Expansion Tectonics and GRACE, GRACE-FO

There are many unresolved issues which draw Plate Tectonics, mantle convection, and Continental Drift into question. Could the data from GRACE and GRACE-FO determine if the Earth is expanding?The concepts of Expansion Tectonics are much simpler and more elegant than Plate Tectonics, wherein the surface of the Earth is a fixed dimension and continental plates just drift around and bash into one another like carnival bumper cars.

What is GRACE? 

Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). Both GRACE and GRACE-FO (launched at the end of 2017) are the twin-satellite missions orbiting several hundreds of kilometers away from Earth in order to see what is going on under the surface). The satellites are calibrated to sense small changes on the surface of earth, including changes in water use, land management and data related to climate change.

Advocates of Expansion Tectonics include Ott Hilgenberg, Samuel Carey, James Maxlow, Robert J. Tuttle, J.M. Herndon and several others.

J.M. Herndon describes how all planets formed as gas giants. The fusion ignition of the Sun blew away the outer gas/liquid overburden of the proto-atmospheres of the four (4) rocky inner planets. This overburden had exerted 300 earth masses onto the rocky interior and had compressed the inner “kernel” to about 2/3rds of its present size. Under this scenario, the Earth has been expanding since the start of the solar system.

In his book, “The Fourth Source”, R.J. Tuttle describes how upthrust of the continents causes the land to flow outward, moving over the top of the adjacent crustal plate. He uses the term “superduction”.

Here is a good summary of the flaws in the Plate Tectonic concepts.


Finally, the study by the Deltares Institute of the Netherlands adds hard data in support of an expanding Earth.

Using 30 years of NASA satellite observations, the Deltares Institute describes that the surface area of the oceans has expanded.  The surface area of the land has expanded even more.


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Comments (12)

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    Steve Dembo


    I recall seeing the hypothesis that a smaller earth would have meant a lower force of gravity. Which would help to explain the large size of dinosaurs. The expanding earth with increased gravity would have been an extinction force on the larger dinosaurs.


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    Michael Grace


    Great article; even the Dragonflies were massive once and gracile forms have succeeded the robust in the temporal fossil record. Some of the ancient ones get even more massive as the old is found as new. Maybe H.P.Lovecraft was correct.The nomenclature is obviously pleasing.


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    Robert Beatty


    An Earth which is gradually rebounding from a prior high surface pressure stage seems unrealistic given the motion of the Moon which continually tugs at the surface and would therefore release any pent up stresses.
    Earth’s expansion seems to occur in bursts of activity rather than continuously, as evidenced by the parallel system of ridges either side of the Mid Atlantic Ridge.
    This fact leads me to conclude that the expansion of Earth is related to a form of interruptible cosmic activity, possibly associated with variable sun spot activity.
    One of the great scientific conundrums surrounds the nature of gravity. Gravity is often described as a weak force. Weak it may be, but it seems this is more a reflection of the great distance it operates over. Observations show gravity is much stronger at places in the universe including the centre of our galaxy. My calculations suggest gravity on Earth is sourced from a binary star system in the constellation of Monoceros referred to as V616, some 3,500 light years away.
    If gravity represents a transfer of mass in the form of gravitational energy across the cosmos, this could explain where the extra mass comes from to give us an expanding earth.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Robert,
      When Newton created the force of gravity none off the data used contained mass. It was strictly the distance of planets to the sun and the velocity of the planets. The mass units come from the gravitational constant (G) he created to give a source for the force he invented. This is why the behavior of gravity is so different from other forces and why it makes no sense. Some how gravity is converting mass to energy and transferring it to other objects by unknown means at 100% efficiency.
      This mistake was compounded by Einstein with special and general relativity. E does not equal mc^2. There is no mass in the phenomena we call gravity. If you take the distance a planet is from the sun times its velocity squared (Kepler’s law)
      you get the same value for every planet. This is the energy of the sun. E=V^2. Objects in the energy field equalize with the energy field and that is why objects orbit other objects and how asteroids can orbit other asteroids.
      Have a good day,


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        jerry krause


        Hi Herb,

        Newton did not create gravity. He only explained for us its action upon the matter of the earth and the universe.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Jerry,
          I did not say he created gravity, I said he created a force of gravity (g GM1M2/d^2) and this force was equal to M2V2^2.
          You still haven’t given me an explanation on why there is a high tide on the far side of the Earth from the moon when that is where the greatest force of gravity is pulling the water towards the center o the Earth.
          Have good day,


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            jerry krause


            Hi Herb,

            In the science I have learned and accept gravity is a force of unknown origin according to Newton.

            Have a good day,. Jerry.

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          jerry krause


          Hi Herb,

          I have not tried to give you an explanation on why there is a high tide on the far side of the Earth from the moon when that is where the greatest force of gravity is pulling the water towards the center o the Earth because Newton already has and you seem not to accept his explanation so why would expect mine when I simply repeat what I have learned from his writings.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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        Robert Beatty


        E=mc^2 gave us the Manhattan Project. That is one we can rely on.


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    dave jr


    I think you all have seen this video. I thought I’d reference it here for those who haven’t.


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      Michael Grace


      So much for the ancient primordial ocean before things crept out onto the hot land.


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    jerry krause


    Hi Richard,

    Even though I have previously make comments here, they were nade only in response to Herb’s comments. I have only now read what you wrote.

    I hope this comment does not offend you because I know you were not responsible for the implementation of “the twin-satellite missions orbiting several hundreds of kilometers away from Earth in order to see what is going on under the surface”.

    What fool thought any one could better see what is going on under the surface from satellites several hundreds of kilometers away from Earth than by making observations from the surface of the Earth?

    Have a good day, Jerry


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