Editor of British Medical Journal announces he’s ‘vaccine injured’

Breaking: Former long time editor of the British Medical Journal announced he’s vaccine injured

Richard Smith, CBE, FMedSci, British medical doctor businessman and former editor of the BMJ until 2004, explains how he was harmed by the influenza vaccine:

“I don’t think that I’ve ever had the flu, certainly nothing that affected me for more than a day, but last year I had the influenza vaccine for the first time. Three factors influenced me: two tough friends who had each for the first time spent a week in bed with the flu; the doctor telling my wife that she should have the vaccine “for the sake of others”; and an Australian critical care doctor telling me on Twitter that they had in their winter that precedes ours seen more severe cases of flu than usual. Unfortunately, I developed flu-like symptoms within a few hours of my vaccination, leaving me wondering who is most likely to have side effects from the vaccine. Could it be that I was having it for the first time? Will I be likely to get them again if I’m vaccinated next year?

I had both the influenza vaccine and the pneumococcal vaccine at the same time through the same needle in the morning. I hadn’t gone to get the pneumococcal vaccine, but the nurse suggested that I have it as well. Immediately afterward I cycled seven miles to and from a lunch with a friend on a delightfully sunny day. We even ate our lunch out of doors, which is unusual for London in December. It wasn’t until the evening when I began to shiver and feel cold. My arm was red, hard, and sore where I’d been vaccinated. I went to bed but slept badly, unable to sleep on the side vaccinated, and becoming feverish during the night. The next morning I felt grotty and looked up the symptoms of adverse effects from influenza vaccination on NHS Choices. The side effects are said to occur in between one in 10 and one in 100 people, so I’d been unlucky. The side effects include headache, aching muscles or joints, fever, feeling generally unwell, sweating, shivering, fatigue, and pain, swelling, redness, bruising or at the injection site. I had a full house. None of the symptoms were severe, but they were enough to stop me having an effective day. I went to bed early, slept soundly, and the next morning I was fine.”1

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Comments (3)

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    Joseph Olson


    Finding a ‘cure’ for any disease is not a good business model for monopolist owned big pharma. Keeping populations permanently on palliative snake oil IS a good business model. Then medicine becomes a marketing (propaganda) problem which is facilitated by monopolist owned media and monopolist controlled government. Resist and feral government will make medicine mandatory.

    What part of Orwell’s Nineteen Eight-four do you not see now ?

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    “None of the symptoms were severe, but they were enough to stop me having an effective day. I went to bed early, slept soundly, and the next morning I was fine.”

    Gosh in just 12 hours he is fine again.

    In the good old days, people used to DIE a lot from the same types of Flue’s along with Scarlett Fever, Pneumonia, Polio, German Measles, Small Pox, thanks to Vaccines people live a lot longer, while all those nasty problems nearly vanish.

    Rest easy cheap complainer, you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

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    Chris Marcil


    Best way to stay healthy is to be exposed to germs. It seems to me that people are getting sicker more often. Those who use wipes and other disinfectants all of the time seem to be hit the worst. I don’t usually get sick and when I do it is mild. I used to work dirty jobs, and I was in better health than those who didn’t.

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