Earth’s Missing Geothermal Flux
I have struggled with the ‘missing geothermal flux’ from Earth’s apparent gigantic fission energy for many years. In a number of articles and in my chapter in the science textbook, “Slaying the Sky Dragon”, I have made the point that Earth’s fission rate changes are the most likely cause of the periodic fluctuation in ocean temperatures.
In addition, the Earth’s fission operating between two base states sets the lower Glacial Period and upper Inter-glacial Period temperature limits.
The huge problem has been where this energy manifests itself, since apparent geothermal energy release seems isolated and of low magnitude. I had reviewed the article “Ocean Heat Content and Earth’s Radiation Imbalance” by Dr David Douglas and Dr Robert Knox [1] when it was issued and had several email exchanges with Dr Knox on the Earth fission paradox. The Douglas-Knox article was sent as an attachment on a recent email and after rereading I was struck again by this quote:
“The flux into the ocean and trenches averages 101 mW/m2 and into the land and shelves averages 65 mW/m2 (globally averaged 87 mW/m2)
Douglas-Knox then go on to compare the assumed solar flux of 340 W/m2 to this ridiculously low 0.087 W/m2 for Earth’s fission. There is intuitive evidence that Earth’s fission energy is far greater than this, given the core temperature estimated at least
8,000o F and a uniform temperature world wide of at least 2,500o F just 40 miles below the crust. This is NOT left over heat of origin and can NOT be from solar input. The question is how is the excess heat of Earth’s fission controlled and manifested at the surface?
The answer is that the Earth behaves as a gigantic, one way refrigeration cycle. The ‘compressor’ is the near constant production of ‘elemental’ atoms and compounds in the daughter reactions to fission decay. These newly formed atoms are either gases or rapidly form simple gas compounds under the extreme temperature and pressure of this ‘reverse fractional distillation’ geologic process.
These high pressure gases then vent along thousands of miles of under-sea rifts, most located in the 3,000 to 7,000 ft depth range. These newly formed elemental gases are then released under very high pressure into high, but lower pressure water. This causes instant condensation to liquid, or in the case of elemental water and Methane, into solid Methane-Calthrate crystals. The deep ocean is then the ‘condenser’ in this refrigeration cycle.
These now low temperature and high pressure gases mix with the ocean currents, rising and outgassing to maintain equilibrium with the atmosphere in accordance with Boyles and Henry’s Laws. The ocean-air interface is then the ‘evaporator’ in this cycle. These elemental gases become ‘open-loss’ refrigerant in the atmosphere.
Evaporative coolers (aka swamp coolers) are a common appliance in hot dry climates. Warm dry air is blown across a water soaked mat and is cooled by evaporation. The water is the ‘open-loss’ refrigerant carrying away 890 BTU of heat for every pound of water evaporated.
As super-cooled and elemental gas (turned liquid) flows emerge from the under-sea rifts, this dense fluid mix descends to the deeper ocean floor where less than a half mile of sediments separate the ocean water from 2500o F molten mantle rock. Massive amounts of thermal convection occur in these ocean floor zones.
The complete Geothermal Flux is the sum of hot elemental gas phase change to liquid along tens of thousands of miles of ocean rifts and the convective exchange across millions of square miles ocean floor. The change in just a fraction of a degree in temperature along these great areas is all that is necessary for massive climate change.
There are then two processes that have hidden this refrigeration cycle from the less than curious minds of current science community. First, the condensation and solidification at the ocean depths removes the high gaseous heat in exchange for an aqueous-refrigerant chemical mix. Then, much like those in beer, wine or soft drinks, ocean currents raise these entrained gases to warmer, lower pressure depths and these gases are released. These gases enter the atmosphere where the next phase of nature’s deception occurs.
These now ‘excess’ atmospheric gases are under constant erosion from solar wind and molecular decay. The fact that Earth’s elemental gas production is in near equilibrium with this atmospheric loss further conceals the refrigerant aspect and gives the appearance of a ‘constant’ atmosphere.
Freed from the ridiculous assumptions about Earth’s fission rate, we are now able to debate the causes of the periodic fluctuations in fission that are the root cause of the El Nino/La Nina effect. There is an obvious solar cycle trigger to these fission induced ocean temperature changes.
Neutrinos do not leave proxies, but it is highly probable that solar and galactic radiation controls the Earth’s fission rates and that sudden cosmic ray bursts can increase fission and the easily observed outcome of volcanism. It is almost certain that variations in the base state of these radiation forces are the prime climate driver.
Insight into these true Earth science processes began with the correct assessment of the geo-nuclear force presented in “Motive Force for All Climate Change” [2]. This lead to the insight that petroleum is, in fact an ‘elemental molecule’ from fission reactions. This is explained in “Fossil Fuel is Nuclear Waste” [3]. Recognition that the Earth is indeed capable of creating extended Hydrocarbon chains came this week from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [4].
While government scientist have now finally admitted that Methane can form larger molecules they have yet to make the discovery that Methane is a daily by-product of Earth’s great fission furnace. The first step in this journey is the hardest and I will assist the LLNL scientists in completing their understanding of our lovely and complex planet.
First published Apr 24, 2011*
This article was originally posted at my website,, which was hacked offline in 2020 for sharing too much Truth. Since April 2011, I have done considerably more research on natural and manmade nuclear fission. Earth has 700,000 cubic miles of Uranium and 1.2 million cubic miles of Thorium, which have a natural decay cycle producing new ‘elemental’ atoms, and under high heat and pressure, these produce ‘elemental’ molecules. Some of the decay byproducts are radioactive, like Potasium-40, and they produce additional elemental atoms. The decay byproducts are different inside Earth’s massive fission powered crucible than in surface testing labs. In studying the destruction of the World Trade Center, I carefully researched all of the Veterans Today articles under Nuclear Education.
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Joseph Olson
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At the Heartland ICCC-9 Lukewarmist Love Fest, July 2014 in Las Vegas, I met Dr Arthur Viterito, who analyzed a million USGS seismic, and NOAA temperature sets and discovered >
“Correlation of Seismic Data and Recent Glogal Warming” at PRINCIPIA-SCIENTIFIC.ORG
Richard Cronin
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Mr. Olsen, I have read your postings with great interest and am a personal acquaintance with Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, who outlined his concepts of the GeoReactor beginning in 1993. It just made so much sense.
“The Fourth Source, Effects of Natural Nuclear Reactors” by Robert J. Tuttle is very informative.
Researchers are finding Carbon 14 in locations which are difficult to explain. Carbon 14, Chlorine 36, Iodine 129, and Berylium 10 are signature isotopes of nuclear fission.
I have suggested to Dr. Herndon that we could send a deep ocean submersible to sample the hydrothermal vent streams. I am willing to bet the farm that we will find these isotopes. Taking the sample as deep as possible inside the vent to screen out any contribution(s) from cosmogenisis of N2, O2, and Xenon as well as anything from open air atomic testing, which ended in the 1980s.
If you scan thru PSI, you will find some of my meager essays.
I will obtain a copy of your book.
All the best for you and your loved ones. I hope we may remain in contact.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Richard,
I believe some scientists involved in the Follow Mosaic project measured the gases being vented from the ocean’s bottom without sending a deep ocean submersible to the ocean bottom. The question is: Will they report what the found? For another question is: why were they sam-ling the gases in near surface ocean water? To prove what most scientists already knew? That they would merely find methane and sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide in this ocean water?
Have a good day, Jerry
Joseph Olson
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Radon is an INERT (renamed Noble) Gas that can ONLY come as a byproduct of fission, with a half-life of 2.8 days, it is proof of ongoing nuclear fission. Radon measurement spikes were used for earthquake detection, but USGS ended the program to avoid exposing VARIBLE fission volcanism.
Duncan MacCrimmon
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Why have not references to very relevant not been made?
T. C. Clark
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Thanks for link….video is very interesting.
Joseph Olson
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“Volcanic CO2” ~ there are vast pools of liquid CO2 on the ocean floor, discharged into 4°C water at high pressure, below CO2 liquid limit, there are vast formations of Methane trapped in ice crystals on the ocean floor
“Volcanic Halocarbons” ~ Fluorine is the 14th most common element on Earth, is highly reactive, forming hundreds of natural compounds and dwarfing human production of Fluorocarbons by orders of magnitudes > Montreal Protocol was a Freon Fraud
Both by Timothy Casey at > Geology_1011
Joseph Olson
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Methane Clathrates trapped on seafloor crystals, Methane Hydrates in tundra
Richard Foland
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Large Igneous Provinces: A Driver of Global Environmental and Biotic Changes
Editor(s): Richard E. Ernst Alexander J. Dickson Andrey Bekker
First published:23 December 2020
Check this out.
Zoe Phin
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When that small geothermal flux is converted to a temperature … it fully covers the greenhouse effect.
Herb Rose
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Nuclear reactions are unaffected by external factors and go at a constant rate (half life). The fact that over the last 4 billion years the Earth has lost very little of this heat (very thin crust) show that this heat is not reaching the surface and being radiated into space (with the exceptions of volcanic eruptions).
The reason is that the atmosphere insulates the Earth. Solar energy heats the atmosphere and the top layer of the Earth during the day. At night this stored solar energy must be lost before the Earth can lose this nuclear heat stored in its interior. The insulation of the atmosphere slows this process so that before normal geothermal energy can be lost, the sun is again adding energy.
The moon is the same age, composition, and gets the same solar energy but because it has no atmosphere, half of it has been able to continually radiate internal heat into space resulting in a greater proportion of crust.
It is because the geothermal energy does not affect the climate and get radiated into space that most of the heat nuclear fission has generated is still contained in the Earth’s interior.
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Hi Joseph,
This is definitely “not disappointing” article! It is a bit different than I anticipated, to be honest, I expected a small step toward recognizing Mrs. Phin’s work; however, there is plenty to analyze and research for some time.
As this is ‘My Comment,’ here goes my initial doubt, a question, if you will:
As I did again review some common Decay Chains and reaffirmed my suspicion = the daughter elements do not include the ones implied in this article: “These newly formed atoms are either gases or rapidly form simple gas compounds…” — The only gas produced is Alpha particle aka Helium4; what am I missing?
Cheers, JaKo