Edward Dowd: CBDC’S, Financial Collapse Imminent, Vaxx Deaths EXPLODE!

child vaccine shot

Edward Dowd joins Maria Zeee to discuss the orchestrated collapse of the financial system, CBDC’s and the exploding rate of excess deaths across multiple countries which he and his team of analysts have compiled for the world to see and share.

Edward Dowd is the author of Cause Unknown and he explains that in his book he presents hard data from 2021/22 on the pandemic of the vaccinated. Dowd further explains that people are now waking up to the truth that the COVID pandemic is a cover up for a much bigger pandemic happening right now.

Dowd published a vaccine damage report at the beginning of April, the numbers were staggering yet conservative and in the US alone they expect 300,000 excess deaths due to the vaccines in 2021/22 and 1.36 million disabled and a further 26.6 million people injured and all of these numbers are on the low end of the spectrum.

Source: Bitchute

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Comments (2)

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    Mr Warren Klein


    Australian ?? Bureau of Statistics deaths data:
    2015. 159,052. +/-
    2016. 158,504. – 548
    2017. 160,909. + 2,405
    2018. 158,493. – 2,416
    2019. 169,401. +10,908
    2020. 161,300. – 8,101
    2021. 171,469. +10,169
    2022. 190,394. +28,925

    The excess deaths started May 2021. No excess deaths in 2020, 10k excess 2021, 29k in 2022 which is still provisional, maybe another 2% / 4k to come. Fair to say about 40k excess deaths since commencement of Covid19 vaccines here in 2021. 2019 needs explanation, as does 2021 and 2022, no explanations by ABS. For 2020 ABS says:” lower death counts in 2020, after the introduction of public health measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. ”
    The five year pre-pandemic average is 161,271.
    The three year pandemic average is 174,387.
    The two year post vaccine average is 180,931.


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    An insightful interview which filled in a few voids and consolidated suppressed data.

    I watched the recent Tucker Carlson interview with Donald Trump. ‘The danger comes from within.”

    Saw an interview with ex speaker of the house, Newt Gingrich, which I can no longer find.
    He mentioned the total corruption of the swamp and had simple and clear understanding of world events. He basically said if the swamp does not get Trump, Trump will go some way towards cleaning up the swamp.


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