‘Experts’ discover health benefits of fresh air for kids

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that the scientific method is dead.

After more than a year of bottling kids up in homes, keeping them glued to computer screens, shutting down playgrounds, and forcing them to wear heavy cloth face coverings while outdoors, experts have finally made a breakthrough discovery in the field of epidemiology, according to CNN.

You can just picture it: The experts hunched over a paper-strewn desk, scribbles and fragments of equations everywhere, no end to the mystery in sight… and then, finally, one of them gasps, stands up on the desk, throws his N95 mask into the air and shouts, “Eureka! It’s fresh air!”

So what are parents doing with this newfound “bombshell” of a report?

Jennifer Nuzzo is both a mom and a health expert. Worried about sending her young son to in-person school last year, she settled on one of the few things she could control.

She bought a portable air cleaner for her son’s classroom.

That’s definitely an option. Some other possible options: Opening a few windows and putting a couple of box fans in them; getting students outside for more than seven minutes a day; allowing students to play outdoors without wearing cotton strips over their faces.

Studies also show that better air quality improves students’ test performance and cognitive function, he said.

Oh wow, really?? Who knew?

Filtered or fresh air is not a substitute for masks and certainly no substitute for vaccination, but it’s another way to help protect people stuck indoors for hours from breathing in the virus, said Joseph Allen, who directs the Healthy Buildings Program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Here’s another reminder that you could also just homeschool your kids and solve this problem (and like 3,500 problems with modern education) in one fell swoop.

Or you could buy a portable air cleaner. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

See more here: notthebee.com

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Comments (10)

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    I don’t get why ‘experts’ feel the need to tell us something that should be blindingly obvious.


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      It’s to remind you they’ve toxified, deceived, degenerate everyone so much through projections that they’ve all received a blinded sight, riddled with omission, ignorance and the obvious.


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        Like the wearing masks shit, it’s to remind you

        “Dude, we’re industrial slavers, you’re slaves. We toxify the atmosphere, destroy the environment, pollute, lie, deceive, betray impose, abuse CONSTANTLY. And that, is exactly why were worshiped as experts, and our projections regarding “science” are believed. So we’re just conditioning for FAR worse enslavement, toxic environments. That’s what industrial and social progress is all about.”


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          Pretty soon, many of their supposed elites will be on their way to Mars. Considering what a wonderful vision of the future that is. You know, coz I remember Mars being nuked to shit while I watched from saturn.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Andy,
      It’s an effort to establish credibility so when they start spouting nonsense some people will believe. “We told you fresh air was good for you and we were right, now get the vaccine.”


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        That is quite plausible Herb!


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          I am seriously wishing I had made Herb’s comment


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Herb,

    Because I have often been critical of what you sometimes write; I must also compliment you for what you just wrote. Very good answer (response) to Andy’s statement [which I too consider is a question] and I bet MattH wishes he had written it.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Greg Spinolae


    I suppose these “experts” thought this might restore the unretrievably abolished credibility of “experts”. Lunacy is not diminished, or even limited, by factory schooling.


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      I too tend to agree with Lunatictoctarian and Greg., as I wouldn’t put that much of sophistication (as Herb postulated) into the minds of those mass produced “Experts For Hire.”
      OTOH, the next-up in the hierarchy of “Science Communication” (aka a branch of The Ministry of Truth) may have paid someone to come up with this plausibility scheme…
      Cheers, JaKo


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