Earth is About to Enter a 30-Year ‘Mini Ice Age’
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A scientist has warned that Earth could be facing a mini ice age due to the Sun radiating less energy and heat toward our planet. According to the expert, this would mean that the planet would be plunged into a period of extreme winter and chilly cold storms during the next 30 years.
According to NASA, the Sun will reach its lowest activity in over two centuries in 2020. As a result of it going into a natural period of hibernation, Earth could see temperatures drop, resulting in food shortages on a global scale.
The temperature could also drop by as much as one degree Celsius over a period of roughly 12 months—an incremental yet significant change in climate conditions that could have unpredictable results.
Valentina Zharkova, a professor at Northumbria University’s department of mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering, told the Sun that the period will be an expanded version of the solar minimums that naturally occur every 11 years. However, rather than lasting only a few years, the “Grand Solar Minimum” could last for up to 33 years.
The professor, who has published multiple scientific papers on the subject, said:
“The Sun is approaching a hibernation period.
Less sunspots will be formed on the solar surface and thus less energy and radiation will be emitted towards the planets and the Earth.
The reduction in temperature will results in cold weathers on Earth, wet and cold summers, cold and wet winters.
We will possibly get big frosts as is happening now in Canada where they see [temperatures] of -50 C (-122 F).
But this is only the start of GSM, there is more to come in the next 33 years.”
The last Grand Solar Minimum known to have occurred was the Maunder Minimum, which lasted from 1645 to 1715. During that frigid 70-year period, temperatures plummeted across the globe and famous waterways in Europe including the Thames and Amsterdam canal completely froze over.
Zharkova said:
“We can only hope that the mini ice age will not be as severe as it was during the Maunder Minimum.
This would dramatically affect food harvests in middle latitudes, because the vegetables and fruits will not have enough time for harvesting.
So it could lead to a food deficit for people and animals, as we seen in the past couple of years when the snow in Spain and Greece in April and May demolished [their] veggie fields, and the UK had a deficit of broccoli, and other fruits and veggies.”
However, other experts believe that the cold period that occurred during the Maunder Minimum was also triggered by other factors including the gigantic plumes of ash spewed out in a series of volcanic eruptions.
Likewise, experts believe that climate change will ensure that the world remains in the grip of fast-heating planetary conditions regardless of any Grand Solar Minimums.
Professor Matthew Owens, a solar scientist at Reading University, told the Sun:
“The small reduction in the Sun’s energy associated with a solar minimum is vastly offset by effects caused by human activity, such as CO2 in the atmosphere … Thus there will probably be no detectable effect on global climate.”
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Joseph Olson
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Milankovitch, astronomical cycles and solar cycles are not the result of human Carbon Dioxide, and neither are the planetary temperature effects. We are witnessing the proof.
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Maybe Hansen can do another flip flop and go back to the coming ice age
Tom O
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It is nice to see such “optimism” as this article states. After all, no one knows within any sense of reliability whether or not we are tipping into a “Maunder” type minimum, a “Dalton” type minimum or are finally exiting the interglacial altogether. We only know that the BS stated by Prof. Owens is a marvelous display of “learned” ignorance with no actual physical data supporting his statement.
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Not sure when -50c got to be -122f
Charles Higley
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““The small reduction in the Sun’s energy associated with a solar minimum is vastly offset by effects caused by human activity, such as CO2 in the atmosphere … Thus there will probably be no detectable effect on global climate.”
Poppycock! No gas at any concentration in the atmosphere can warm Earth’s surface, which is always warmer than the air above it. The Greenhouse Gas models do not have night time and thus the surface is always hotter than the air. The upper tropical troposphere is the region that is supposed to be heating Earth’s surface so much. As that region is -17øC and Earth’s surface 15ºC, it is thermodynamically impossible for that cold air to heat a hot surface. In fact, CO2 is a cooling gas that is constantly emitting IR radiation equivalent to -80ºC and is thus working 24/7 to cool the atmosphere. During the day, it’s 400 and 800ºC absorption would be activated by sunlight and the energy re-emitted immediately but in all directions, thus effectively short-stopping some incoming light and sending it out to space. I have a list of 18 ways so far in which CO2 cannot and does not warm anything, and no way that it can or does.
It is pure propaganda and lies to claim that there is some unstoppable warming going on. What hubris.
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So people complained about the Earth warming 1 degC over the course of a century and it will all be gone in just 12 months. Too bad the warming period wasn’t longer. How much do you think that companies will be charging to raise the temperature? To “lower” it they said that it’ll cost trillions.
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That’s just it Chris no one was complaining about the supposed 1 degree but the next one degree over a century is going to kill us all and make earth uninhabitable ,please pay your carbon tax.
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-50c= -58f
50c= 122f
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Nope. Earth Abides and Humans Adapt. Short of a massive asteroid strike, we will still be here.
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Solar Minimums are not completely understood, so this should be a chance to learn more. The energy during a minimum is not really much less. The sunspots are less. The theory goes something like this: Fewer sunspots mean fewer solar particle emissions, mean less exitatation of Earth’s magnetic field, mean more cosmic rays arrive Earth, mean more cloud formation, mean more reflected solar energy, mean cooled Earth temperatures.
That’s the theory in a nutshell. We get to watch to see if it occurs. Any cooling should be delayed a year or two from the actual minimum, with is just now being reached.
Fun, fun, fun….
Jerry Krause
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Hi JD,
You stated: “Solar Minimums are not completely understood.” Now that’s a truth we can take to the bank. But, based upon my scientific experience and that of others, I know we (humans) can never completely understand Solar Minimums or Solar Maximums. But it is also true as you suggest that maybe we can get a little closer to the truth if we observe more and ‘reason’ less and consider more what has been learned in the past and now seems forgotten.
Have a good day, Jerry
Knut Sandaker
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As explained here:
James DeMeo
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Facebook appears to censor all articles from Principia Scientific, including this one. Their “fact checkers” are apparently from the Skeptic Clubs. Can’t allow the peons to be informed of contrary ideas!