As fully expected, the usual suspects have humiliated themselves again by ignoring the probable reasons for the tragic and unexpected rise in non-Covid deaths.

following the rollout of the shots and ignoring a meaningful analysis of Covid government policy errors. It has been a waste of time. Worse……it is a deception.

As reported by Geoff Pain (CLICK HERE for his Substack of 30 Aug), only 50 submissions to the Senate inquiry were made public and 137 were buried from public view. You can read for yourself the recommendations of the inquiry. Most disappointing.

It is so frustrating ……. the inquiry committee members had the facts laid out for them.


It would not have been hard to produce a useful report to save lives in the future – but they did not.

Almost on a daily basis the evidence regarding Excess Deaths accumulates. Dr. Raphael Lataster has recently referred to some compelling published statistics – CLICK HERE for his Substack of 30 Aug.

which indicated that “European excess deaths do indeed correlate significantly with COVID-19 vaccination” and “The percentage of people in these [European] countries receiving at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine was positively correlated with excess mortality, for every month between March 2023 and January 2024.

The correlations ranged from weak to moderate. Almost all the values were statistically significant.” Furthermore, “for the least vaccinated countries, such as Bulgaria and Romania, excess mortality appears to be less of an issue”.

Unless credible evidence can be produced to the contrary, it must be assumed that the Covid shots are probably the main cause in the jump in Excess Deaths around the world. Gold Medal mental gymnastics are required to ignore this obvious conclusion.


According to Dr. Peter McCullough, the US CDC V-safe reporting system (which is an active reporting system requiring individuals to sign up to contribute information on adverse effects following vaccination – CLICK HERE) 7.7% of Covid-vaccinated people had a serious adverse event.

A serious adverse event is one which reached a level of severity that it required urgent medical attention including emergency room care or hospitalisation. When will the mantra “safe and effective” be finally buried?

See more here Substack

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Comments (3)

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    The absurd notion that criminals will investigate themselves to reveal the truth of their criminality is laid bare in this obtuse outcome written by the obtuse.


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    Wilson Sy


    Indeed, a whitewash.

    The way government inquiries and royal commissions work is exemplified by the Senate inquiry on excess deaths. A wide range of views was canvassed from many submissions (not all published).

    Some submissions are reported in the inquiry, together with official submissions from government agencies such as the ABS. This gives the superficial impression of a fair and comprehensive consideration of the evidence – but it is scam.

    The scam is: the conclusions of the inquiry does not follow from the evidence they collected. In other words, significant evidence which the Government does not like are simply ignored, without any discussion of reasons for their dismissal.

    Therefore, non sequitur conclusions follow from only a selection of evidence presented. The whole process is bureaucratic chicanery – totally worthless, as usual.


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    Meanwhile, nothing in the msm regarding this at all…so, you know, not happening! My local paper stopped printing free death notices in March…name, date of birth & death, mortuary. I’ve received the paper for 20 years and I can tell you that they were taking up a lot More Space over the last couple of years…and the dates of birth were astonishing -1970′,80′, 90′ 00’s – back door proof of the toll of the big, Global V! And they were the deaths that people requested be put in the paper, not all, every day!


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