Electromagnetic Gravity? Examination of the Electric Universe Theory
One of the prime tenets of Electric Universe Theory is that electromagnetism dominates over gravity throughout the universe, given that 99{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of all matter (ignoring the fictitious Dark Matter and Energy) is plasma and that electromagnetism is 39 orders of magnitude stronger than gravity.
Nonetheless, gravity is far from dismissed. In fact, Wal Thornhill, lead physicist for The Electric Universe, has developed a theory for gravity as a manifestation of an electromagnetic phenomenon that ever so slightly causes distortion within atoms such that a dipole is created that could account for gravitational force.
This paper summarizes Thornhill’s theory and examines it mathematically, concluding that it is at least plausible.
Electromagnetic Gravity? Examination of the Electric Universe Theory
Raymond HV Gallucci, PhD, PE
8956 Amelung St., Frederick, Maryland, 21704
e-mails: [email protected], [email protected]
The Electric Universe (EU) theory postulates that gravity is just another manifestation of electromagnetism, albeit at an almost inconceivably lower force (~10-39 as strong).
This paper examines the EU conjecture about an electromagnetic basis for gravity based on simplified mathematical analysis for an idealized arrangement of three hydrogen atoms. Results suggest that the possibility of an electromagnetically-induced distortion of a hydrogen atom to create an atomic dipole is at least plausible.
The Electric Universe (EU) theory postulates that gravity is just another manifestation of electromagnetism, albeit at an almost inconceivably lower force (~10-39 as strong): [1]
“Gravity is due to radially oriented electrostatic dipoles inside the Earth’s protons, neutrons and electrons. The force between any two aligned electrostatic dipoles varies inversely as the fourth power of the distance between them and the combined force of similarly aligned electrostatic dipoles over a given surface is squared. The result is that the dipole-dipole force, which varies inversely as the fourth power between co-linear dipoles, becomes the familiar inverse square force of gravity for extended bodies. The gravitational and inertial response of matter can be seen to be due to an identical cause. The puzzling extreme weakness of gravity (one thousand trillion trillion trillion times less than the electrostatic force) is a measure of the minute distortion of subatomic particles in a gravitational field. Celestial bodies are born electrically polarized from a plasma z-pinch or by core expulsion from a larger body. The 2,000-fold difference in mass of the proton and neutron in the nucleus versus the electron means that gravity will maintain charge polarization by offsetting the nucleus within each atom (as shown). The mass of a body is an electrical variable — just like a proton in a particle accelerator. Therefore, the so-called gravitational constant — ‘G’ with the peculiar dimension [L]3/[M][T]2, is a variable! That is why ‘G’ is so difficult to pin down.”
Perusing the arrangement depicted in Fig. 1, I decided to try to examine the EU conjecture about an electromagnetic basis for gravity.
Electric Forces between Hydrogen Atoms
To enable a fairly simplified analysis, I constructed the geometry for three hydrogen atoms as shown in Fig. 2. Three hydrogen atoms of radius R are aligned and equally spaced, 3R from center to center. We are interested in the distortion on the leftmost (reference) atom due to its two neighbors, i.e., the net electrical force from each neighbor’s proton (grey circle) and electron (dotted orbit) on the reference proton and electron (open circle). On average, the electron spends half its time in each hemisphere in each neighbor, with the average position being along the alignment at a distance 0.6366R (shown by triangles). Both the reference proton and electron will be subject to six forces, attractive when of opposite charge, repulsive when of same charge. The vector sum of these six forces will constitute the net electrical force on the reference proton and electron and indicate the degree of distortion imposed on the reference atom from its two neighbors. Based on symmetry, the center atom should experience no distortion, being affected equally by its two neighbors, while the rightmost atom should experience the exact opposite distortion to the reference atom, again based on symmetry. From trigonometry, d = (R2 + [3R – 0.6366R]2 – 2[3 – 0.6366]R2 cos [π – θ])0.5 and ϕ = sin-1([R/d] sin [π – θ]). These values will change depending upon which position is being analyzed. Note that the electron(s) is assumed to spend half the time in positions 1, 3, 4 and 6 relative to the proton(s) in positions 2 and 5.
FIGURE 1. Explanation of Gravity by the Electric Universe Theory [1]
FIGURE 2. Geometric Arrangement of Three Hydrogen Atoms
2.1 Effect on Reference Electron
After one performs all the calculations to derive the net force on the reference electron (a vector, so direction must also be addressed), the results can be plotted as shown in Fig. 3. They are presented in terms of the ‘near’ (closer hemisphere to the middle atom) and ‘far’ sides (farther hemisphere from the middle atom) for the electron as it circles the proton. To simplify the presentation, the results are presented as ‘scaled’ by 4πε0/q2, i.e., (4πε0/q2)(Force) with R = 1 (q is the equal charge on the electron and proton).
For θ = 0, we have the reference electron at the farthest and nearest positions to its neighbor atoms. Here the difference between the net forces is maximum, nearly 0.1 on the scaled metric (or ~2 [200{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}] relative to the average of their values). This is also the only position where the directions of the two force vectors are exactly aligned. The difference decreases as the electron positions get closer, until they are equal at θ = 90o, where the ‘near’ and ‘far’ side positions coincide. Observe that the difference between the net force directions peaks around θ = 45o. The key observation is that over the entire orbit of the reference electron, the net force from the neighboring atoms is repulsive. This means that the electrons in the neighboring atoms ‘push’ more on the reference electron than the protons in the neighboring atoms ‘pull.’ As a result, there should be some displacement of the electron orbit (and distortion, given the asymmetry between the forces acting on the two hemispheres) away from the neighboring atoms (and, as shown below, opposite to the direction in which the reference proton is ‘pulled’). Fig. 4, which assumes a scaled radius of 0.1 for the hydrogen atom to provide enough resolution to see the distortion, illustrates the effect on the orbit of the reference electron. The ‘near’ (right) side experiences greater ‘push’ than the ‘far’ side (left), accounting for the distortion, but the entire orbit experiences a shift away from the neighbor atoms (to the left – See Fig. 2).
FIGURE 3. Net Force on Electron
2.2 Effect on Reference Proton
The calculations for the reference proton are much simpler, since it is ‘stationary.’ The net force from its neighbor atoms, on the scaled metric, is a ‘pull’ (attraction) of 0.01717, exceeding the ‘push’ on the reference electron over the entire far side of its orbit, but remaining less than that over most of the near side of its orbit, with the amount by which the exceedance over most of the near side exceeds that over the far side being greater. As a result, while the reference electron has its orbit ‘pushed’ away from the neighbor atoms, the reference proton experiences a ‘pull’ toward them. The reference hydrogen atom no longer is symmetric with a circular electron orbit about a centered proton, thereby suggesting the creation of an electric dipole as postulated by the EU theory.
An Electric Dipole?
To try and estimate the actual degree of distortion, one needs to postulate an ‘effective’ time over which the orbiting electrons of the neighbor atoms act upon the reference atom with the effective net forces. For this calculation, we assume the following constants:
Radius of H atom = Bohr radius = 5.292 x 10-11 m
Electron charge = Proton charge = 1.602 x 10-19 C
Coulomb constant = 1/4πε0 = 8.988 x 109 N-m2/C2
Electron mass = 9.109 x 10-31 kg
Proton mass = 1.672 x 10-27 kg
FIGURE 4. Distortion of Electron Orbit due to Neighbor Atoms
If we assume the reference electron orbits its proton at the speed of light, it will complete one orbit in 2π(5.292 x 10-11 m)/(2.998 x 108 m/s) = 1.109 x 10-18 s. Addressing only the locations where the net repulsive forces on the reference electron are maximum per hemisphere, i.e., delta-force (scaled) = 0.08744 at θ = 0, the calculated difference between the forces is (0.08744)(8.988 x 109 N-m2/C2)(1.602 x 10-19 C)2/(5.292 x 10-11 m)2 = 7.202 x 10-9 N.1 Since force (f) = mass (m) x acceleration (a), and displacement (x) over a time interval (t) from a reference position = at2/2, the estimated displacement for the electron orbit becomes ft2/2m = (7.202 x 10-9 N)(1.109 x 10-18 s)2/(2[9.109 x 10-31 kg]) = 4.863 x 10-15 m, or ~ 0.01{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} relative to the Bohr radius. A parallel calculation for the reference proton yields [(0.01717)(8.988 x 109 N-m2/C2)(1.602 x 10-19 C)2/(5.292 x 10-11 m)2](1.109 x 10-18 s)2/(2[1.672 x 10-27 kg]) = 5.201 x 10-19 m, or ~ 1 x 10-6 {154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} relative to the Bohr radius, i.e., ~10,000 times smaller. This is consistent with the EU theory that the proton shift, due to its nearly 2,000-times greater mass, is dwarfed by that on the electron. Therefore, while these shifts, even on the atomic scale of hydrogen, are miniscule, if not negligible, they apparently are sufficient to create an electric dipole out of a hydrogen atom in the presence of neighboring atoms, so long as there are more to one ‘side’ than the other.
This exercise attempted to interject some mathematics, greatly simplified, into the paradigm of the EU theory that gravity can be attributed to an electromagnetic effect, albeit almost inconceivably smaller, due to the distortion of atoms by their neighbors into electric dipoles. While we have not attempted to address the mathematics that would be involved in explaining the 1039 factor difference between the respective strengths of these forces, the possibility of an electromagnetically-induced distortion to create an atomic dipole appears at least plausible.
http://www.holoscience.com/wp/electric-gravity-in-an-electric-universe/, “Electric Gravity in an Electric Universe.”
1 For the distance dimension, we assume the Bohr radius for both the reference electron and proton to calculate the force difference.
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Robert Beatty
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I agree with the comment: “Therefore, the so-called gravitational constant — ‘G’ with the peculiar dimension [L]3/[M][T]2, is a variable! That is why ‘G’ is so difficult to pin down.”
“The Electric Universe (EU) theory postulates that gravity is just another manifestation of electromagnetism, albeit at an almost inconceivably lower force (~10-39 as strong)”
If gravity is a variable it must be a stronger force somewhere else? I started by looking at black holes which are reported to be high gravitational regions. Using
Newtons law of gravitation, approaching a black hole soon results in a zero division – or ‘event horizon’. Mathematicians Kruskal and Szekeres developed their famous diagram to cater for this conundrum – which turns out to be a hyperbolic function.
My report Big Bang Or Steady State http://www.bosmin.com/PSL/BigBangOrSteadyState.pdf explores the ramification of this from page 4. I conclude that G at a black hole is 39 times greater than on Earth and limited by the gravitational force required to strip an electron from the outer shell of an atom.
The tie between the black hole and the surrounding region appears to be due to tangled particles as further discussed in my Gravispheres paper.
Ray Gallucci
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Note that EU Theory does not support either black holes or even neutron stars. It considers rather that these are very dense “plasmoids.” http://www.thunderbolts.info describes these in much more detail. My earlier paper “Neutron vs. Strobe Stars?” also summarizes some of the EU Theory on this.
Robert Beatty
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Thanks for this note Ray. The EU theory was developed in response to the ‘Dark Matter’ conundrum, and acceptance that Big G was a constant.
The Gravispheres report questions the same paradigms. There can be no doubt that electromagnetic forces play a significant part in understanding how our universe operates. It is very dangerous to dismiss gravity as a ‘very weak force’ until we know how it forms, how it varies, and where it comes from. It seems there is plenty of room for both mechanisms to interpret the universe, but based on their known limitations, and areas of influence.
jerry krause
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Hi Robert,
As a chemist I understand the action which strips an electron from the outer shell of an atom is the absorption of an ultraviolet photon of sufficient energy to accomplish this feat. Hence, the ‘solar wind’ is a plasma of hydrogen ions and electrons because these oppositely charge particles in the very low matter density of space can separate a sufficient distance from each other to not be significant attracted to each other. Of course, I can imagine that from time to time the two oppositely charged particles get together again, but there is continuous source of photons to again strip the electron from the proton. Are you proposing that in a black hole there is no radiation and therefore if a plasma is to be formed it must be done by gravity because of the great difference between the mass of the electron and the mass of a proton?
Have a good day, Jerry
Robert Beatty
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The referenced document says on page 5:
“As a molecule approaches a Black Hole, the outer extremities, or the electrons, are the first to get sheared away by the high gravitational forces present at the event horizon. The rings of negatively charged electrons progressively fall away in a series of steps in accordance with Planck’s theory.”
This is a quite different mechanism to the one you describe and is unique to black holes where, it seems, mass is completely digested as it approaches ever more closely to the event horizon.
Chris Reeve
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There are no black holes in electrical cosmology. In electrical cosmology, the system is modeled as a network. The argument put forward is that the universe is criss-crossed by conducting filaments, and the observed behaviors of the galaxies result from the behaviors of the filaments — very much the reverse of mainstream cosmology. In fact, Halton Arp showed that the currents can become so large that they can actually tear apart the galaxies themselves.
These are more than merely conjectures. That has been a steady stream of confirmations supporting these claims that gravity is localized force, and that at the largest scales we can see, it is electricity that dominates.
For example …
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Electric Universe theories look ever more plausible, especially given the increasing discovery of Electromagnetic Signatures in space, and because EU theories do not place any heavy reliance on exotic hypotheticals like Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
Dylan Toribio
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