Earthing Might Have Therapeutic Effect on Covid-19

The term “earthing” refers to making direct contact between the human body and the Earth, allowing the body to absorb the Earth’s energy.

According to the book “Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!” by authors Clinton Ober, Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra, and Martin Zucker, scientists have discovered numerous health benefits associated with earthing, including anti-inflammatory effects, pain relief, improved sleep, blood purification, and enhanced skin appearance.

It can also help reduce stress, regulate circadian rhythms, and even improve various chronic illnesses.

Recently, an observational study suggested for the first time that earthing has a preventive and therapeutic effect on COVID-19.

In this study, most of the COVID-19 patients who participated and were earthed for one to three days experienced significant improvements in their symptoms, with many patients recovering from fever and breathing difficulties.

Earthing Improved Symptoms in Most Patients Without Complications

Haider Abdul-Lateef Mousa, a researcher at the University of Basrah College of Medicine in Iraq, recruited 71 COVID-19 patients who had tested positive by PCR. The patients were instructed to perform earthing at home for 15 minutes to six hours a day, either by walking barefoot on non-insulated ground or by using earthing accessories to connect their bodies with the Earth.

Of the 71 participants, 24 were severely ill, 33 were moderately ill, and 14 were mildly ill. Their symptoms included fever, cough, breathing difficulties, loss of taste and smell, loss of appetite, sore throat, chest pain, headache, body aches, and fatigue.

All patients with mild and moderate symptoms showed significant improvement after one to three days of earthing. For example, a 67-year-old patient with diabetes and moderate symptoms had been experiencing fever, body aches, loss of appetite, and loss of taste and smell during the third week of infection.

After performing earthing for two hours per day, he no longer had a fever the next day, and his appetite and sense of taste and smell also returned.

Of the 24 patients with severe symptoms, 22 showed improvement in their symptoms without any complications after performing earthing. Three patients were excluded or lost to follow-up, and one 58-year-old with a prior coronary artery bypass grafting died of multi-organ failure after only starting earthing on his 12th day of illness.

One 68-year-old patient with hypertension and diabetes died of an ischemic stroke. Mousa stated that the patient only performed earthing for 15 minutes every other day, for a total of two times.

Severely Hypoxic Patient Recovers After 3 Days of Earthing

The most surprising case was a 56-year-old critically ill patient who was hospitalized due to respiratory distress, fever, cough, and hypoxemia (oxygen saturation of 74 percent).

Despite receiving various treatments in the hospital, such as antiviral medications, steroids, antibiotics, and plasma antibodies, and using an oxygen machine for a week, he showed no improvement. Consequently, he chose to discharge himself and return home.

After being discharged from the hospital, he continued taking prescription medications and using an oxygen machine. About a week later, his condition worsened to the point where he could no longer speak due to severe respiratory distress.

When connected to the oxygen machine, his blood oxygen level was found to be only 38 percent. A computed tomography scan showed that his lung lesions had exceeded 70 percent.

As the patient was unable to get out of bed or sit up, his son followed Mousa’s instructions and used earthing accessories on the patient for three hours a day. After two earthing sessions, the patient’s blood oxygen level miraculously increased to 95 percent the next day, and even without the use of an oxygen machine, his blood oxygen level remained at 77 percent.

After three days of earthing, the patient made a complete recovery and experienced only fatigue and weakness the following week.

Why Does Earthing Offer Such Powerful Healing Benefits?

The truth is, earthing is a natural state of human existence, according to the authors of “Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!” For thousands of years, humans have been constantly connected to the Earth, whether they are active, resting, or sleeping.

In the past, humans used clothing, shoes, blankets, beds, and chairs made from natural materials such as animal fur or plants, which are all semi-conductive substances. This allows the human body to be constantly connected to the Earth at all times.

However, modern humans have become increasingly disconnected from the Earth since the invention of rubber-soled shoes. With the widespread use of synthetic materials, clothing and furniture have become insulators, further exacerbating the disconnection between the human body and the Earth.

Experts speculate that this disconnection is likely one of the major causes of the various ailments afflicting modern humans.

In his book “The Complete Handbook of Nature Cure,” H. K. Bakhru, a renowned natural therapy expert from India, mentioned an ancient earthing practice that was once common among Native Americans.

According to Bakhru, these indigenous peoples firmly believed in the healing power of the Earth. They would bury sick individuals in the soil, leaving only the head exposed, and soak them in this “mud bath” for several hours. They believed that this method could cure a wide range of ailments.

In recent decades, there has been increasing scientific evidence confirming the health benefits of earthing for the human body. Studies have found that earthing can significantly enhance the body’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities, improve blood clarity (circulation), and promote physiological functions.

Experts believe that the mechanism behind earthing may be related to the “free electrons” on the surface of the Earth. When the human body is in contact with the Earth, it can absorb these electrons from the ground and store them within the body as “electrical nutrients” that can be used when needed.

When the body is inflamed, these electron troops will be mobilized to neutralize excess free radicals in the body, producing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

According to Mousa’s study, other studies have shown that earthing can prevent blood clotting, stabilize blood oxygen levels, and boost immunity (by increasing gamma globulin). Mousa pointed out that these effects could be significant for both the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

Mousa stated that earthing can alleviate COVID-19 complications, such as hypoxemia, coagulopathy, inflammation, and immunodeficiency, without any adverse effects. Additionally, earthing may also have a preventive and therapeutic effect on other types of influenza and even viral mutations. He recommended one perform earthing for at least 40 minutes per day to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Earthing Is Simple

Earthing could be considered the simplest among health and wellness practices. It does not require any money, effort, or time, as you can perform it while doing other things.

There are two ways to perform earthing:

1. Direct earthing: You can perform earthing by walking barefoot on sand, grass, soil, cement, and red bricks, or by touching these surfaces with any part of your body, including your head, hands, and legs. Moist surfaces work best. Touching the leaves and stems of plants with your hands can also provide the benefits of earthing.

2. Indirect earthing: You can use earthing accessories such as earthing sheets, mats, mattresses, and pillowcases that are specially designed for earthing. These accessories can be connected to the ground through an earthing cord. They are very convenient, as you can easily perform earthing while standing, sitting, or lying down. You can also purchase shoes that are designed for earthing.

In the book “Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!” it is noted that the benefits of earthing are associated with the duration of earthing—that is, the longer the better.

People with chronic inflammatory diseases require even longer periods of earthing.

The authors recommend performing earthing every day to maintain good health, both during the day and at night.

See more here

Header image: savageultralight / Shutterstock

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Comments (20)

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    “71 COVID-19 patients who had tested positive by PCR. ”
    Since the PCR test is fake, that line is irrelevant.

    “After performing earthing for two hours per day, he no longer had a fever the next day, and his appetite and sense of taste and smell also returned.”
    He didn’t have convid, so again, nonsense. The above is thus considered ‘hocus pocus’ with no validation.

    Grounding, is connecting ones self to the energy of the Earth, Gaia. Again, it’s related to belief in the process performed to effect a change for the better.


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      “it’s related to belief in the process”
      I’ll expand a bit on that claim. The belief has to affect the sub-conscious, this is where the affect is grown from. It is for this reason affirmations are repeatedly chanted, or played over-night in an attempt to program the sub-conscious. It cannot work since the sub-conscious is not affected by conscious activity, obviously.

      By the way, yoga people sit as they do for the same reason: The root chakra is in almost direct contact with the Earth.

      If you try ‘grounding’, you can visualise roots from your feet extending into the soil collecting the energy as a plant does nutrients. It may enhance the experience for you.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Howdy, VOWG, Andy, and PSI Readers,

    Wanted to find a VOWG commet but you will do.

    I admit to making mistakes and I here is one. I used the PSI search app and found this article (

    So I was reminded that I had made this comment: “And I know that the NOAA SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS, who designed the two project which I have described, made two gross mistakes of their own admissions. First, in the case of the SURFRAD project they didn’t initially see the need of an instrument to measure the DIFFUSE DOWNWELLING SOLAR RADIATION. Then, in the case of the USCRN project, they placed instruments to measure the wind velocity 1.5 meter above the Earth’s surface. But one cannot find any wind data being reported. Why??? These scientists discovered that these wind measurements were chaotic!!! Hence this wind data made no sense and they decided to not report it.”

    I now consider that I should have questioned their decision. For I know that VOWG knows that clothes hung outside on a clothes line dry faster if there is any breeze from any direction at 1.5m above the earth’s surface.

    I consider that any breeze at the ground surface is going to dry out the soil beneath its surface faster than if the atmosphere in contact with the surface is common. Clearly this is a natural factor which should not be ignored (forgotten) as this must be a mechanism by which the water molecules ,which precipitate from clouds, get replaced from land and water surfaces.

    Have a good day


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    Great article, but for many too late… Funny, because in Sep 2021 when I suddenly got ‘covid’ (no fake PCR test involved) I first knew about H2O2 powers and used that at the very begin. That ended up with having NO breathing/oxygen/etc. issues. But the ‘disease’ didn’t end up, somehow, so I reminded myslef of walking barefoot in garden in order to collect the earth electrons… It did help a little, but still not 100%. I wondered why??? Being aware of geoengineering, graphene issues, implied testing the soil for magnetizm… ANd here it was, the strongest N52 attracted ALL the DUST from the ground possible…
    Can access that only from general browser, but here it goes:
    “The team created images of superfast electrons trapped as they tunnel through energy barriers in graphene. They visualized this unusual tunneling for the first time.” access only for the privileged at


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    the earthing is being known for a while.
    i’m not talking about Gaia or any of this…
    with grounding we release some of the magnetic field that our body accumulate.

    ps: im not scientist, as you can see :), but i was listening to one podcast a while ago and the guy, who’s name i cannot remember, was talking about it. he was measuring the current before and after…


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    Have any of YOU ever read about “placebo | pləˈsēbō |
    noun (plural placebos)
    a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect?

    Have a good day


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      Placebo is a word used by people who don’t comprehend the ‘process’, or the effects of something they don’t understand. It’s a much over-used internet word. Almost like saying another is deluded for believing this or that. The benefits, or otherwise, since it works both ways, are not a delusion.


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      Hi Jerry.

      Years ago whilst attempting to play an electric guitar, when I touched the plugged in guitar’s strings I would get a continuous electric shock. I talked to a very experienced electric guitar musician about this and he said to stand barefoot on the damp grass and this will release the static charge in my body and no more electric shocks.

      You may have heard the crackling noise when removing synthetic clothing.

      Charles could probably best describe how heightened electrical charge in the body can affect biological functions.

      Cheers. Matt


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          Hi Howdy. Interesting reference. Here in New Zealand all our wall sockets and plugs have been three pronged all my life. (nearly thousands of years). Phase, neutral and earth, although some double insulated appliances do not have an earth plug.


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            Same here Matt, but that doesn’t mean the Earth is connected properly, or even utilized in the equipment, and there is allways the possibility of a high voltage leak, even on the secondary side.
            Since static discharges in an instant, a continuous shock sounds likely an amp problem as it occurred when plugged in. I certainly wouldn’t stand on damp grass and increase my conductivity.

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            Hi Howdy. Standing on the damp grass to release static is not whilst holding the guitar.

            I have noticed you know quite a bit about ‘things’ electrical. The issue with me getting small electric shocks, tingles, off the guitar was 40 odd years ago so I figured 39 odd years ago that wearing synthetic clothes without earthing was likely to cause free radicles and there fore cancer.

            In fact, a lady who was well known for giving people electric shocks when she touched them died of cancer so that was my connection of logic and presumption.

            Cheers. Matt

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      Jerry Krause


      Hi MattH,

      The phenomenon you have described is “static electricity”.

      Example: “If two objects are rubbed together—especially if the objects are insulators and the surrounding air is dry, such as when a person’s feet move across a carpet—they acquire equal and opposite charges, and an attractive force develops between them. In this example, the atoms in the person’s body strip away electrons from the carpet and leave behind a positive charge on the carpet’s fibres. The electrons become isolated in the atoms of the person’s body. However, when the person gets close to a conducting material, such as when reaching out a hand to touch a doorknob, a path to ground the built-up charge emerges, and electrons jump suddenly to the conducting material. In addition, as the person reaches for the doorknob, some strands of hair may stand on end. Because like charges repel each other, the transferred electrons that build up in the body travel to the extremities—such as individual strands of hair.” (Britannica)

      And based upon my experience a key factor is “the surrounding air is dry”. And grabbing a copper water pipe, one end of which is buried in the ground, would have the same effect as walking on wet grass. Hence the common term: “grounded”.

      What astounds me is that you seem not aware of “static electricity” or Howdy describing the placebo effect is a “much over-used internet word. No, it is a known effect which must be eliminated in the testing of new treatments (drugs) of any illness by what is known as a double-blind test. Half of a group is given the intended drug and the other a similar sugar pill to swallow, unknown to any one except the tester. The drug being tested need to have at least double the success of the placebo to prove the drug’s effectiveness.

      Have a good day


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        The proof is in the subjects response and belief in the medication, Jerry. Placebo has no place in actual results being obtained since placebo is a description of something one believes without any proof being available.

        It is known that one can “think oneself into an early grave”, or achieve the opposite. Belief is a powerful tool. Have you not heard of mind over matter? Did Jesus not state to the woman who touched his robe, “your faith has healed you”? Or something similar.


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        That dude MattH mentions ‘static charge’ line 4 first paragraph, Jerry.
        You must get your wife to teach you how to read.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi WhoKoo,

        I admit that I overlooked “electrical charge” just as I sometimes overlook two consecutive words which should be only one word as I proofread. However, if the game is to quibble I question both you and Brittanica about the use of the word “in” instead of “on”. For the matter which acquires a static charge needs be an electrical “insulator”.So how does an electrical charge get into an insulator? And I can question what this charge actually is. Electrons, according to my understanding are never in an atom’s nucleus where the protons (positive charged particles) are believed to be. As strange as it may seem, the electrical charge being moved from material to another is the electron (negative charge) leaving the material from which the electrons are removed positively charged.

        Socrates is said to only asked his students question and it seems his teaching was so successful that the city fathers decided that Socrates had to die. So beyond the sign of the charge, positive or negative, how is a proton different from an electron?

        Have a good day. PS I just put my name where the email should be and the email where the website belongs.This problem might be called an age factor which one can hope and pray will never happen to one.


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          The insulator is not the human body but the rubber soled shoes or the sox, synthetic or woolen carpet, etc.

          when somebody gets electrocuted or struck by lightning the burn is not just on the surface.

          If you want to quibble, set up two or three user names so you can argue with yourself.

          Best wishes.
          Purple People Eater, oops, Moffin.


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          Jerry Krause


          Hi Moffin,

          Lighting is not a “static charge”. Nor is the electric current of electrocution. “Intuitive knowledge keeps pace with accurate definition.” (Louis Elzevir)

          Have a good day


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          Herb Rose


          Beta decay is where the nucleus of an atom emits an electron by splitting a neutron and leaving a proton. The atom is converted to the element next higher in the periodic table.
          Electric currents are a result of electrons flowing with lightning being where the build up of electric charge exceeds the insulating properties of the surrounding sir causing the static charge to flow to something with fewer electrons and a more positive charge.


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    Most ridiculously absurd thing ever .

    Covid doesn’t exist , and the PCR tests never ever worked.

    MASSIVE FRAUD: Evidence shows that covid data is 100% false

    It is hard to believe that such a global deception could occur, yet the evidence is all here. Thousands of medical doctors, nurses, and patients around the world testify of completely false covid registrations. Funeral directors confirm countless false death certificates.

    Check the evidence for yourself…


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