EV Owners are Even MORE F*CKED Than They Know (and so are we!)

Just published an article Burning Batteries: The Toxic Truth Behind Our Green Energy Illusion, so I thought I should add to it by posting this piece I have been working on that reveals another evil side of the scheme that nobody knows about.
Sh*t is about to hit the fan; the clock is ticking…
While all of the mainstream auto makers are heavily pushing their EV line, people who recently purchased them are fed up with frequent trips to the dealership mechanic due to recalls, the electric function malfunctioning.
Motors and batteries burning out in the first year of use, not being able use the EV function in cold weather, in the case of the Ford Lightning, having to stop and charge twice (45 minutes per charge) to drive 280 miles only to discover the few charging stations there are not working, and other assorted issues.

Despite these serious defects, the EV makers continue to sell them as if there are no problems whatsoever which, in my opinion, is fraud at this point.
Meanwhile, the government is continuing to incentivize the purchase of these vehicles via a tax credit up to $7,500. Yes, the government is incentivizing people to purchase knowingly faulty vehicles.
I thought getting tricked into buying a frustrating, time consuming vehicle that only works as promised sometimes (if ever) was the worst of the problems for the EV owners but boy, was I wrong. A manager at a Ford dealership gave me some shocking intel that I have never seen shared anywhere, so let me share it with you because sh*t is starting to hit the fan.
2021 & 2022
Rewind to 2021 and 2022, the years of the automotive shortage in the USA.

In my hometown of Detroit, the shortage was so severe that car dealerships would have five total vehicles in stock. There were so few vehicles that the dealership would turn the five vehicles sideways and park them across multiple spaces in the very front of the lot to make it look like they had some inventory.
Due to the nationwide shortage, leases were not being renewed or if they were, they were renewed at a 60+% price increase. This meant, if you needed a new vehicle in 2021/2022, you had three options:
- Buy an overpriced piece of crap with 170,000 miles on it for $15,000 on Facebook Marketplace
- Buy a new luxury edition gas powered vehicle for $90,000+ because, due to being unaffordable for most, those were available
- Buy a brand new, beautiful-looking EV, with all the bells and whistles and only 25 total miles on it for less than the price of the gas powered
Which would you pick? You can say, “I’d never pick the EV!” but when those are your options, you become a realist really quick. This is what actually lead to EV sales soaring in the US during these years.
But the media wants you to believe all of these people rushed out to buy these vehicles cuz Climate Change. In fact, the three people I personally know who bought electric/hybrid during these years all did so because their lease was yanked out from under them due to the vehicle shortage and nothing else in their budget was available.
2023 & 2024
So what is happening is, customers who purchased their new electric vehicles within the past one-to-three years, come 2024, had reached their wits end and were ready to trade in their new vehicle for a traditional gas powered vehicle because gas powered vehicles were now back in stock (although less than pre-2021/2022 because now half of the dealership parking lots are full of EVs).

But, when the customer gets to the dealership with their mint condition, low-mileage EV that they recently signed for $40,000-$100,000+ on…

… they are absolutely blindsided. You see, due to the known issues with these vehicles, combined with the lack of demand, EV owners are being offered pennies on the dollar for the trade-in.
According to the dealership manager, as of summer 2024, when an owner of a $100,000 2023 Ford Lightning, with the luxury package and only 10,000 miles on it comes to trade-in, they are only able to offer $40,000-$60,000 trade-in value.
The owner of the vehicle has had the truck for only a year or a year or two and most likely they are on a 60-or-72-month payment plan with around $1,500 due each month.
This means, if the owner has only had the truck for a year, they still owe $80,000 or more to the bank. With an average trade-in offer of $50,000, combined with the payments they have made, there is a giant deficit due to the bank. That money has to be paid by the buyer, even if they get rid of the non-functioning vehicle.

This means these EV owners are left with two options: either continue to drive the EV to avoid a large financial loss meanwhile spending your life at charging stations and suffering the headache of recalls or.
Bend over, take it up the a*s, and deal with a new vehicle payment being even more expensive than the signing price of the new vehicle because you still owe so much money on the EV and now that is compiled on top of the new vehicle payment.

To complicate the issue further, after trade-in, because there is such a large outstanding balance on the EV, the buyers ability to finance more money is impacted.

But that’s not all. According to the manager, these vehicles are losing trade-in value by the month. In 2023, his dealership was offering $65,000 on a trade-in for the Lightning, which is still a massive loss for the buyer who owes $80,000, but not nearly as bad of a loss as the summer 2024 value of $40,000.
And this is not limited to Ford Lightnings. Jeep hybrid EV owners are starting to discover the same situation. Those who bought one in 2022/2023 and signed for $70,000 are offered a trade-in value of only $22,000-$30,000 for a mint condition, low-mileage vehicle!

A 2022 EV Hummer currently has three open recalls, two of which are very serious electrical issues:

This vehicle was recently released with a base price of $112,000.

Once you add sh*t on, such as interest, warranty, upgrades, etc, you are signing for $122,000+. Even if there are only 10,000 total miles on this vehicle and even if it is mint condition other than the endless recalls, the most you can get on a trade-in is in the $70,000s, leaving a large balance due.
The craziest part is, even if you have no open recalls and no issues, the trade-in value is the same. Yes, all vehicles do depreciate, but these have depreciated and do not work.
Edmunds.com now reports that new cars lose between as much as 45% of their value in the first year of ownership, but pre-2022 it used to be “6%-25%”! The depreciation amount has nearly doubled.
This happens to align with the 2021/2022 gas powered vehicle shortage increasing the sale of EVs. Remember, the people who just bought their new EV within the past 24 months don’t want to trade it in, they are trading it in because they were sold a brand new, non-functioning vehicle. If the thing functioned as advertised, they wouldn’t be in this mess.
The dealership manger told me, if these EV owners don’t dump their vehicles soon, they will be literally worthless. This means, if the EV owner chooses to keep their vehicle to avoid owing tens-of-thousands of dollars to trade it in, once they have paid off their vehicle over the course of 60 to 72 months, when they go to sell it they will discover it has nearly no value at all.
Then what? I remember back in the Bush-Obama days when my house plummeted to being worthless, it was terrifying to owe all this money on a mortgage for something that was currently worth only $30,000 and dropping by the month.
The EV people are in the same situation. The bigger question is, what impact will this have on the economy in the next couple years?
What is going to happen when 16% of people are no longer able to put a decent used vehicle back into circulation and retrieve money from that vehicle? Money which they would then use to purchase another vehicle and keep the used vehicle market circulating? Is this going to cause a mass disruption in the system? How could it not?

Think about it folks, 16% of the market of used vehicles will be gone in only a few more years. Even if you want to argue it’s only 10% or even only 5%, that is still a giant percentage of the used vehicle market erased.
Is it ironic that the 2021/2022 vehicle shortage, which pushed people into these becoming-completely-worthless vehicles with 60-to-72-month financing plans, ends right before 2030? Just in time for the Agenda milestone… a milestone in a larger Agenda in which gas powered vehicles are eliminated.

So much worse… Around 40% of EV and Hybrid owners complain that there are major issues with their vehicle, which is the main factor plummeting the resale value of these things.
EV and Hybrid owners reported an average of 240 problems per 100 vehicles, and the even bigger problem is that the parts to fix the vehicles are incredibly expensive and often not available, leading to lengthy backorders.

And to make it even worse than that, because these vehicles are so new and so full of issues, the dealerships often do not know how to fix them correctly… and in many cases. There is no fix available (yet) because the mechanic is waiting on the manufacturer to release one. Should the EV owner try to trade in their vehicle with multiple open recalls, it plummets the value even more – yet they can’t get the recall fixed because there is no fix.

In the meantime, while waiting on a repair, these people who have families and neighbors are forced to drive with incredibly serious issues ranging from fires:

To explosions:

To the vehicle shutting down while driving, charging cables overheating and more:

These EVs have so many issues and the repairs take so ridiculously long that vehicles sit in the auto shop for weeks-to-months. I know someone whose 2023 EV, as of August 2024, had spent three months in the dealership shop – that is 1/4 of a YEAR!
Because of this, many manufacturers have stopped covering the cost of rental cars even if the vehicle in the shop was just purchased and is still under full warranty! Now you may be thinking, “that sucks for them”, but here’s the bigger picture:
All of the aforementioned issues are billed to insurance. This chaos has lead to automotive insurance companies becoming burdened by excessive claims so insurance rates continue to climb and when insurance rates go up it impacts everyone, not just EV owners.
In fact, an associate told me that the insurance industry in which he works is currently taking a massive hit due to EVs and solar panels. He said it is the first time ever that the industry has been “upside-down” – no business can function at an ongoing loss without complete collapse. Behind closed doors his company is in a panic and having meetings to discuss denying coverage to solar paneled homes and EVs.
Two of the three people I know who purchased EVs are now telling me that our electric utility provider here in Michigan (DTE) is now telling them they are using too much electricity!
Yes, the electric company is now telling people they need to cut back on their electricity usage – the only business in the world who would ever tell their customers NOT to use their product – and they are doing so while the government is incentivizing everything to be loaded onto the power grid.
The entire reason these people are using “too much electricity” is because, just like an old cell phone, their vehicles have to live on the charger when they are home. Have I ever mentioned sometimes I feel like we are living in one big insane asylum? I could have sworn I’ve said that once or twice before…
And while all of the aforementioned is going on, the military, DoD, FEMA and other organizations are running “blackout drills”. If we look at the DoD “Climate Adaption Plan” document from 2021…

…we learn they are preparing for “Climate Resilience”. They have been running drills in which they disconnect from the power grid since 2015:

I titled this article, EV Owners are Even MORE F*CKED Than They Know (and so are we!), so let’s discuss the “and so are we” part (above and beyond our insurance rates skyrocketing, insurance companies going belly-up, vehicles catching fire and exploding in our neighborhoods, the used vehicle market about to take a huge hit, and our government prepping for blackouts)…
Even back in 1992 they were scheming ways to eliminate private vehicle ownership under the guise of Climate Change. A document called Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base was published. The goal was to find ways to get people to not drive, or if they had to drive, only drive in a car pool.
The part I find most interesting about this document is that they realized it would be easier to incentivize employers to stop their employees from driving solo as opposed to trying to convince people directly not to drive alone.
The first idea they had was to convince businesses to not offer as much employee parking therefore forcing people to carpool. They refer to this as “Parking Management”. They also wanted employers to pitch this as a way their employees could save money – “You guys should just take the bus! Ya’ll will save money!”.

Their immediate goal one “one-third fewer vehicles on the road during peak hours”.

Now fast forward 20 years to 2022/2023 and think about 16% of vehicles being taken out of the used vehicle market entirely… you can’t drive at all if you don’t have a vehicle to drive…

Additionally, major things have been going on in the past nine years – major things that nobody is talking about – major things that should make us all ask, “What do these demons have planned for us?”. For example, did you know Rockefeller quietly left the oil industry?

A spokesman for the ExxonMobil said, “It’s not surprising that they’re divesting from the company since they’re already funding a conspiracy against us”. What is the conspiracy? To destroy the industry, to end the use of oil and therefore gasoline, forever. Yes, the biggest name in oil is on a mission to burn the industry to the ground. If that doesn’t sound the alarm, what does?
So, what are the ‘Fellers doing now that they’re not in oil? Let me give you a quote from Wikipedia’s page on the Rockefeller Capitol Management group (which controls the fortune of the ‘Fellers and pals):
“In March 2018, Rockefeller Asset Management joined the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, stating its intent to build a concentrated long-term portfolio emphasizing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. In May 2019 it launched two ESG-driven investment funds: the Rockefeller US ESG Equity Fund; and the Rockefeller Global ESG Equity Fund, a UCITS fund domiciled in Europe.
In January 2021 Rockefeller Asset Management, in partnership with Bloomberg, launched the Bloomberg Rockefeller U.S. All Cap Multi-Factor ESG Improvers Index, which ranks a company’s improvement on ESG issues relative to industry peers, while also taking quality and low volatility into account, in addition to incorporating shareholder engagement techniques.”. To put this in plain English, ESG means Social Credit Scores.
Not scary enough for you? You know how the Rothschilds literally set the price on gold? Would you be alarmed to hear that they also quietly left the gold market entirely, even giving up their position of gold price fixing?!
Perhaps you don’t think this is a big deal, and this is likely because history has been so suppressed that people don’t know what actually happened hence the reason I am currently writing The Book of True History (title subject to change).
Throughout history, multiple incidents of precious metal f*ckery have occurred. For example, in The Crime of 1873, the government made silver not legal tender. Everyone who owned silver was screwed. Then, 60 years later, they seized silver and gold (1933).
The ability to own and trade gold and silver was not restored to the general public until the 1970s. Looking at this as a skeptic who believes damn-near everything is preplanned and on a schedule, what is 60 years after the 1970s? The 2030s… and what do we see happening right now?
All of these “truth” shows telling us to pump our money into precious metals while failing to ever mention the industry is fully controlled, can be stripped from us with ease and those at the very top of the gold pyramid have quietly left the industry. Want to know what Rothschild is involved in now? Rothschild & Co, one of the largest financial groups in the world:

And what are they up to? Installing SOCIAL CREDIT SCORES…
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“You see, due to the known issues with these vehicles, combined with the lack of demand, EV owners are being offered pennies on the dollar for the trade-in.”
This is not news.
The real problem is depreciation, particularly a few years down the road where the battery pack longevity is a real concern. The vehicle is practically worthless.
Trade in an EV for another vehicle? Hopefully yes, as long as it’s an EV you take off them.
EV ownership is a mugs game for most.
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ALL EVs, Unsafe at any Speed!???
You’d have to be a special kind of stupid to buy one.