Elon, X, and the Epitome of a Front Man

In this video, Greg Reese dives deep into Elon Musk and X. Elon Musk announced over a year ago that he planned to turn Twitter into an everything app.

His vision was modelled on China’s WeChat, as he wanted Twitter to become an app which could do everything, including online banking and finance. Last April, Musk announced that Twitter Incorporated has been renamed to X Corporation.

He created an new artificial intelligence company known as X.AI and he partnered with eToro for stock and crypto exchange. The media would have you believe that Elon Musk is an independent billionaire genius whose dream is to revolutionise banking, but this story is false.

Source: Bitchute

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Comments (4)

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    I agree with the prologue. No “genius” (there are far too many of those, so why the plight of the planet?) would pretend their tech is protecting life while actually destroying it.
    “Genius” requires foresight, forthright honesty, culpability, and responsibility, or ‘it’ becomes a menace. Yet should a “genius” be fallible? Such an easy to throw around word isn’t it.
    He has shown himself to be very immature on occasion and self obsessed. Not somebody to hold in esteem.


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      Hey there Howdy. I agree with your assessment of Mr Musk. I would add self important to a list of negative attributes and untrustworthy too. He’s an evil genius, if he can be considered a genius at all. Tesla is an incendiary device on wheels and his Neuralink transhumanist ambitions in the form of a brain chip designed to “benefit” humanity has the hallmark of mind control not a medical intervention to relieve suffering. His appointment of dictatorial left wing corporatist Linda Yaccarino as CEO at X is the icing on his globalist NWO cake.
      X is rather an inscrutable identity just like Musk himself.


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        Hello Lorraine, I hope you are well.

        I don’t deny others their claim to fame, or extraordinary abilities, yet balance of vision is the absolute must, and it is this vision that will eventually dictate the end game of the persons’ life, the fame, or the infamy.
        Corruption is the easy way out, while the steadfast is likely to come at a personal price here and now, bringing reward later on. The purview of the “late bloomer”.

        Genius as a word has no foundation, it is subjective. To me, in everything I’ve seen, it generates an image of a deity that others must be subservient to, and you see it happening on PSI.
        Musk is talented, yes, and he has need for power and recognition. Nothing wrong with that, but wielding such a hungry sword requires precise handling. The self vs the rest. Perhaps the sword can benefit both simultaneously? Certainly, I see that as the natural outcome.

        Arrogance is the biggest threat to one who has power and determination. It is this that will make, or break the individual, and Humanity will benefit, or suffer, alongside them.


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