Facebook, WhatsApp & Instagram ALL down in huge global outage
Mainstream media news sources are reporting that there are substantial global outages occurring today on three social media platforms, Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram. All three companies have issued assurances that they are working to restore services as soon as possible.
The BBC are reporting:
“All three services are owned by Facebook and could not be accessed over the web or smartphone apps. Downdetector, which tracks outages, logged nearly 80,000 reports for WhatsApp and more than 50,000 for Facebook.
Data from the website suggests the outage is affecting user accounts across the world. Some people also reported problems using Facebook’s virtual reality headset platform, Oculus. And apps which require Facebook logins were affected, including Pokémon Go.
Facebook said: “We are aware some people are having trouble accessing our apps and products. We are working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible and apologise for any inconvenience.”
No official reason for the problem was given.”
Meanwhile rt.com have noted:
“The Facebook app wouldn’t load at all for many mobile users, while some desktop users got a “Sorry, something went wrong” message. Instagram users saw a 5xx Server Error message, according to The Verge.
The company has not given any indications as to when its services will be operational again.
WhatsApp eventually tweeted an acknowledgment of the issue, promising it was “working to get things back to normal” and would “send an update here as soon as possible.” Soon after, the parent company issued a statement along similar lines, apologizing for any “inconvenience.””
Facebook Whistleblower Coincidence?
What caught my attention is that at this very same time, data scientist Frances Haugen, 37, a former Facebook product manager on the company’s civic misinformation team, has come forward and revealed herself to be the whistleblower behind the leak of thousands of pages of potentially damaging internal documents to The Wall Street Journal.
The Independent is reporting that:
“Perhaps Ms Haugen’s most shocking accusation was that Facebook’s own research had revealed that its lifestyle app Instagram was harmful to the mental health and self-esteem of teenage girls but that it had failed to take steps to address the problem.
According to the documents she obtained, an internal study found that 32 per cent of young women who said they felt bad about their bodies admitted to feeling worse after logging in to Instagram.
Speaking to 60 Minutes host Scott Pelley, the analyst, who has previously worked at other Silicon Valley big beasts like Google, Pinterest and Yelp, said that although she did not believe Mr Zuckerberg had set out to create a negative space: “The version of Facebook that exists today is tearing our societies apart and causing ethnic violence around the world.”
“The thing I saw at Facebook over and over again was there were conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook,” she said. “And Facebook, over and over again, chose to optimise for its own interests, like making more money.”
Suggesting that the above social media giant outage is part of a coordinated international plan by ‘white hats’ in a sting operation to take to task a ‘satanic globalist elite’ is Simon Parkes over at www.simonparkes.org
Parkes, who has family connections to British Military Intelligence and US intelligence services, has gained increasing popularity in recent years within the patriot community as a respected analyst and advocate for a Great Awakening against the globalist industrial and scientific complex.
Parkes and his compatriots say that the majority of citizens have been asleep during the pandemic and need a ‘red pill’ to wake them from the delusion that national governments have been pursuing health policies during the pandemic based on sound medical science.
Parkes told his followers:
“Unless the plan changes dramatically, expect US and UK to lose all communication soon.”
The social media giants have been notorious for censoring any and all independent scientific and medical criticism of the measures taken by governments during the COVID pandemic.
Last month we reported on how Youtube was banning ALL medical experts commentary adverse to vaccine mandates.
According to Simon Parkes and others, this is another important stage in a master plan instigated by patriots many years ago. It is alleged to have been implemented during the US presidency of Donald Trump which also includes an alternative ‘Great Reset’ (not the nasty Klaus Schwab version) whereby NESARA/GESARA will be enacted globally expunging debt.
Are we witnessing the ultimate takedown of the evil Rothchild-led cabal? Should we be even thinking along those lines?
Well, stranger things have happened. For example, who would have guessed, two years ago, that the western world would willingly shut down the global economy and cause astronomical debt, bankruptcies, unemployment, mental and physical anguish and avoidable deaths, all for a ‘new disease’ no worse than old fashioned influenza?
PSI Editor’s Update (October 5, 2021) Simon Parkes has posted an interesting follow up video.
If his claims are true, we are likely witnessing a stand off between the white hats, who actually have their fingers on the kill switch, and the black hats, who are desperate to preserve the unjust status quo.
About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
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GOOD, hopefully they are gone for good.
Carbon Bigfoot
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Carbon Bigfoot
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From a site that links to “How To Easily Manifest Anything You Wish Using Quantum Physics”?
Your having a laugh Bigfoot!
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Good article John, and some coincidence as well!
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I would like to think this is Donald Trump balancing the ledger but I realize this is wishful thinking.
Hopefully they can ‘deplatform’ twitter as well. Filthy base tards.
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Oh no, a major part of the echo chamber of opinionated but ignorant mass consensus is compromised, what are they to do now? Think for themselves, or just watch more MSM, and PANIC!?
Their personal details are on sale on the dark web? Who would wish to buy the data from foolish fools who are just gullible for any government/MSM nonsense? Hopefully they all get ripped off by some “Russian” (aka NSA) conpersons! They deserve it!
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It’d be best if these companies bit the dust for good. None are needed. Did anyone survive before Fraudbook? Yes, everyone!
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Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch of murderous, controlling crooks. May they rest in pieces…
A Reasonable Man
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I remember watching Zuckerberg’s testimony before Congress. All I could think was “what a little sneaky weasel, a real bucket of crap.”
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The official statement was “…faulty configuration change.” That is something like “an update went wrong.” Sure! It took over 14 hours to “find out.”
Remember the summer cyber security exercise, Cyber Polygon 2021? All flying colors in July, eh?
I don’t think the world is ready for the real SHTF!
Cheers, JaKo
Ken Hughes
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‘Very suspicious that all three Facebook companies all went down together. An outsider could not have done this. ‘Looks like Zuckerberg did it for reasons of his own. We’ll see.
John O'Sullivan
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an interesting video update from Simon Parkes which, if true, suggests a fascinating stand off between anti-censorship white hats and the biased social media black hats fixated on anti-science propaganda.
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Hi John,
I’m watching the video now, and it is fascinating, and uplifting if true, but “tesla type power generation because it can’t support demonic entities”? What’s that about?
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Telegram’s popularity surges amid Facebook outage as 70mn new users flock to messaging app
Joseph Olson
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Simon Parks may be a double agent. Another possibility, FakeBook Whistleblower and 60 Minutes scoop were distraction, while Zucky scrubbed his algorithms and HACKED his users. Now these rats will say, ONLY DIGITAL ID, USING BIOMETRICS will save the internet (and enable digital currency, social credit scoring)
John O'Sullivan
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So many unknowns with claims and counter claims that it becomes impossible to discern truth from hopium.
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Facebook, WhatsApp & Instagram ALL down in huge global outage | Principia Scientific Intl.
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Facebook, WhatsApp & Instagram ALL down in huge global outage | Principia Scientific Intl.