Fauci Complains That Americans Will Not “Adhere” To Authorities

Anthony Fauci

Anthony Fauci complained Monday that Americans are refusing to “adhere” to COVID restrictions while asserting that everyone should STILL be wearing masks indoors.

Fauci made the comments during an interview with Katie Couric, blaming “misinformation” for influencing people to ditch face coverings and avoid vaccines.

“Unfortunately, given the fatigue that we’re at in this country from 2 1/2 years of this, everyone is tired of it,” Fauci whined.

He added, “It’s very difficult, superimposed upon an anti-vax type feeling among some, superimposed upon the political divisiveness we have in this country… and social media misinformation and disinformation.”

“It’s very difficult to get people to adhere to commonsense public health measures,” Fauci declared:

Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul announced that the first ever hearing on gain-of-function research will happen this Wednesday and will seek to explore the origins of the pandemic.

In a statement, a Paul spokesperson said:

“This has been over a year-long process of getting Congressional Democrats to finally agree to a hearing, which will also be the first Congressional hearing on gain-of-function research. Dr. Paul looks forward to working with Subcommittee Chairwoman Hassan and hearing from expert witnesses during this critically important hearing that should’ve happened long ago.”

Read more at Summit News

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Comments (8)

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    Fauci hasn’t even taken the jab , he lies about it.

    Fauci: “Heck, No, I Haven’t Been Vaccinated”

    Dr. Anthony Fauci, boasted to colleagues at the NIH that he has not taken and will not take the Covid jab under any circumstances.


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    Charles Higley


    Of course, let’s not mention the dozens of recent studies that show that masking is not only useless against a transmittable virus but also bad for one’s health in a variety of ways, including oxygen deprivation and CO2 enrichment which impairs the immune system and mental acuity. Yeah, more masking, please, Fauci dear.

    And, of course, the myriads of adverse effects and deaths from the jabs are to be ignored and the people are supposed to gladly take them for no clear reason, except for God Fauci says so.


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    Everything “covid” has been a fraud since the start. The vaxxes are not vaxxes they are poison.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    “ … social media misinformation and disinformation.”

    Have they considered that authorities and mainstream media might be spreading misinformation and disinformation? The latter reflects reality and science better (https://bioanalyticx.com/disinformation/).


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    Charles Chips


    When the common man in the street knows that covid is nothing but a created hoax and the shots are deadly yet every single Governor, Congressman, Judge, media talking head, MP, President, PM, Doctor, nurse, medical expert, etc insists on telling lies on every level, and pushes deadly shots on everyone including children, it must be time for a revolution. They all need to go. They all belong in prison.
    We are going to need a whole lot of rope.


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    The insurmountable problem for Fauci and his acolytes is most don’t trust him or believe anything he says. That isn’t going to be remedied. He needs to retire into solitude and if he has a conscience,
    do penance for his betrayal of humanity by fessing up.


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    Kevin Doyle


    In 2009-2010, I don’t recall Fauci (at the time working for Obama) recommending people wear masks to prevent the spread of ‘Swine Flu’ H1N1 influenza?


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