Exposing the pseudoscientific Virology methodology

Early this year, I was made aware of some very exciting developments in the fight against the pseudoscience known as virology

Behind the scenes, very smart and resourceful individuals were taking it upon themselves to put the methods of virology to the test.

These individuals were inspired by the work of Dr. Stefan Lanka and his control experiments performed in 2020 that had opened up the eyes of many regarding the cell culture fraud.

For those who may be unfamiliar, controls in scientific experiments are designed to ensure that the presumed cause, known as the independent variable, or the supposed “virus” in this case, is the only thing that could be causing the observed effect, known as the dependent variable, which should be the symptoms of disease associated with the “virus.”

“A study with control(s) is designed to ensure that the effects are due to the independent variables in the experiment.

The use of controls allows to study one variable or factor at a time.

It is, however, important that both the control and other (experimental) group(s) are exposed to the same conditions apart from the one variable under study.

Doing so will help draw conclusions that are more accurate and reliable.”


What needs to be understood in regard to virology is that the cell culture experiments used to confirm the existence of a “virus” do not reflect a hypothesis based upon an observed natural phenomenon (a requirement of the scientific method) and never begin with a valid independent variable in the form of purified and isolated “viral” particles identified prior to the experiment taking place.

The “virus” is assumed to be present within the unpurified fluids taken from a sick host. The dependent variable, or the effect that the investigators are looking for, is not the observed natural phenomenon of the symptoms of disease as it should be, but rather what is known as the cytopathogenic effect (CPE), a non-specific lab created effect associated with the death of the cell that is known to be caused by many factors such as:

  1. Bacteria
  2. Amoeba
  3. Parasites
  4. Antibiotics
  5. Antifungals
  6. Chemical contaminants
  7. Age and cell deterioration
  8. Environmental stress

An imaginary “virus” that is never observed prior to the start of the experiment and is not on hand to be varied and manipulated during the experiment, is not needed as an explanation as to why the researchers witness the death of the cell.

The very conditions of the experiment itself is enough to create the effect observed in the Petri dish. This is what the controls performed by Dr. Lanka showed when he took it upon himself to highlight the flaws in the methodology of virology.

Dr. Lanka’s work was detrimental to the pseudoscience of virology. However, there were criticisms aimed at his results that allowed those defending the fraud to brush them off.

While Dr. Lanka’s results stand as an unchallenged blow to virology, there are weaknesses to be addressed, such as the lack of electron microscope images to show that the same “viral” particles exist without the presence of any “viral” sample added to the culture.

The results from Dr. Lanka’s experiments, done in three phases, were also difficult for many to find, piece together, and share with others in their entirety. Fortunately, a team of experienced biochemists and geneticists, led by Jamie Andrews, took these criticisms to heart and looked to address them while expanding upon the scope of Dr. Lanka’s work.

Not only did they repeat the cell culture experiments in accordance with the ATCC guidelines, but they also took electron micrographs to determine whether or not the same “viral” particles can be found in samples that do not contain any “viral” material whatsoever.

This is a massive project that has so far been self-funded by dedicated seekers of truth who, unlike virologists, understand the scientific method. What they found should be the devastating final blow to the pseudoscience known as virology.

I am excited to present below Jamie’s description of the project, what they have uncovered to date, how you can help and participate, as well as where they want to take their investigation in the future.

For the past 8 months, a team of us, including 30-year experienced biochemists and geneticists, have been conducting the most comprehensive control studies of the virological methodology ever done.

Taking inspiration from the control experiments conducted by Dr. Stefan Lanka, we looked not only to replicate his findings but to expand upon them, scrutinizing EVERY single point of reference virologists quote as evidence that “viruses” exist.

We are conducting control experiments in these areas:

  • Cell Culture Isolation
  • Transmission Electron Microscopy
  • Antibodies
  • PCR
  • Proteomics
  • Full Genome sequencing.

To date, we have conducted over 90 cell culture control studies. These cultures contained NO SAMPLE, just the cell line, antibiotics and fetal bovine serum (FBS), and we saw the cytopathogenic effect (CPE – cell death that is supposed to denote the presence of a virus) in ALL cultures.

We took some of the issues that people had with the cell culture controls of Dr. Lanka, such as “overgrown” cell lines, and looked to cover every single angle of the methodology, cross referencing the standard protocol for handling cell cultures as provided by the ATCC.

We used the most robust cell lines (HEK293T) and the least harsh antibiotics of penicillin and streptomycin (Pen/Strep) looking to strengthen the weight of our findings.

We also sought objective verification of CPE occurring in these cultures. By using Laser Spectrometry and specific cell viability machinery called COUNTESS, we achieved objective verification in percentage readouts of CPE in ALL cultures.

Above is an example of one culture as part of the experiment. Note the clear death and cell apoptosis at just Day 4 post removal of FBS nutrients.

COUNTESS registered up to 44 percent Cell death which is easily with the cross-referenced remit of CPE to denote a “virus” without the possibility of a “virus” being in the culture.

Also note the increasing CPE left to right with addition of antibiotics (Pen/Strep) as per ATCC protocols.

To act as a kind of “Positive Control,” we added sputum as a human sample into quite a few of our cultures to see if that affected the amount of CPE drastically.

As you can see, the amount of CPE registered by COUNTESS was almost identical, if not a little lower, than with NO SAMPLE.

This is further proof that the CPE in these cultures is ONLY caused by removal of FBS nutrients and the addition of antibiotics in industry standard recommended dosages.

We have the results and want to show you a WORLD FIRST.

We sent these cultures to an independent accredited Contract Research Organization (CRO) to do transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on the control cultures and have positively identified “SARS-COV-2,” “HIV,” and “Measles”!!!!!!!!!

We commissioned them to look for extracellular vesicles which they positively identified above. Note they are empty, misshapen and much larger than most “viruses” at 2000 nm.

CDC image of Omicron “SARS-COV-2.”

By cross-referencing of size, shape and inclusions with the CDC version of “SARS-COV-2” (in red square), we positively identified “SARS-COV-2” in our culture. Note the round shape, the same inclusions inside at exactly the same size of 120 nm.

CDC image of “HIV.”

Image of the “HIV” particle found within the “virus-free” control.

CDC image of the measles “virus.”

Image of the measles “virus” particle found within the “virus-free” control.

By cross-referencing of size, shape and inclusions with the CDC version of measles, we positively identified “measles” in our culture. Note the same oval shape, the exact same type of inclusion in the form of dotted proteins, the phosphoproteins, and exactly the same size at 250 nm.

ALL of these were found within just 9 images of our culture. Funds prohibited us from taking out a package that enabled us to have a live session under the microscope with the CRO.

We have no doubt that, if we could purchase a package that gives us more images with control over where to look, we could find every single “virus” known to man in impeccable detail.

This is where we need your HELP!

Up until this point, we have kept these experiments private and funded them ourselves.

The next stage of these control experiments, and where all the paths lead to, is genetics, PCR and full genome sequencing.

To fully understand what is going on with the PCR, if not for “viral genetics,” we need to purchase a qPCR machine and a few other bits of equipment. We need to send off samples to CROs for full genome sequencing, and we would like to carry out a more comprehensive TEM.

In order to do so, we are opening up to the power of the people. We would be extremely grateful for any help to continue these vital experiments.

In return we want to give YOU something for your kind donations.

When we have achieved all of the results possible, we will do a FULL writeup of EVERY single methodology, equipment and materials list and all guidelines we followed to make a packet that we want to give to YOU.

With that packet, we will release a video explaining these results, how they may be replicated, and most importantly, how they may be used.

We have consulted with our lawyers that confirm that, if we open-source these experimental results, anyone can take them as their own and use them in their own capacity.

A large part of why we are doing these experiments is to protect ourselves and our loved ones if they ever try a repeat of 2020. This scientific document can be served to employers, schools, international borders, etc., etc., who want to try to enforce vaccine mandates or testing/masking policies to act as PROOF that the science that their political machinations are based upon is fraudulent.

There have been many legal precedents set by Dr. Lanka, Martin Haberland and others with wins in court based upon the truth of “No Virus.” We hope to be legally and scientifically prepared for the next time.

We need your help to contribute towards finding the truth about virology! There is a link to donate towards this project and all donations are massively appreciated.

If you leave your email, we are open sourcing ALL of these experiments to be able to use them in your own capacity.

This is an exciting time where people who are interested in truth do not need to rely upon the “experts” to tell them what is, and what is not, scientifically valid. As shown by Jamie and Co., we do not have to sit back and wait for so-called scientists to do the control experiments that should have been performed all along.

We have the capability of taking matters into our own hands and uncovering the truth for ourselves. We can do what virologists are afraid to do and have the necessary experiments run ourselves.

Rather than continue to pick apart the methods sections of the virology literature, we can demonstrate that the methodology is fraudulent with our own control experiments. This will put the onus squarely on virology to demonstrate that their methods are not the pseudoscientific fraud that we have been uncovering all along.

The hypotheses and the methods of virology have been falsified, and it is up to them to show otherwise. Jamie and Co. deserve a HUGE “Thank You!” for the hard work and effort that they have put into this endeavor.

Please help support them so that we can see this groundbreaking project through to its necessary and logical conclusion!

For a great overall discussion where Jamie breaks down the evidence obtained so far (beginning around 49 minutes in), check out episode 99 of The Way Forward with Alec Zeck for “The Most Important Project of the Century: The End of Virology with Jamie Andrews + Jacob Diaz”

See more here substack.com

Header image: Chemistry World

Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Defend The Scientific Method

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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