Earth’s climate is Naturally Hostile and Unsafe
Those who support the UN’s “Climate Change” agenda feign concern for “the poor”, yet the agenda itself is determined to lock those under its sway into perpetual poverty. At its core the UN’s “Climate Change” agenda is a war on the burning of hydrocarbons for energy – the thing that has been primarily responsible for the creation of wealth over the past 150 years. Perhaps we should start by defining “poverty” and “wealth”.
The “poor” are those who are forced by circumstance to live solely on what the Earth’s climate, A.K.A. nature, provides. They are forced by circumstance to live without the benefits of hydrocarbon energy. The “wealthy” are those who have free access to the benefits that the burning of hydrocarbons for energy provides.
What the Earth’s climate provides: Nothing except unheated caves
What hydrocarbon energy provides: Hydrocarbon energy is employed in every facet of modern home building and modern housing protection us from the wind and rain.
-Heating and cooling-
What the Earth’s climate provides: Large swings between temperatures hot and cold. Plus, without artificial heating and cooling large swaths of the Earth’s surface now inhabited by thriving civilizations would be uninhabitable.
What hydrocarbon energy provides: Central heating and cooling which keeps people in the norther latitudes from freezing to death in the winter and the people living in desert regions (3+ million people in Phoenix, AZ for example) from dying of heat stroke and dehydration in the summer.
What the Earth’s climate provides: Very little, i.e., only that which can be gathered.
What hydrocarbon energy provides: Modern agriculture, which uses hydrocarbon energy in every facet of production, processing and transportation, currently feeds the Earth’s ~7 billion population. Prior to the widespread use of hydrocarbon energy, the global population only reached ~1 billion people.
-Ability to cook food-
What the Earth’s climate provides: Twigs and dung
What hydrocarbon energy provides: Gas and electric ranges and ovens and microwaves.
What the Earth’s climate provides: springs, streams, rivers and fresh water lakes
What hydrocarbon energy provides: Prior to modern hydrocarbon powered water works human beings could only survive along springs, streams, rivers and fresh water lakes. Through the use of hydrocarbon energy virtually every house in the modern world, many at great distances from springs, streams, rivers and fresh water lakes, has running potable water.
What the Earth’s climate provides: periodic rain along with bathing in springs, streams, rivers and fresh water lakes. Clothes had to be washed by hand in the nearby springs, streams, rivers and fresh water lakes. This would, of course, pollute the water for those drinking the same water downstream. This intern results in the epidemic of intestinal diseases rampant in the third world.
What hydrocarbon energy provides: Hot showers and clothes washing machines and clothes dryers.
-Sewage treatment-
What the Earth’s climate provides: nothing, so people would often dig holes over which they would put “out houses” in an attempt to contain human waste. In poor cities raw sewage runs freely in the streets.
What hydrocarbon energy provides: Flushing toilets, which channels the human waste to sewage treatment plants.
-Modern Medical Care-
What the Earth’s climate provides: some medicinal herbs
What hydrocarbon energy provides: Modern hospital facilities and a large array of pharmaceutics
What the Earth’s climate provides: legs, horses and mules, wind
What hydrocarbon energy provides: Planes, trains, automobiles and ocean liners, which transport people and goods around the world at remarkable speeds
What the Earth’s climate provides: yelling, smoke signals, drums, pony express
What hydrocarbon energy provides: nearly instantaneous, global communication
As you can see, the Earth’s climate is naturally very hostile and very unsafe for human beings and when people are forced to live solely on what nature provides we call them “the poor”. The development and use of hydrocarbon energy has released humanity from that very hostile and unsafe environment and made living on Earth rather pleasant. The UN’s “Climate Change” agenda seeks to reverse this trend by turning off that which has enabled humanity to deal with the Earth’s naturally hostile and unsafe climate – hydrocarbon energy. Why? Because they say that the continued use of hydrocarbon energy will change the Earth’s climate into one that is hostile and unsafe for human beings.
News flash: The Earth’s climate has always been hostile and unsafe for human beings. It does not have to “change” to become so. Hydrocarbon energy has allowed the modern world to crawl out of the poverty that has plagued it from time immemorial and it will continue to do so unless the UN gets its way. If the UN’s “Climate Change” agenda succeeds humanity will be driven back into the grinding poverty that was the reality of pre-hydrocarbon life on this planet and is the current reality of those people who live without the benefits of hydrocarbon energy. The fact that the Earth’s climate is changing only changes the challenges that face human beings as they struggle to survive and even thrive within the Earth’s naturally hostile and unsafe climate – challenges that hydrocarbon energy will enable us to continue overcoming.
To the point, if you are against the use of hydrocarbon energy, then you are against modern housing with central heating and cooling. You are against feeding the world’s ~7 billion population. You are against cooking with gas and electricity. You are against clean water for everyone. You are against hot showers and washing machines. You are against flushing toilets and modern sewage treatment. You are against modern hospital facilities and pharmaceuticals. You are against modern transportation and you are against nearly instantaneous, global communication. If you are against the use of hydrocarbon energy, then you are in favor of forcing humanity to live solely on what the Earth’s climate, A.K.A. nature, provides, which is very little indeed – you are in favor of abject poverty.
[Comment by Joseph E Postma: As I said in my webcast and previously lots of times, climate alarm is an attack on human existence. It is a direct attack. This is no game folks. And the stakes couldn’t be any higher. This is about the survival of the human race. The enemy has succeeded to such an extent that they have gotten even physics academia to teach flat earth physics! They are destroying knowledge, destroying science, destroying our minds and they intend to physically destroy 19 in 20 of us, by their own admission! They have succeeded to such an extent that science education now teaches our children that the non-existence of humanity would be better than our existence! They are teaching your children flat Earth physics, and teaching them to hate themselves, and teaching them to believe in something that will end with mass death. These “people” are effectively goblins from Mordor plotting the destruction of the World of Man.]
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