Dynamics of the Solar Wind: Parker’s Treatment and the Laws of Thermodynamics

Dr Pierre-Marie Robitaille and Stephen J. Crothers have drawn some pithy reactions, amidst the positive reception, to their new paper on Vixra.org titled, ‘Dynamics of the Solar Wind: Parker’s Treatment and the Laws of Thermodynamics.’

The upshot of the authors’ findings is that it appears the solar winds could not have arisen through the thermal expansion of coronal gas as is currently believed.

The authors argue that a solution to this problem must include the realization that the Sun is comprised of condensed matter and that the corona possesses both condensed matter and gaseous plasma.

For those unfamiliar with the platform, Vixra.org is a pre-print repository rather than a journal. Much of hosted content appearing there may not yet have been verified by peer-review and should be treated as preliminary.

Readers are encouraged the peruse the paper on Vixra and have fun reading the 75+ comments posted there.

The link is: http://vixra.org/abs/1810.0019

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