Fake and True Heuristics

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As a follow-up to my previous video, I discuss the difference between fake heuristics such as we see in climate change, and true heuristics such as we use for teaching Newton’s Laws of Motion.

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    William Walter Kay


    Meanings can change but generally speaking a heuristic approach is a trial and error approach to problem solving common in the development of technology and various programs wherein the inventor physically tinkers to get the device to work while examining and re-examining results. Heuristics is often used in contradistinction to abstract blackboard analysis. “Heuristic” in this video seems to be a synonym for simplified diagrams which, yes, may be a helpful tools in problem-solving.

    My main curiosity relates to that “flat earth” diagram. I’ve been a CAGW sceptic for 25 years but have never come across a flat-earth alarmist. Aside from this same, obviously super-simplified, Earth surface sketch; do any of the 30-odd major climate computer models used by mainstream climate science actually presume a flat-earth? If so which computer models are those; and how do we know they are premised on flat-earth concepts? The answer must involve: a) name of computer model; and b) evidence showing this model presumes a flat-earth.


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