Farewell to the Pseudo Science of Virology
Part one of a three part series. “A Farewell to Virology” is a 29,000 word essay debunking virus theory and virology, written by Dr Mark Bailey, MBChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc. It has yet to be contested and the purpose of this film is to explain why.
This film version walks the layperson through the paper and scientific evidence in an easy, simple and understandable way, so that they may better understand and be able to easily explain to others the great hoax of the last few centuries and certainly last three years, that fictional particles called “viruses” exist, cause illness and are reasons to lock down and destroy societies and economies and cause lifelong disease and misery through needless and useless vaccination programs. They don’t.
About the author:Dr. Mark Bailey MB ChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc won an undergraduate scholarship to the University of Canterbury in 1994 and then completed his medical training at the University of Otago in 1999.He worked in many specialties as a resident doctor and was also a clinical trials research physician for several years. In 2016 he left clinical practice due to dissatisfaction with the allopathic medical system.
Mark is the author of “A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)”, co-author of “The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity” and co-author of The Final Pandemic.
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Saeed Qureshi
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It is not just “Pseudo Science of Virology” but the doctors’ science – all fake and false.
John O'Sullivan
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well said, Saeed. You addressed this issue in depth in your chapters in https://www.amazon.co.uk/Slaying-Virus-Vaccine-Dragon-Qureshi/dp/1949267989
Saeed Qureshi
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Nice hearing from you, John. Thanks for your kind words.
Best wishes for a joyous Christmas filled with love, happiness, and prosperity!
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Saeed, as a layman capable of understanding I have appreciated your writing. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Saeed Qureshi
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Thanks for your kind words.
May your holidays be filled with joy and laughter. Ameen!
Jerry Krause
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Hi Saeed,
John O’ embellished this August 6, 2016 article for me. Read it and suggest why no PSI reader has (according to my memory) ever made a comment to it.
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Hi Saeed and John,
I had considered that you or Saeed might respond to my comment and there get my link before other PSI readers. But I see. again I was wrong. So, to see if it might generate a comment, I will move it to Herb’s article.
John O'Sullivan
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you’re most welcome. And the same to you!
Jerry Krause
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Hi John,
Have you read the book “Ideas in Chemistry” (1992) by David Knight? I suspect you could understand it better than the actual chemists whose science Knight writes about.
As a chemist I believe the word, which best describes CHEMISTS, is PRACTICAL
Have a good day
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For those interested in a anti-virus rebuttal, here is a short video by Dr. Mark Trozzi addressing most of the arguments-some which are patently false. The implications for denying a Covid virus includes the needless deaths of the billions infected and the lack of legal standing against the criminals who developed it.
Saeed Qureshi
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I do not understand why people consider doctors (physicians) to be science experts or scientists. I have yet to see doctors with any valid credentials or expertise related to science, especially in-depth, to make a claim as scientists or science experts.
I watched the video for a while and got bored, so I stopped. The doctor tried to explain “science” through PCR testing and new-generation sequencing. This is a science/chemistry subject, and it is evident that he lacks the training or understanding. From the science/chemistry perspective, it is invalid to do PCR tests or sequencing (new or old generation) without the availability of the reference standards (i.e., isolated/purified and fully characterized virus sample), which is not available. Therefore, all claims in this respect will be false and unscientific. Physicians do not realize this fatal flaw in their thinking because they do not study or are trained in science/chemistry. And that is the issue. Sorry.
Please do not make or present physicians as scientists. They are not.
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IIRC, Kary Mullis developed the PCR test to detect DNA in dinosaur fossils. If so, doctors using it to diagnose for COVID is medical malpractice, to say the least and something Mr. Mullis said for which the test should not be used. When I was diagnosed with COVID in 2020, the PA used an antigen test first and and was insistent I get a PCR test, saying it would detect the covid virus. I flatly refused and wanted to tell him that COVID belonged to the same family of corona viruses that include influenza and the common cold. I will admit I do not know enough to say yes or no on the existence of viruses. I will do more research on that.
Saeed Qureshi
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People should know that PCR and PCR Tests are two different things. Dr. Mullis developed and worked with PCR and not PCR tests. The PCR test is an invention of medical or biology experts who do not know or understand testing science. Hence, they created a fraudulent test, which has no value in detecting an unknown and imaginary virus. It is all fake and false.
One may explain the difference between PCR and PCR tests with an analogy. PCR is like fermentation, but can never tell if alcohol is produced. However, alcohol production in the broth is tested by an alcohol test or tester (PCR test). A test can only be developed if the reference standard is available. An alcohol test or tester will l be valid as its reference standard (alcohol) exists and is available. However, a PCR test is invalid because its reference standard (virus) is unavailable. The PCR test/testing is a fake and fraudulent concept and practice.
People would have gone to jail, and laboratories would have been shut down if such practices had been done in science/chemistry (analytical) laboratories.
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Got it. Thank you for the clarification!
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Precisely why Dr. Fauci is anything but The Science.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Saeed,
When I was teaching chemistry at a small community college I heard the biology instructor lecturing to his student that they should feed their children a spoonful of dirt every day.
What do you think of this advice?
Have a good day
Saeed Qureshi
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Biology: the dirt (aka garbage) science. LOL!
Gary Brown
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December 22, 2024 Government Spending Bill Extends Deadline for Filing COVID-19 Injury Claims
A new U.S. government spending bill will extend the time for those injured by the COVID-19 shot to file for federal vaccine injury compensation under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). Under the bill, certain claimants previously denied compensation will be permitted to refile their claims, under the bill, as well.