Edward Dowd Presents Irrefutable Evidence Vaccine Mandates Killed & Disabled Countless Americans
Back in March 2022, Edward Dowd dropped a bomb using the CDC’s own data to show an 84% increase in excess mortality among the millennial cohort, temporally related to the introduction of vaccine mandates from the summer into the fall.
“Starting in the summer into the fall with the mandates and the boosters, there were 61,000 excess millennial deaths. Basically, millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021,” he reported. “This is what we call democide, death by government.”
Ever since former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd started making waves with his data, the mainstream media hasn’t put much effort into debunking Dowd’s argument. Instead, they opted to ignore him.
And since then, he’s analyzed data set after data set — maintaining the conclusion that the mRNA COVID-19 injections are leaving behind a trail of destruction, disability, and death. He’s summarized his thesis into a compelling book, “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022.
But not everyone has the time to read an entire book.
So Edward Dowd delivered the “elevator pitch.”
“What is the most compelling piece of evidence that you have discovered and that you have covered to show that the vaccine is indeed harming people? What is the one or two pieces of data that you think are the most persuasive?” asked conservative pundit Charlie Kirk.
“So, two data sets,” replied Mr. Dowd.
1.) The Society of Actuaries Group Life Policy Holder Data
Group Life Insurance is a life insurance policy often offered by large and mid-sized corporations to their employees. In 2016 the Society of Actuaries performed a study looking at the years 2010 through 2013, in which they compared the mortality rates of people on Group Life Insurance policies to the general population. And they found that the Group Life cohort died at about one-third the rate of the general population for each respective age group within working-aged years.
But “that inverted in 2021.” Instead, Group Life policyholders (employed with well-paying jobs) suffered 40% excess mortality, whereas the general population experienced 32% excess mortality — an 8% difference.
“I blame the vaccines and mandates,” declared Edward Dowd.
2.) The U.S Bureau of Statistics Disability Data
Over three million more unfortunate souls – than two years ago – are now among the U.S. disabled population.
What’s interesting is that the trend was overall heading downward in 2020. It wasn’t until 2021 that the disability numbers took a significant turn for the worse — increasing by 10%.
“That was a three standard deviation event, which in geekspeak, happens point 0.3% of the time — rapid increase,” explained Mr. Dowd.
Source: Rumble
Read More: vigilantfox.substack.com
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Many millions of people around the world are dying, and hundreds of millions are permanently disabled, after being injected with the experimental vaccines that are being mandated by governments. World leading scientists are ringing the alarm bell as loud as they can.
The Vaccine Death Report shows all the scientific evidence that millions of innocent people lost their lives and hundreds of millions are suffering crippling side effects, after being injected with the experimental covid injections. The report exposes the strategic methods used by governments and health agencies to hide 99% of all vaccine injuries and deaths. You will also learn who is really behind all of this, and what their true agenda is.
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So, we have a proof, the vaxxes are killing people; what’s next? Are we ready to do something about it?? Are the struggling masses aware and ready to counterattack???
None of these questions are even considered — so the next one: “where are the guillotines to straighten up the ruling ‘elites’ ” can’t even come upl
Just take a break and consider moving to Madagascar or something…
Cheers, always, JaKo
Shawn Marshall
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How is our legal system in the US so enfeebled that we can neither expose and contest fraudulent elections and genocidal medical malpractice by government? How do we spell Totalitarian? D E M O N C R A T S