Exploring The ‘New’ Biology

Everything in my external life seemed to be routine and normal for an American growing up in the ‘70s and ‘80s — except that no matter where I turned, science and educational systems just didn’t seem to make sense to me.

I set out to find both answers and questions that did make sense, that fit the observations I was experiencing right before my eyes. This seeking became a lifelong quest. I just kept following my ideas, and eventually I learned to follow my heart.

Following my heart led me to a conception of science, medicine and the world at large that was radically different from anything I was taught in school.

My ideas, such as the heart is not a pump, blocked arteries are not the main cause of heart attacks, vaccines are ineffective and unsafe, cancer is not a genetic disease, and the “war on cancer” has been an utter failure, have been the subjects of three of my books.

Recently, because of current events, I turned my questioning gaze on the widely accepted theory —so accepted that it now lives in our culture as truth — that germs (bacteria and viruses) cause disease.

What if I told you that, since The Contagion Myth was first published in 2020, further research has led me to believe that at least 30 statements I made in the book are, in fact, inaccurate?

At that time, I was still holding onto some of the most basic theories taught in medical school, such as cellular structure and the existence of ribosomes, which use RNA to make proteins. I did not apply my cardinal rule: Question Everything!

Through my research, I have come to understand a New Biology that applies to all living things.For example, I have discovered that the electron microscope images of ribosomes are actually gas bubbles, stained with dye, from dead or dying tissue.

Human health, and that of all living things, is dictated by the quality of our water and our ability to receive and properly utilize this water. Intent (understanding the role of consciousness) is also important to healing.

I encourage all of us to explore the concepts and ideas that govern our thoughts and even our lives. Subject them to rigorous questioning, keep exploring whether they ring true. My wish is that my work and this website can help guide you in this search.

It is my sincerest wish and expectation that we all will forge a new world together — a world that is clean, safe and governed by joy instead of fear, one that meets the true needs of all living beings. This is the world I want for myself, my children, my grandchildren, all people, animals, plants and microbes. Join me in remembering the way the world can be if we only learn to see clearly.

See more here: drtomcowan.com

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Comments (4)

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    Mark Tapley


    The germ theory medical fear and control system is a critical component in the globalists tool bag for total control. The hoax of pathogenic transmission was first expounded by the elite’s medical poster boy and professional con man Pasteur who only succeeded in his fake “disease spreading” efforts, not with actual pathogens but always with toxins, usually arsenic or mercury used in his forty years of unmitigated fraud as documented in his “research” diary, now finally published. Recognizing unlimited potential in the specter of ready made pandemics, the Rockefeller’s (Rothschild bus. as) using unlimited funds from Standard Oil (gained by getting insider transportation leverage from the Rothschilds railroad transport, along with help from the Sherman Anti-Trust act legislation as documented in Moody’s “The Truth About the Trusts”) hired Simon and Abraham Flexnor to formulate plans that led to the founding of The Rockefeller Foundation that controlled of all medical training using only the allopathic model and the formation of the big Pharma network we have today.

    Since this same cartel also had control of the media (just like today) all of this medical crime was supercharged with the creation of the 1918 “flu” as the consequence of a dozen blood toxin injections pushed world wide by the Foundation, along with massive overdoses of the new drug aspirin and reporting every death (just like now) as the “flu.” This medical scam ingrained in everyones mind from an early age, paved the way for all the fake vaccines in use today (by the time a child reaches 6 they have had ap. 65 blood toxins) and was further reinforced by the manmade polio epidemic . Addition of the neuro toxin aluminum to the poison tissue sample injections have also caused a massive increase in neurological problems including the now widespread occurrence of autism that used to be extremely rare.


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    “the “war on cancer” has been an utter failure”

    Most people would be much smarter and better informed if they had awareness of what the “war on cancer” movement (and the “Breast Cancer Awareness” movement) does NOT raise awareness about.

    The official mainstream “war on cancer” has been an unofficial “war” on the unsuspecting public: to keep them misinformed and misguided about the real truth of this “war.”

    The orthodox cancer establishment has been saying a cure for cancer “is just around the corner” and “we’re winning the war on cancer” for decades. It’s all hype and lies (read Dr. Guy Faguet’s ‘War on cancer,” Dr. Sam Epstein’s work, or Clifton Leaf’s book, or Dr. Siefried’s work on this bogus ‘war’, etc). The criminal medical establishment deliberate and falsely self-servingly claims and distorts a ‘win’ in the bogus ‘war on cancer’ when the only notably win is a reduction in lung cancer due to a huge reduction in smoking, which has nothing to do with their cancer treatments. Lying is their mode of operation.

    Since the war on cancer began orthodox medicine hasn’t progressed in their basic highly profitable therapies: it still uses primarily and almost exclusively highly toxic, deadly things like radiation, chemo, surgery, and drugs that have killed millions of people instead of the disease.

    As long as the official “war on cancer” is a HUGE BUSINESS based on expensive TREATMENTS (INTERVENTIONS) of a disease instead of its PREVENTION, logically, they will never find a cure for cancer. The moonshot-war on cancer inventions, too, includes industry-profitable gene therapies of cancer treatment that are right in line with the erroneous working model of mechanistic reductionism of allopathic medicine.

    The lucrative game of the medical business is to endlessly “look for” a cure but not “find” a cure. Practically all resources in the phony ‘war on cancer’ are poured into TREATMENT of cancer but almost none in the PREVENTION of the disease. It’s proof positive that big money and a total lack of ethics rule the official medical establishment.

    It’s just like with any bogus official “war” (‘war on drugs’, ‘war on terrorism’, etc) — it’s not about winning these wars but to primarily prolong them because behind any of these fraudulent “war” rackets of the criminal establishment is a Big Business, such as the massive cancer industry. The very profitable TREATMENT focus of conventional medicine, instead of a PREVENTION focus which these official medical quacks (or rather crooks) can hardly make any money off, is a major reason why today 1 of 2 men and 1 in 3 women can expect a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lifetimes yet that rate was multiple times lower 5 decades ago when the phony ‘war on cancer’ began (1 in about 16). And 5 decades ago when this bogus war began cancer was the second leading cause of death and 50 years later it is STILL the second leading cause of death in the country this “war” was declared in. These facts alone prove we are NOT winning the war on cancer.

    At the same time, this same orthodox cancer cartel has been suppressing and squashing a number of very effective and beneficial alternative cancer approaches. You probably guessed why: effective, safe, inexpensive cancer therapies are cutting into the astronomical profits of the medical mafia’s lucrative treatments. That longstanding decadent activity is part of the fraud of the war on cancer.

    If the public were to scrutinize what the medical industry and its government pawns are telling them about the ‘war on cancer’ instead of blindly believing what they’re saying, they’d find that the cancer industry and the cancer charities have been dismissing, ignoring, and obfuscating the true causes of cancer while mostly putting the blame for cancer on the individual, denying or dismissing the serious harms from orthodox cancer treatments and chemical toxicants, and resorting to deceptive cancer statistics to “educate” (think: mislead) the public that their way of treatment is actually successful (read this well referenced scholarly article’s afterword on the war on cancer at https://www.rolf-hefti.com/mammogram.html (scroll down to the afterword that addresses the fraudulent ‘war on cancer’).

    What the medical establishment “informs” the public about is about as truthful as what the political establishment keeps telling them. Not to forget, the corporate media (the mainstream fake news media) is a willing tool to spread these distortions, lies, and the scam of the war on cancer.

    Does anyone really think it’s a coincidence that double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling called the ‘war on cancer’ a fraud? If you look closer you’ll come to the same conclusion. But…politics and self-serving interests of the conventional medical cartel, and their allied corporate media, keep the real truth far away from the public at large. Or people’s own denial or indifference of the real truth.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Terence:
      Cancer as you said, has gone (and heart disease) from being rare to now being epidemic. But no deficiency disease will ever be cured by burning, poisoning or cutting. Only by supplying the necessary nutrient the body requires. The allopathic model however only provides for medical intervention to fight non existent external causes that can be blamed on pathogenic attack or other outside environmental factors. Thats the only place the fake medical game is played because that is where the money and the power is. If you were running a medical cartel, you would be following the same plan as the one began by the Rockefeller’s and still used today.

      After years of beating the dead horse of “The War On Cancer” launched by Nelson Rockefeller’s crooked California Lawyer Nixon, with widely touted cures always “right around the corner”, Fauci and the other medical criminals knew the the money stream from cancer was drying up. So thats when they invented the phony AIDS “epidemic” exposed by Peter Duesburg and PCR inventor Mullis. This scam was able to salvage the :”research” prospects at the languishing CDC with the infusion of hundreds of billions of dollars and fuel a new era of fake virus mania culminating in the current fake virus. And why not. If all you have to do is get the controlled media to tell the livestock there is a virus from Wuhan, and offer a fake test in order to rake in billions more while also conditioning the herd to be better sheep for future medical rackets, its a gigantic windfall for the insiders.


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    One key thing (at least, imo) I’ve been pointing out a lot is flaws in methodology relating to various medical “diagnostics”, medical “diagnostics” that happen to be inaccurate, use flawed fractional tools, alter specimens, are most often invasive, inherently increasing entropy and causing deviation from any sort of possible accurately interpretation, medical “diagnostics” that are very often causative and otherwise a catalyst for disease.

    For instance, being told you have cancer based on damaging PET scans, or regular “preventative” mammograms, and resorting to pharma and related crap, causing more sickness.

    Because pharma/pasteur methodology/allopathic medical institution addresses results as causes, to avoid addressing causation to perpetuate sickness because it requires sickness and belief.


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