Fake News: ‘The woman behind the first black hole image’

Katie Bouman Did Not Discover Black Hole

As the mainstream media attempts to give researcher Katie Bouman credit for the first “photos” of a black hole, it appears her role may have been mostly supervisory, and that other researchers did the majority of the leg work.

According to data provided publicly by GitHub, Bouman made 2,410 contributions to the over 900,000 lines of code required to create the first-of-its-kind black hole image, or 0.26 per cent. Bouman’s contributions also occurred toward the end of the work on the code.

In contrast, contributor Andrew Chael wrote over 850,000 lines of code.

While CNN attempted to give Bouman full credit, explaining “That’s where Bouman’s algorithm — along with several others — came in,” they slyly admitted that fellow researchers told CNN “‘(Bouman) was a major part of one of the imaging subteams,’” even after CNN incorrectly wrote on the previous line that she was on one of the “imaging teams,” not subteams.

BBC News was even more zealous in its eagerness to have a woman at the helm, and titled its article “Katie Bouman: The woman behind the first black hole image”.

Phys.org went even further, calling the young scientist a “superstar” in its headline.

While the Western media attempted to use her gender to make a point, Asian publications, including Asahi, offered a more nuanced and truthful article, writing that “207 scientists in 17 nations and regions took part in the project,” and refusing to assign the achievement to any one of the scientists.

For her part, Bouman made it clear on Facebook that she did not want sole credit for the achievement.

“No one algorithm or person made this image,” wrote Bouman, “it required the amazing talent of a team of scientists from around the globe and years of hard work” to capture the black hole image.

Replying to one of the comment asking if the image was made by her personally, Bouman added “Actually no, there were a number of us that all squeezed into the room and pressed go on our computers at the same exact time! We didn’t want any one person or algorithm to be the first one to make the image.”

She also gave “shout outs” to Chael and many of the other scientists she worked with.

I’m so excited that we finally get to share what we have been working on for the past year! The image shown today is the…

Posted by Katie Bouman on Wednesday, 10 April 2019

It appears the American mainstream media lost sight of the truth in an attempt to give a female scientist undue credit for a massive achievement that should have the entire scientific community involved with the photo patting itself on the back collectively.

Read more at bigleaguepolitics.com

Comments (3)

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    Zoe Phin


    It seems like all super-expensive 10+ year projects always find what they were looking for when their budget is being discussed. Amazing coincidences!

    She should get all the 0.26% credit she deserves.

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    Diane Shears


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    Stephen J. Crothers


    This is how astronomers and cosmologists do science: fraud by means of mass-media induced mass-hysteria. It beggars belief. Think about it: according to the astronomers and cosmologists the finite mass of their black hole is concentrated in a ‘physical singularity’ of zero volume, infinite density, and infinite gravity. But no finite mass has zero volume, infinite density, and infinite gravity, anywhere!

    Similarly, the astronomers and cosmologists assign to their black hole two different escape speeds (v_esc = 0 metres per second and v_esc = c = 300,000,000 metres per second, and in the same equation) and no capacity for an escape speed (since nothing can even leave), simultaneously, at the same place (at the ‘event horizon’). But nothing can have two different escape speeds and no capacity for an escape speed, simultaneously, at the same place! (See [1]). Furthermore, the astronomers and cosmologists assert that the escape speed at the event horizon is the speed of light, yet light cannot either leave or escape; indeed, nothing, they say, can even leave the event horizon. But since light travels at the speed of light, which is the escape speed at the event horizon, light must both leave it and escape! And, moreover, anything else can leave.

    On the mathematical level, the black hole is conjured by violations of geometry. Geometrically speaking, the theory of black holes moves a sphere originally centred at the origin of a coordinate system to some other place in that same coordinate system but leaves its centre behind. By this means the two ‘singularities’ of the black hole are produced, the centre of the moved sphere, now thought to be an event horizon, and the left behind centre at the origin of coordinates, thought to be the ‘physical singularity’. (See [2]). Analytically speaking, the violation of geometry manifests in black hole theory as the requirement that the absolute value of a real number must take on negative values – which is also impossible. (See [3]).

    The laws of thermodynamics require that temperature must always be an intensive thermodynamic property. To argue otherwise is a violation of both the 0th and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. The Hawking temperature of a black hole is however non-intensive, in violation of the laws of thermodynamics. So black hole thermodynamics is entirely nonsense. (See [4]).

    So their black hole does not exist; proven with common sense and high-school science. Yet they have managed to image that which does not exist. Of course they did – they have to justify their lucrative jobs and their vast grants of unaccountable public money.

    For a comprehensive coverage of the frauds see [5], [6], and [7].

    [1] Crothers, S.J., Black Hole Escape Velocity, Sky Scholar, 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZbDLd42Uws
    [2] Crothers, S.J., Black Hole Geometry Analyzed, Sky Scholar, 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-xCMZLUc2A&t=5s
    [3] Crothers, S.J., On Corda’s ‘Clarification’ of Schwarzschild’s Solution, Hadronic Journal, Vol. 39, 2016, http://vixra.org/pdf/1602.0221v4.pdf
    [4] Robitaille, P.-M., Gravitational Thermodynamics – Is it Science?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ2F2Kw5-nQ
    [5] Crothers, S.J., A Critical Analysis of LIGO’s Recent Detection of Gravitational Waves Caused by Merging Black Holes, Hadronic Journal, n.3, Vol. 39, 2016, pp.271-302, http://vixra.org/pdf/1603.0127v5.pdf
    [6] Crothers, S.J., LIGO — Its Claims for Black Holes and Gravitational Waves | EU2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev10ywLFq6E&t=496s
    [7] Crothers, S.J., Gravitational Waves: Propagation Speed is Co-ordinate Dependent, Poster Presentation, 2018 April APS Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, presented on 14th April 2018. http://vixra.org/pdf/1804.0399v1.pdf

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