Earth’s Heat and CO2 over Geologic Time & Herndon’s Georeactor

Since 2006, when I first became acquainted with Dr. J. Marvin Herndon (pictured), I have tried to follow developments to verify the Georeactor, the naturally occurring fast neutron fission breeder reactor at the core of Earth and every major celestial body.

Admittedly, a very, very controversial hypothesis, yet many geophysicists and nuclear physicists have contributed to this effort (David Hollenbach, Stephen T. Dye, Kao Ping Lin, et al). The variable output of the Georeactor certainly explains the Earth’s multiple Ice Ages and warm Interglacials, as well as variations in CO2 and methane.

I have found another very enlightening book “The Fourth Source, Effects of Natural Nuclear Reactors” by Robert J. Tuttle. Tuttle is a nuclear engineer and his expertise in nuclear physics and reactor design is impressive. He does get a bit speculative about other major radiation and nuclear explosion events which he states have affected evolution on our planet, but his reasoning is sound.

It is obvious that the claims of the “greenhouse gas effect” enjoy multiple positions – from warming to cooling to no effect whatsoever.  The entire heat balance of the Earth is equally uncertain. Displayed below is page 44 from Tuttle’s book, regarding the Earth’s heat balance and CO2 concentration(s) over geologic time.

Note also the citation of Caldeira and Kasting in 1992, re: CO2 clouds. Of course, Ken Caldeira is noted for his advocacy of “solar radiation management” — spraying sulfate aerosols and fly ash into the stratosphere to mimic the sun-blocking effects of major volcanic eruptions.  His colleague David Keith of Harvard has provided testimony before the U.S. Congress to this position.

Professor Ken Caldeira, Member of the Royal Society Geoengineering Group (2009).  In 2010-2011, a Member of the Bipartisan Policy Center Working Group on Geoengineering (Climate Remediation).  (Ken Caldeira, Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution of Washington-Stanford, CA in 2011.)


[I wish to express many thanks for the encouragement from John O’Sullivan and my friend Chuck Dougherty to place my thoughts to writing. Chuck’s blog site is “”.]

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