Electromagnetism a property of spacetime itself, study finds
Imagine if we could use strong electromagnetic fields to manipulate the local properties of spacetime—this could have important ramifications in terms of science and engineering.
Electromagnetism has always been a subtle phenomenon. In the 19th century, scholars thought that electromagnetic waves must propagate in some sort of elusive medium, which was called aether.
Later, the aether hypothesis was abandoned, and to this day, the classical theory of electromagnetism does not provide us with a clear answer to the question in which medium electric and magnetic fields propagate in vacuum.
On the other hand, the theory of gravitation is rather well understood. General relativity explains that energy and mass tell the spacetime how to curve and spacetime tells masses how to move. Many eminent mathematical physicists have tried to understand electromagnetism directly as a consequence of general relativity.
The brilliant mathematician Hermann Weyl had especially interesting theories in this regard.
The Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla thought that electromagnetism contains essentially everything in our universe. So what is the mutual relationship of electromagnetism and gravitation? We provide one possible explanation to the riddle.
Maxwell’s equations and general relativity—what are these all about?
Maxwell’s equations are the key linear partial differential equations that describe classical electromagnetism. The equations relate the electromagnetic field to currents and charges. On the other hand, in general relativity, the Einstein field equation is a set of nonlinear partial differential equations describing how the metric of spacetime evolves, given some conditions, such as mass density in the spacetime. Both equations are ultimately of second order, if seen properly.
Therefore, we thought that perhaps we are talking about the same governing equation, which could describe both electromagnetism and gravitation. Indeed, it becomes clear that Maxwell’s equations hide inside the Einstein field equations of general relativity.
The metric tensor of spacetime tells us how lengths determine in spacetime. The metric tensor also thus determines the curvature properties of spacetime.
Curvature is what we feel as “force.” In addition, energy and curvature relate to each other through the Einstein field equations. Test particles follow what are called geodesics—the shortest paths in the spacetime.
The missing link
The link between general relativity and electromagnetism becomes clear by assuming that the so-called four-potential of electromagnetism directly determines the metrical properties of the spacetime. In particular, our research shows how electromagnetism is an inherent property of spacetime itself.
In a way, spacetime itself is therefore the aether. Electric and magnetic fields represent certain local tensions or twists in the spacetime fabric.
Our research shows that the Lagrangian of electrodynamics is just the Einstein-Hilbert action of general relativity; it reveals how Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism are an optimality condition for the metric of spacetime to be sufficiently flat.
As Einstein’s theory of general relativity provides that the metric is optimal in a sense, electromagnetism is hidden in the nonlinear differential equations of general relativity. On the other hand, this means that general relativity is a generalized theory of nonlinear electromagnetism.
Geometrization of the material world
John Wheeler, the famous physicist, put forward the idea that all of the material world is constructed from the geometry of the spacetime. Our research strongly supports this kind of natural philosophy. It means that the material world always corresponds to some geometric structures of spacetime.
Tensions in spacetime manifest themselves as electric and magnetic fields. Moreover, electric charge relates to some compressibility properties of spacetime.
Electric current seems to be a re-balancing object, which transports charge in order to keep the spacetime manifold Ricci-flat. This is aesthetically pleasing, as nature seems to strive for harmony, efficiency and simplicity.
Riemann curvature tensor is more than just Ricci curvature—electromagnetic fields stretch and bend the spacetime
Although our theory shows that Maxwell’s equations are a condition for the spacetime to be Ricci-flat, electromagnetic fields do seem to cause special curvature in spacetime nevertheless. The relevant curvature is what is known in differential geometry as the Weyl curvature.
Weyl curvature in spacetime is the local curving of spacetime in such a way that locally, volumes are preserved. It is a special kind of stretching and bending of spacetime.
We believe that empirical research on this topic is important. This means measuring the local curvature of spacetime when there are strong electromagnetic fields present. Perhaps one could use, e.g., superconducting coils and laser light to measure any deviations in the fabric of spacetime.
Artificial modifying of spacetime could have extensive benefits in the field of engineering, for example. Finally, it is worth mentioning that our approach has the benefit of simplicity—we do not need extra dimensions, torsion tensors, asymmetric metric tensors or the like.
See more here: sciencex.com
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Ken Hughes
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I agree this approach is a logical way forward.
The Aether really IS spacetime. I would say TIME!, or at least the time rate field, since the rate of time does vary within spacetime depending on proximity to mass/energy.
Tesla was a bit wrong though. It’s not electromagnetism that is essentially everything, (where everything comes from), but spacetime, or time, the time rate field. After all, where there is mass/energy, (and everything IS a form of mass/energy, then the time rate field slows down. It loses energy in order to “feed” the mass energy locally. This demonstrates that everything is “made” of time, (time is energy). The Planck time is the fundamental quantum of energy.
Everything is made of time.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Ken,
How much physical evidence do you need to PROVE THAT SCIENCE IS NOT LOGICAL???
I repeat a quote of Richard Feynman which he wrote in his popular book (“What Do You Care What Other People Think?”) in its first chapter titled (The Making of a Scientist). “My farther taught me to notice things. One day, I was playing with an “express wagon,” a little wagon with a railing around it. It had a ball in it, and when I pulled the wagon, I noticed something about the way the ball moved. I went to my father and said, “Say, Pop, I noticed something. When I pull the wagon, the ball rolls to the back of the wagon. And when I’m pulling it along and I suddenly stop, the ball rolls to the front of the wagon. Why is that?”
“that nobody knows,” he said. “The general principle is that things which are moving tend to keep on moving, and things which are standing still tend to stand still, unless you push them hard. This tendency is called ‘inertia,’ but nobody knows why its true.” Now, that’s a deep understanding. He didn’t just give me the name. He went on to say, “If you look from the side, you’ll see that the back of wagon that you’re pulling against the ball, and the ball stands still. As a matter of fact, from the friction it starts to move forward a little bit in relation the ground. I doesn’t move back.” I ran back to the little wagon and set the ball up again and pulled the wagon. Looking sideways, I saw that indeed he was right. Relative to sidewalk, it moved forward a little bit. That’s the way I was educated by my father, with this kinds of examples and discussions: no pressure–just lovely interesting discussions. It has motivated for the rest of my life, and makes me interested in all the sciences, (It just happens I do physics better.)
Now a fact, which I can not document at this time but I know I have read in James Gleick’s book “GENIUS” about Feynman, is that Gleick wrote that Feynman’s father could not have known that there was no explanation for INERTIA. Hence, he called Feynman’s story a LIE!!! As I searched for what I know I had read, I now notice that the Gleick is a philosopher who is constructing his (Gleick’s) philosophy of SCIENCE by using Feynman’s unique stories.
I am going to reread the portion of GENIUS where I know I will find the factual quote and report back here.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Kraus
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Hi Ken and PSI Readers,
It seems I have made a BIG MISTAKE!!! For I could not find that I claimed that Gleick had written about his (Feynman’s) Pop’s teaching about INERTIA.
However, the time I spent reading portions of the long chapter about Feynman’s Caltech years was very fruitful. For I read ‘GENIUS’ before I had read Galileo’s book and how Louis Agassiz had taught some of his students to observe, so I saw (observed) many things what I read this morning which did not register before. I would suggest any non-scientist who wants to learn a little about SCIENCE to read GENIUS and learn a lot about SCIENCE. Yes, it’s a long book but just read it as if it’s a book of fiction.
However, Feynman knew he and everyone makes MISTAKES!!! So for shorter reads consider these two ‘links’.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi Ken, Herb, MattH, PHD, Charles, Michael,
How is it that none of you have not made a comment about Richard Feynman’s documentable Blunder??? Are you like Feynman’s students and the academics at Caltech who seem to have ignored it also???
Have a good day, Jerry
Herb Rose
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Hi Jerry,
When the article disappeared I responded to you in the article announcing the site was back on line.
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Hi Jerry you young rapscallion.
When one juggles a hundred things it is easy to drop something.
If you could refer me to Dr Feynman’s error I would be eternally grateful for a day or two.
Best wishes. Matt
Ken Hughes
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Read, “The Binary Universe” – A Theory of Time.
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You guys are late by about 20 years. Professor Mendel Sachs masterfully merges Einstein’s handling of Gravity in his General Relativity theory with the full Maxwell theory of Electromagnetism. When Mendel was alive, he interacted with Feynman, Hawking et al. No one was interested ……Mendel goes on to show that it is likely that the Weak and Strong Nuclear Forces are nothing more than Gravity and EM at very small distances.
Mendel shared his ideas with Dirac. Dirac said he felt Mendel had solved the GUT. And proceeded to get Mendel his permanent professorship at SUNY till his death. Mendel’s comprehensive theory has explained the complete Lamb shift. Lamb attended Mendel’s funeral. I am one of the few people (a theoretical physicist) that worked with Mendel proofing his two major books. He is unquestionably Einstein’s successor.
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Hi PhD.
Thank you for your references. I had never heard of Professor Sachs and the little cross referencing I have done since your comment rests in comfortable simplicity.
Please be encouraged to present a brief article to the editors of PrincipiaScientific as testimony and potential progression to Professor Sachs understandings, revelations, ideas, and theories.
I have some observational understanding of oceanic currents and waves and interactions of the two and the more chaotic manifestations of wave and current interactions when there is more than one source (separate weather events ) propagating oceanic swells travelling at different speeds from different directions meeting in a common location.
The gigantic “freak waves” that used to destroy ships are easily understood by forces combining and or opposing and yet “experts” claimed these monstrous waves did not exist because they could not be duplicated in a test tank.
I often wonder if the physics involved in these oceanic energies and forces are partially duplicated in the other energies in the universe. For example, if light is carried by a solar wind or expected arrival time is delayed if light is travelling against a solar wind that would alter the understanding of spacetime and understanding of physics at an event horizon.
It is a shame I know nothing of science.
Best wishes Matt
Charles Higley
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I am looking forward to when they realize that gravity is simply the long distance effects of van der Waals forces. As charge and mass cannot be separated and the larger the mass, the more the inherent contained charge. It may total a charge of zero but there is huge inherent charge included that happens to be directly proportional to the mass. To ignore all of this charge is not logical. As gravity is about 10^-34 times weaker than EM as a force, it is not a stretch to conjecture that gravity is simply long distance van der Waals effects.
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I instinctively feel the term spacetime is the result of theoretical physics propaganda.
Separate out time and keep time more simple than that.
Space, mass, electromagnetism, could be one word it assist the theorists. Electromagneticspacemass.
” Electric current seems to be a re-balancing object, which transports charge in order to keep the spacetime manifold Ricci-flat. This is aesthetically pleasing, as nature seems to strive for harmony, efficiency and simplicity.”
“Harmony, efficiency and simplicity” could be or is one word, equilibrium.
Although the key word is simple.
Herb Rose
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Hi Matt,
Electromagnetism should not be one word since the electric part is a force produced by matter while the magnetic force is a force produced by energy. The two forces behave in an opposite fashion as when opposite electric charges approach each other the radiated electric fields decrease in size and strength. When opposite poles of magnets approach each other the size and strength of the radiated magnetic field increases. The opposite occurs when like charges/poles approach each other. The size and strength of the electric field increases while they decease with magnets.
Time does not exist. It is a means of comparing the changing (energy) of the object which are created by the combination of matter and energy.
Gravity is the non-directional attractive force of energy while magnetism is a directional attractive force. Energy is attracted to positive matter (which is the strong force that holds the nucleus together) and repels negative matter forming atoms and shapes their radiated gravitational and magnetic forces.
Equilibrium of energy is the imperative in the universe, not entropy.
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Hi Herb, “spacetime is a property of electromagnetism itself” feels better. A polar reversal.
Thank you for your comment Herb although at this stage I believe little on this topic and continue to audit with childish questions.
For example can blue shift and red shift be explained by electromagnetic energy variables such as light being carried in a solar wind and therefore arriving earlier or inversely a solar head wind in space slowing down the expected arrival time of light. Of course the concept has to be extrapolated galactically and intergalactically. Possibly I am reinventing the wheel.
Just checking fundamental foundations.
Cheers. Matt
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That should read “can SOME EXAMPLES of blue shift and red shift”.
Herb Rose
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Hi Matt,
The red and blue shift of light is explained if you discard the photon and think of light as an electromagnetic wave, which travels in the electric and magnetic fields emitted by all objects in the universe and permeate the universe. The speed of light changes with the strength of the fields, so as light emitted by a source travels away from that source the fields weaken and the speed declines. When the wave enters the fields of another object and travels towards the object the strength of the fields and the speed of the wave increases. A red shift (slowing) is a result of the wave traveling a greater distance in declining fields while a blue shift is a result of it traveling further in fields with increasing strength. This is why some light exhibits both a blue and red shift.It is not because the source of the light is both traveling towards the observer and simultaneously traveling away from him
The fact that light travels faster in stronger fields can be seen in water. If you have a mask on and observe a partially submerged object, the underwater portion will appear closer and larger than part out of the water.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb,
If “electric and magnetic fields emitted by all objects in the universe and permeate the universe.”, as you wrote, have you proposed all objects are PERPETUAL MOTION OBJECTS WHICH NEVER RUN OUT OF WAVES TO EMIT???
We observe that during the nighttime that the temperature of objects generally decrease as they emit IR waves toward the SPACE of the UNIVERSE. When these objects emit waves, is not their ENERGY content decreasing??? There is an accepted . SCIENTIFIC LAW (THE CONSERVATION OF MASS-ENERGY). Or do you not believe that there is this observed LAW???
Will wait for your answers to these questions.
Have a good day, Jerry
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Hi Herb. You appear to be endorsing my question where as red shift is used to support the big bang, expanding universe theory.
Have a nice day. Matt.
Herb Rose
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Hi Jerry,
Energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed. The radiation of energy is different than the loss of energy. In order to lose energy an object must transfer energy to another object with less energy. It is the fields of object that determines their size. Fields expand until they meet fields of equal strength being emitted by a neighboring object.
Think of it as a balloon. If you lower or increase the pressure around the balloon it contracts or expands. It does not gain or lose air (energy) as its size changes but the density of the air (energy) changes.
Herb Rose
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Hi Matt,
The big bang and all physics based on a constant speed of light are wrong.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Herb,
You make statements as if they are OBSERVED FACTS. A case in point, you just wrote: “In order to lose energy an object must transfer energy to another object with less energy.” And I had just wrote: “We observe that during the nighttime that the temperature of objects generally decrease as they emit IR waves toward the SPACE of the UNIVERSE.” Do you (Herb) notice the difference??? I observe and specifically define what is that I observe and specifically define the direction of the emission of IR WAVES. This even though I doubt there is a difference between a photon of ENERGY or a wave of ENERGY.
SPACE (a volume in which there is no MATTER) and therefore SPACE has no temperature because only MATTER has a temperature which we observe (measure) by its emission or measure with an instrument which is termed a THERMOMETER placed in CONTACT with some other MATTER so that the temperature of the thermometer comes to an equilibrium (the same as) with the temperature of the other matter. If there is no THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM, we only know the temperature of the THERMOMETER.
I had stated and asked: “There is an accepted . SCIENTIFIC LAW (THE CONSERVATION OF MASS-ENERGY). Or do you not believe that there is this observed LAW??? You wrote back: “Energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed.” I expect, but do not know, that you consider that your statement answered my question. But we must recognize that PHYSICAL SCIENCE has a HISTORY.
A one time in the past various SCIENTISTS, by their experimental results, had concluded there was the Law of Conservation of Matter and the Law of Conservation of Energy. A law is a summary of observed results that consistently occur is X and Y are done. Like: the SUN rises in the EAST and sits in the WEST. The LAW does not explain why or how it is that this occurs.
Historically, Einstein reasoned that E (energy) = M (mass) X C^2 (where C was the assumed constant speed of light). Hence, matter could be transformed into energy or vice versa. Herb, your statement does not acknowledge what we have learned from Einstein which has not been refuted by any experimental results and has been supported (not proven) by observed (measured) experimental results.
I stop here and await any comments of any one which question what I have written.
Have a good day, Jerry
Michael Clarke
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As a Logician I have always wondered at the effect of electricity, especially AC current. All those electrons rushing back and forth and yet doing vast amount of work in the process.
So my question is and always will be when do the electrons run out and does the material through which they move change in any way.
Herb Rose
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Hi Michael,
Electrons are matter so they never cease to exist (run out). They are moved, both in an atom and a wire, by the force of energy which displaces them from the positive fields of protons (a neutron is the base form of matter) and gives them movement either around the nucleus or through conductor.. It is this movement and the changing of attracting/repelling forces and fields that does work.
The changing fields can alter the structure of material they travel in. A permanent magnet is produced by passing a high voltage electric current through an iron alloy. By re-arranging the electrons of the metals it produces a directional attractive (energy) force as opposed to a non-directional force (gravity).
Since neither energy or matter can be destroyed the ultimate desired destination is equilibrium where the forces and fields of both energy and matter are balanced.
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Perhaps this is how the mythical “Tic-Tac” transmedia flying objects are able to operate in a manner which defies our current understanding of physics. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28729/docs-show-navy-got-ufo-patent-granted-by-warning-of-similar-chinese-tech-advances
Arthur Cronkhite
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Interesting that science is now awakening, to what has been known for thousands of years.
The three (3) Astrologers who showed up at a manger some two thousands years ago, would have known of the event, years before. Probably deciding that a little detour in their travel between consultation’s of the ruling-elite, was worth the time and effort.
Their astronomical calculations would have showed that it was, of a significant energy/frequency focal point, to warrant their presence.
As a child, I use to play with and repair old tube radios. The “tuning” mechanism was comprised of metal plates which rotated in between fixed plates, so as to alter the electromagnetic fields of the tubes.
A process that allowed for the precise adjustment in the numerous magnetic fields associated with a tube radio, to lock-in, on a broadcast energy/frequency signal.
Of course, such technology was endlessly entertaining, as weather would distort those signals, highly charged atmosphere would cause the radio to “wander” in it’s tuning, Along with it working when turned off, powered by high energy ion fields.
Then there was of course, the occasional bed spring concert, that would picking up and playing a local station’s broadcast.
Our solar system with it’s many “magnetic” bodies, is in a state of constant “tuning”, using the same principles as the metal tuning plates.
Their infinite combinations, including “sub tuning” moons, creates a resonant frequency that transmits throughout the cosmos, but is particularly pronounced within the tuning group.
These “frequencies/energies”, have a profound impact upon our lives and can take us from being happy and content, to brutally murderous, over extended periods of time. Thus influencing our reality in countless ways and allowing those of lower frequencies, who wear The Mask Of Sanity and rule our world at every level, to distort, manipulate and impose their destructive reality upon the masses.
Everything in the universe creates a Toroidal field of a particular frequency. In humans it is so pronounced that animals can actually see and sense those fields. Which is why animals will negatively react to those with certain bio-magnetic fields, because they sense the destructive character associated with it.
So what level of frequency, do you have your Toroidal field operating on?
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla