Facts & Science in the Vax Debate with Dr Judy Wilyman & John O’Sullivan
There are legitimate questions surrounding Covid19 vaccines that were approved in record time and for which manufacturers and those administering it are indemnified.
Of course the media has no questions, the medical profession has been silenced by regulators and the public remains ignorant of basic facts due to the might of official propaganda.
Video source: rumble.com
Dr Judy Wilyman is well placed to talk about the facts and science surrounding the current vaccine debate. Dr Wilyman is Australia’s leading authority on the historical control of infectious diseases. Dr Judy Wilyman has spent many years investigating the correlation between the decline in children’s health and the increased use of vaccines.
Her PhD titled ‘A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy’ concluded that the government’s claims of safety and efficacy are not based on hard evidence.
Since completing her PhD, Dr Wilyman has experienced censorship in both the mainstream media and the official channels for public debate.
Our second guest is John O’Sullivan, CEO of Principia Scientific International, an organisation dedicated to transparency and truth and the only publishing international science association shunning political advocacy and defending the traditional scientific method.
Covid Exposed on Asia Pacific Today. October 3, 2021
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Video source: rumble.com
More at www.asiapacifictoday.tv
About Dr Judy Wilyman: Dr Wilyman is Principia Scientific’s chief scientist on vaccine safety, a specialist on vaccine science and has worked professionally as a science teacher for 20 years. She obtained her PhD from the University of Wollongong (UOW) where she also completed a Master of Science degree (Population Health) in the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences in 2007. The book based on her PhD research titled “Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom” is now available to buy.
About John O’Sullivan: John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is not only a seasoned science writer but adept legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the multi-million-dollar ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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Zoe Phin
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Nice to see you in media, John!
Please also post a direct link to rumble, as it is frustrating to watch an embedded video on a smartphone. I had to search “asia pacific” on rumble. Embedded videos are annoying, unless they are very short clips.
Take care and keep fighting, love. -Zoe
Zoe Phin
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Nevermind, I see you did. But please place it directly below it 🙂
John O'Sullivan
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Thanks, Zoe. Have now added a link to the video at rumble below the embedded version.
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Hi John, A couple of observations.
After 6 minutes of watching I wanted to stop and and watch some more later at the 6 minute mark but could not find a “running time bar” at the bottom of the video to re-enter watching at the 6 minute mark. 50 -ish minutes is a big watch in one hit.
Second observation. One secret to a good speech can be short one. When the listener’s eyes glaze over you have lost them.
In answer to the first question Dr. Wilyman breaks into a long discourse to questions that were never asked and the opportunity for stimulating insightful questions with succinct insightful replies is turned into a eye glazing rant. Continuing to watch became a matter of loyalty to J.O.
I wonder if some pre-scripting would assist between the “players”.
These comments are made in a supportive tone.
Finally the mandatory satire. There is a new James Bond movie out and I wonder if the “gentleman” on the left savours his martinis shaken, not stirred.
Best wishes. Matt
Judy Wilyman
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Thanks for the feedback Matt. Whilst I do agree with you in general, the answer to Mike’s first question was more complex than people imagine. It is a combination of a lack of accountability for government and the medical profession combined with an indoctrination program of 30 years that is leading many people including healthcare professionals to walk into their own deaths and illnesses without questioning the safety and efficacy of this drug. This is the power of the word ‘vaccine’ after 30 years of indoctrination. I hope you will have another listen to the multiple reasons why big pharma is being permitted to falsely advertise this drug to the population. However, I will try to make my answer more concise in future.
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Hi Judy.
I have done the same thing myself with public accountability . To leave something out creates a half truth, so have attempted to cover too many miscellaneous side issues rather than be ‘on cue’. It can become a maze for the listener.
Here is an alternative answer to that first question. ” Pfizer, maker of one of the covid-19 jabs was previously fined £84.2 million for overcharging the NHS by 2,600% and in the US the company was hit with a $2.3 billion fine for mis-promoting medicines and paying kickbacks to doctors . The old saying is, Follow The Money, which allows one to understand why emergency usage was given to an experimental injected concoction which has a previously unheard of death rate and adverse effect ratio. Experimental approval should never have been given as there were already successful treatment protocols.. Anything to add, John”.
45 seconds.
The issue is not convincing me but convincing people who think you are fringe dwellers. Creating credibility early is essential. For example, if somebody was to google “polio in Africa” they would see literature by the WHO informing the polio vaccine created a polio resurgence in Africa and that polio strain is mutating into a more dangerous strain. Instant endorsement from the WHO. People who are skeptical of you are instantly blown out of the water. Find some similar examples and make them introductory to the interview, alternating with John to break it up and prove it is not misinformation and conspiracy theory.
A couple of things you probably already know. After having answered a question, ask “anything to add, John?”, and vise versa when John is asked a question. It is like “I have your back” or tag team wrestling, rather than allowing the next question to be tabled.
The second interviewee can emphasize a point or add a priority overlooked before moving on. Breaking it up can add stimulus.
Anyway, I could add more but it is me who is ranting. Best wishes with the good fight. Be prepared to give up smaller battles to win the war, at least in the short term.
Oh, I have a saying that diplomacy is the first step towards self deception. You are going great
Best wishes. Matt
Judy Wilyman
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Your not doing too bad yourself Matt! As always the best answer to a question is subjective and the answer you have provided did not address the reason why most people are not recognising that this drug is not a vaccine and hence why the authorities are not being held accountable. Knowing it is not a vaccine is the first step to accountability. So I answered the question from my expertise of the issue and I guess that is why I was invited on the program. Of course there are many ways in which the question can be answered but that does not mean that you have addressed the depth of the question.
John O'Sullivan
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MattH, Many thanks for the feedback. Am passing it onto Asia Pacific TV. I’m reliably informed that the ‘gentleman’ on the left likes his tipple with lots of tonic water ( key ingredient, quinine, being the origin of the COVID19 treatment, HCQ)
Andrew Pilkington
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Many thanks, John. Nice one 🙂
Have you seen this beauty yet, John?
Is this Official Press Conference the Straw that’ll break the Camel’s back?
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“Very very surprising. Great stuff to see. Problematic. I could not stop looking at this.” 59.40
Pathologist quote on what appears to show Frankensteinism from vaccines.
Thank you Andrew
Ken Hughes
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Although Boris has led us to believe we will not have a vaccine passport, nevertheless, the UK is proceeding to link such a system with the EU green card system. He sais one thing and allows another. We WILL get vaccine passports that’s for certain, unless we start to resist.
Jerry Krause
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Hi to John O’ and general PSI Readers and Commenters
And specifically to MattH and Zoe whom John specially acknowledged.
GOOD WORK!!! You two and John has consistently worked hard to read what others have actually written that is SCIENCE.
Have a good day, Jerry
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Public ignorance of basic facts is an understatement. They don’t seem to have a clue about safety of health treatments. When it is free it seems that thinking goes out of the window.