galates would just be so much more appropriate.


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    As far as I’m concerned, criminal Fauci can take his predictions and shove them up his arse (excuse the language).


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    very old white guy


    I am still waiting for the first wave and a real vaccine.


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    very old white guy


    The science says stay away from the shots or jabs if you prefer.


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    “I am still waiting for the first wave and a real vaccine.”

    It very much is a real vaccine. It is supposed to address a conflated, non-existent, misattributed problem…which is a result, as causative, by attacking the body with toxins.

    Every vaccine ever.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    “and that the public “are being misled.””
    Indeed, history, in the very near future, will tell who misled the public and nations.


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      What like every virologist (who has not let’s say, repented), pasteur/rockefeller methodologists, politicians, corporate industrialists and practically every aspect of qlippothic “freemason” institutions?


  • Avatar



    Do you like my ancient little health initiative, where mosquitoes are used to lower disease and sustain the environment?

    I’m not being sarcastic, your institutions, have twisted that around.

    Take the mosquitoes as a sign that you are toxic, the environment is toxic, that it’s imbalanced. The mosquitoes actually help you.

    Trying to modify them will ruin you much worse. Which is of course why pharma, military and anti-life qlippoth shit tries that.


    Look, I’ll take you away 3 times, once for your envy, twice for your deceit, three times will I take you away.


    • Avatar



      See, I’m so anti-vax, I preempted vaccines with things that do the opposite and suck out toxins. You know, like leeches. Coz you get tainted by anti-life shit, right. So…


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        Denis dombas


        You should be kind enough to reduce number of your comments,one or two should be enough,instead of more then all of us.thank you.


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          Should I reduce my comments to zero??

          Because I mean, if you don’t listen, you’rr going to hear.


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    sometimes it is good to read what top psychopaths/sociopath say…and be prepared for what is coming


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      I agree. Know what the enemy is doing. Need a tough stomach for it though.


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    Fauci, the CDC, WHO, politicians, the Marxist media, and their Marxist “fact-checkers” LIED about infected numbers and death toll numbers for the past 19-months, they are lying about the 2021 vaccine death numbers now. They have been frantically deleting all the reports of all the deaths that frontline physicians have been sending in and now they have completely shut down the reporting system as a whole .

    But before they could delete all of them, I exported several VAERS reports to a secure thumb drive and then posted them for the world to consider ( No links allowed here but the links without any edit or alteration are located on the website NWV under article title :

    Why Governor DeSantis Thinks YOU are SAFE if Vaccinated
    ByLex Greene|July 28th, 2021

    In report after report, you will read horrifying accounts from attending physicians, of exactly how these vaccines are ravaging the bodies of the vaccinated, from the inside out until dead.

    ONLY when you take the time to READ the attending physician reports yourself, will you see that ALL of these “COVID DEATHS” occurred AFTER the patients received one or more of the vaccines. You will also see that it doesn’t matter which vaccine they took, as they are all causing the same effects.

    These reports deal strictly with patients who had DIED AFTER RECEIVING their vaccines.

    ALL (100%) of these attending physician reports to VAERS concerning “new COVID deaths” are in patients that have received these vaccines, no exceptions. ALL of these reports are “post-vaccine deaths.”(But that’s NOT how they are marked)

    ALL of them have been marked by VAERS and the CDC as mere “COVID DEATHS” with none of them marked “vaccine deaths,” even though all of them happened “post-vaccine.”


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    A worldwide Genocide is unfolding: Expert vaccine scientist Dr. Vanden Bossche

    Dr. Bossche says that when you take the vaccine, very specific antibodies go into your immune system and neuter the nonspecific antibodies that are there to fight off all that attacks your body. It renders your immune system as totally nonfunctioning. It cannot defend you from anything else that attacks you, nor a potential hybrid and more deadly version of Covid 19, which he states is starting to pop up around the world in highly vaccinated countries. Now the deaths are rapidly growing and out of control.

    What has been unleashed with the release and push of vaccines on people here and around the world is nothing but an unfolding Genocide.

    Doctors and scientists had better get busy figuring out how they are going to save the hundreds of millions who have taken this vaccine and are literally waiting for the next virus or illness to attack them that they cannot fight.

    It appears that Genocide may be one of the many goals of this administration. Wake up world. Do not take the vaccine ever and pray to God for help and protection if you have been vaccinated .


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    Former Pfizer Vice President and top scientist, Dr. Michael Yeadon declares that the pandemic is a fraud, masks are useless, why distancing is absurd, why PCR tests are meaningless, why quarantining healthy people is stupid, why variants of virus strains are no threat, and why Covid vaccines should be rejected. Yeadon says many of his colleagues privately agree with this appraisal but remain silent to protect their salaries and research grants. It’s all about money.

    He concludes that, because of the massive number of deaths that will follow within a few years of vaccination, there clearly is an agenda to deliberately eliminate billions of people from the earth and to enslave those who remain.

    Doctors for Covid-19 Ethics, founded by Dr. Yeadon, a group of over 160 independent medical experts worldwide, have issued a stern warning to public health agencies about the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, slamming the jabs as “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe” and likely to lead to “foreseeable mass deaths.


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      Lemme copy paste something I said earlier…


      Basically, your body is an environment, factors affect the environment (toxins, deficiencies), so the environment is damaged and results in things like supposed “viruses”, certain bacterial responses, prions, etc.

      So your body is constantly in a changing state, from whatever factors, degenerating and regenerating. For instance, vitamin D is involved with genetic regulation, so if you don’t have enough vitamin D, you might experience DNA to RNA breakages, DNA truncations, misfolded, mutated, broken, toxic and ejected proteins. People mistake shared environmental, habitual, dietary factors as “contagion”. And so they repeatedly get RTIs in winter, due to lack of sunlight (which is NOT just vitamin D, there is faaaar more related to sunlight than currently recognized), antioxidant depletion and such (such as glutathione, with for instance fresh fruit and vegetables, being less available in winter).

      When they talk about “evolving” viruses, for instance, that simply means a different damage signature as such, as somewhat varying causative factors would physically have somewhat varying results (though processes are invariable, which is related to the aforementioned consistency of RTIs and vitamin D, or perhaps measles and vitamin A).

      Additionally, antibodies are not a measure of immunity (otherwise people would not recurringly get diseases). They are simply a marker of being toxified. You can get antibodies against practically any toxicity. If your body is constantly producing antibodies (assuming it’s capable), it’s toxified.

      Combined, that might give you an idea of why RTIs (in general) happen to occur (traditionally), like clockwork in winter and people never get immunity, because you cannot be immune to vitamin D deficiency, as an example. And as you might guess, contagion is mythical.

      There is simply no immunity, nevermind herd immunity, whatsoever from vaccines (merely toxic attacks, all of them) or any other supposed treatments.

      All of their “causative contagious viruses” are essentially mental constructs to peddle toxins to degenerate you. As it is from an exploitative industry that requires sick people, and their belief that toxins can help them. They only address results as causes, and with the wrong methodology (attacks on the body with toxins). As that results in more sickness.

      Diversity is a wonderful thing, but, what they mean with diversity isn’t strictly about diversity.

      It is easy to say “This group of monks is not diverse enough”…and then you add religious zealot politically corrected industrially brainwashed “climate scientologists” to their community, and their community degenerates. That is the dilution as well as polarization tactic. Coz they’re zombiedronerobosheepclones, they tend to homogeneity, stagnation. Like, if you just built a factory, you don’t want to replace it much, do you? There is one constant in nature, change, they are opposed to life. It is very obvious.

      On the flipside, homogeneity is the REAL bane of existence, life. If everyone are, behaved the same, they are superfluous, redundant and if you understand or control one of them, you can essentially understand or control all of them.

      That is why there is such a massive agenda regarding political “consensus” beliefs paraded as “scientismic truths”. Because industry, is about exploitation. It is in effect, the artificial scarcity method, you would notice that industry LOVES homogenization, stagnation, because less of something is easier to control.

      For instance, trying to control through lithium supply, or demonizing and trying to control CO2, using only GMO corn, soy. The same applies to belief with people. Remember, all the wars with hegelian dialectic such as Russia vs America. Surprisingly, never attacking each other, but having numerous proxy wars. So you are the territory in their proxy war, and cooption depends on your belief. If you think either is right, you are wrong. They always attack the citizen for conformity.

      That’s also why there’s so much attempt with the controlled opposition (Yeadon, van den Bossche, Malone). They are all souled out, used as distractions by peddling validation of (some of) what we’ve been saying for quite some time, to try and appear as heroes for that industry.

      However, appealing on behalf of that industry…

      “Viruses are bad and super contagious and even if you get near the vaccinated you will probably be spontaneously combusted and teleported to mars, and you need my “right” kind of medicine…my “safe” kind of antibodies or vaccines relying on fundamental fraud. Trust me, I’m an expert.

      Hey, did I tell you viruses have no ATP, motile, reproduction function? That’s how much they’ve evolved. They’re dead, phantom, mythical, necrophiliac teleporting entities that function through harvesting the power of ambient dark energy. You just don’t know the science.”

      And belief in them, legitimizes the fundamental fraud (they were involved with the toxic medications based on the pasteur/rockefeller methodology), they all peddle the same fundamentally fraudulent narrative regarding viruses, covid existing as claimed, and they fearmonger, because they are industrialists, greedy, exploitative and they have things they try to sell you to degenerate you.

      Qlippothic “freemasons”, is what you might know them as.

      Mr. Usher has no use for Mr. Yeadon.


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        “diversity” is now code for White extermination.


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    “The reason to get vaccinated is not so that you can go around without wearing a mask. The reason is because we don’t want you to wind up in the ICU. And I can guarantee you 99 percent that if you get vaccinated, you are not going to wind up in the ICU,” Fauci fervently explained.

    WEIRD, because that’s EXACTLY what’ s happening. Those that got the bio-weapon jab are ending up in the ICU, in droves worldwide.


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      That’s 100% correct Scott .

      Vaccinated people found to be 600% more likely to die from covid “variants” than unvaccinated people, June 22, 2021


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    The average (IFR) death rate of covid is a mere 0.26% of those infected (this is a stat that the media consistently and deliberately refuses to mention to the public). This means that 99.7 percent of the public is in NO danger from covid whether they are vaccinated or not.


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