EU Joins California In Banning Gas Car Sales By 2035

The European Parliament approved legislation on Tuesday that will ban the sale of new gas-powered cars in the European Union after 2035

The new legislation mandates that all passenger cars and light commercial vehicles sold in the 27 member countries of the European Union (E.U.) have zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2035, a requirement that will effectively ban the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles in the bloc, Reuters reported.

The E.U.’s new rules come months after the U.S. states of California and Washington announced similar bans in August 2022 on new gas-powered vehicle sales after 2035, a target that president John Bozzella of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, an international automotive lobbying group, said would be “extremely challenging” to meet, and dependent on “external factors” in the broader economy like inflation and availability of key minerals.

“This regulation encourages the production of zero and low-emission vehicles,” Parliament member Jan Huitem of the Netherlands, a member of the Renew Europe Group, a self-described centrist party committed to European unification, said in the E.U.’s press release.

“It contains an ambitious revision of the targets for 2030 and a zero-emission target for 2035, which is crucial to reach climate neutrality by 2050. These targets create clarity for the car industry and stimulate innovation and investments for car manufacturers.”

En-route to an outright ban on gas-powered cars, new cars sold in 2030 will have to hit a 55 percent reduction in emissions compared to 2021, according to the new E.U. law.

The law follows an October deal between the European Council, which represents European heads of state, and the European Parliament to implement regulations that require new cars sold after 2035 to be emissions-free.

The E.U., Japan, South Korea, and the United Kingdom have all been vocal critics of U.S. President Joe Biden’s signature Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), alleging that the tax credits for manufacturing electric vehicles in the United States violate existing trade agreements with the various nations.

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Comments (7)

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    Crazy does not even begin to describe the EU. They have destroyed the character of all European countries. It is time they all came out of it.


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    All the virtue signaling of these woke cretins can’t change the simple fact that batteries can not rival the energy density in a gallon of fuel…… it’s all show and no substance. Senseless idiocy.


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    ‘all show and no substance. Senseless idiocy’ …. maybe, but the Auto industry is all too keen to go along with it, causing mayhem in the process with their traditional products: design and backup, the quality of which now leaves a lot more than to be expected of them.


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    There comes a time when all people have to say no, we will not comply. Those who are insane enough to accept the insanity will have to be removed from society.


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      Robert Beatty


      Hi VOWG,
      The populations do not have a mechanism to ‘say no’.
      To do that a country must furnish its residents with Citizens Initiated Referendum, and put CIR into their constitutions.


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        Constitutions are to be ignored, they are ignored daily in the US and Canada. Refusing to comply does not require a legal document.


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    CO2 is not a pollutant, or a greenhouse gas, or a climate driver. Without adequate amounts of it, even the idiots who think reducing it is a good idea, we all die. Is that what these climate freaks want, the death of all mankind? If so then preventative action has to be taken against all of them. Don’t like the word war, well, you are going to get one.


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