Fauci: Don’t Socialize, Even When You’ve Been Vaccinated!
Dr. Anthony Fauci said people who are fully vaccinated against the novel coronavirus should still avoid activities such as dining in restaurants and seeing movies at theaters.
“I still do not do dining indoors and I still do takeout,” Fauci said during a Monday press briefing. “I want to continue to support the restaurants in my neighborhood that I would normally go to.”
The infectious disease expert said that while those who have received both vaccine doses have greatly reduced their chances of COVID-19 complications, it remains unclear how much the vaccines protect against transmission of the virus, even as two studies out of Israel have suggested the Pfizer vaccine greatly reduces spread of the virus.
But some health experts have warned against the kind of public messaging that minimizes the positive benefits of receiving the vaccine.
“Advising people that they must do nothing differently after vaccination — not even in the privacy of their homes — creates the misimpression that vaccines offer little benefit at all,” said epidemiologist and Harvard Medical School Professor Julia Marcus in a recent op-ed in the Atlantic. “Vaccines provide a true reduction of risk, not a false sense of security. And trying to eliminate even the lowest-risk changes in behavior both underestimates people’s need to be close to one another and discourages the very thing that will get everyone out of this mess: vaccine uptake.”
Fauci, however, has used recent media appearances to urge continued caution, saying Sunday that people may have to wear masks into 2022 even as life around the country returns to a “degree of normality.”
“If you combine getting most of the people in the country vaccinated with getting the level of virus in the community very, very low, then I believe you are going to be able to say you know for the most part we don’t necessarily have to wear masks,” Fauci said. “When it goes way down, and the overwhelming majority of the people in the population are vaccinated, then I would feel comfortable in saying, you know, we need to pull back on the masks, we don’t need to have masks.”
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…. but he sat in a baseball stadium last summer without a mask between two persons seated next to him … I don’t get it…
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He is the king’s minstrel. To keep getting paid, and getting funding, he will say whatever the king demands. He has all the sincerity and truth of a public service announcement.
Judith Day
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You not only have to keep the fear going; you have to stop people getting together and finally discussing the stupidity of the whole pandemic scam!
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This “P-O-S” is DOOMED to Oblivion simply because he is NOT “Human”!
He is an AVATAR “Creature” spawned from “Albino’s”.
Humans “Thrive” by being “Social” with each other….WE PRO-CREATE AND SURVIVE THIS WAY!!!
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He walked that comment back, said people who were vaccinated could socialize one on one with others who were vaccinated. This asshole Fauci just likes to be the center of attention.