Energy Secretary confirms ‘Stranger Things’ like a Parallel Universe Do Exist
For fans of the hit #Netflix series ‘Stranger Things’, reality is becoming stranger than fiction. At least according to U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. Speaking on the Netflix-only Chelsea Handler show yesterday, Moniz was asked about a range of issues, and one was about the parallel universe depicted in Stranger Things (Review).
(Spoilers ahead) Handler asked Moniz if the DOE was actively investigating whether parallel universes exist like they do on Stranger Things, and if so, what did he know about them. Surprisingly, Moniz answered that he believes a “fictional DOE laboratory was operating in the 1980s. You can draw any inference you need from that.” He went on to say the DOE does work in parallel universes but didn’t elaborate. He also said that while he hasn’t seen a parallel universe himself, he was aware of its existence.
Stranger Things features a fictionalized, government-run DOE laboratory that was operating on the fringes of #Science. In the show, the lab inadvertently created a portal to another universe, one that parallels our own but is vastly different in its nature, structure, and inhabitants. In that universe, there’s a creature feeding on the local townsfolk as it moves seamlessly between both worlds through a tenuous fold in the universe.
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