Elite Wonder Weapon: enjoy your Faucist voodoo jabs

The Masks being used and currently marketed contain Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles. The Swabs used in both PCR and Antigen tests also contained Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles (GOnPs). COVID ‘vaccines’ in all their Variants: AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of GOnPs.

This has been the result of their analysis by Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy among other techniques used by various Public Universities in our country.  The Anti-Flu ‘vaccines’ and the new Intranasal anti-COVID ‘vaccines’ also contain enormous doses of GOnPs.

Graphene Oxide (GO) is a Toxic that generates Thrombi (Blood Coagulation) in the organism – and causes alteration of the Immune System by decompensating the Oxidative balance in relation to the Glutathione reserves.

If the dose of GO is increased by any route of administration it causes the collapse of the Immune System and causes the subsequent Cytokine Storm. GOnPs accumulate in the Lungs and generate bilateral Pneumonias by uniform dissemination in the Pulmonary Alveolar tract. GO causes a Metallic taste in the mouth.

Perhaps this is starting to make sense to you. Inhalation of GO causes inflammation of the Mucous Membranes and thus loss of Taste and partial or total loss of Smell.

GO acquires powerful Magnetic properties in the body. This is the explanation for the Magnetic Phenomenon – Magnets sticking to the injection site – that billions of people around the World have already experienced after various routes of administration of GO.

In short, GO is the supposed SARS-CoV-2, the supposed new Coronavirus that caused the disease known as COVID-19. *** Article Extract:  Ricardo Delgado, Social Economist. La Quinta Columna (Fifth Column).  https://odysee.com/@TimelessTruths:3/Graphene-Oxide-The-Mechanism-For-Connection-To-5G-Grid:9

5G EMF & Covid ‘vaccines –  The Globalists Multi-Purpose Synergetic ‘Wonder Weapon’ Device – To Control, Mutate (Transform), and Depopulate Humanity – Funded by the Citizen Taxpayer.

CONTROL: 5G Towers now exist in high densities throughout Cities & Communities… Government Rabid Fear Propaganda, & Job Security uncertainties from ‘vaccine’ hesitancy has caused the Public to be Coerced into having the Warp Speed ‘vaccines’ forced upon themselves.

These ‘vaccines’ contain Toxic Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles (GOnPs).  Selected Frequencies within the 5G transmissions will cause the GOnPs in the Bodies of ‘vaccinated’ persons to react in an induced Gain of Function Potential (become more toxic).

Effects can be Brain Stress, Stroke, Heart Failure, Nervous System dysfunction, among others. Any public gatherings can be rendered nonfunctional immediately, whether rightfully assembled, protesting, armed or unarmed, it would not matter – the EMF/GOnPs device can be used by any Government, with any excuse, to neutralise any perceived problem.

MUTATE /Transform: Globalists already wish to create a Human-2 Category. They now have that ability. Categories will be inclusive, inter alia, of Drone Workers, and Pleasure Providers for the Elite.

DEPOPULATE: Population reduction – A UN Urgent Need. COVID has provided a most fortunate impetus for this Programme. With all varieties of mandated (recommended) ‘vaccines’ for children this Ideal is well under way. Inclusive with Government ‘vaccination sterility obscenities’ is Autoimmune Diseases,  Degenerative Genetics and Cancers. This is their NU-Normal, Citizens.  

See more here: stateofthenation

Header image: Al Jezeera

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (5)

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    Greg Spinolae


    Is this serious?
    The article contains so many incorrectly used technical words that suspicions must be alerted to the qualifications of the author.
    If there IS a genuine scientific thesis to be made then it might have some credibility if the author could demonstrate an understanding of the relevant vocabulary AND
    … that EDITORS could RETURN pieces for correction when such egregious gibberish is submitted.

    Such articles serve ONLY to UNDERMINE the important thesis buried herein under the garbage.


    • Avatar

      Andrew Pilkington


      Hi Greg.

      I won’t pretend to know technical Medical terms either, Greg, but there have been a few good articles posted on PSI recently which cover the subject and if I can get the gist of what’s happening with this technology, and it certainly exists, being deployed by Nasal Swab, Masks and from the COVID-19 “Injections” irrespective of terminology.
      We are being targetted by exactly the same means, over here in England and my few swear words are pretty accurate, I think 🙂

      Proof regarding the Swabs, can be found at the bottom of this link, to a pdf file, you will find quite revealing:
      I apologise, but for some reason all links and history of links direct to th pdf file, have vanished from my little tablet, here? I’ve referred to it numerous times in the last few weeks, too? Anyway, that the best link I can find atm, so you may be aswell downloading the file yourself, Greg?

      All the best.


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    Denis dombas


    Sorry Greg that you are looking for anything in order to Deny fact that people are being killed on mass with these Frankenstein’s substances they call vaccines that are not.


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    Andrew Pilkington


    Many thanks. All 3 are a means of deploying Graphene Oxide Hydrogel ( “Nanoworms” ), here in North East England, too, irrespective of terminology 🙂

    We need Mass Peaceful Disobedience on a Worldwide-scale, Many Months ago.


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    Mark Tapley


    The eugenicists are getting better at weakening and culling the herd all the time. They use the taxpayers money to make blood toxins for the fake, imaginary viruses they invent and then rake in billions in profits while destroying the economies and convincing the stupid goyim to hand over their natural rights. All done with no liability.


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