Dutch Medical Doctor’s Warning about the mRNA Vaccine

Louise Lagendijk is a Dutch medical doctor who usually doesn’t post videos. But she has big concerns about the mRNA-vaccine that’s supposed to eliminate SARS-Cov2. In this video she speaks out.

Dr Lagendijk, who has a PhD from Harvard University where she studied molecular genetics and bio-engineering, says these new and untested mRNA vaccines alter your body in such a way it is liable to attack itself, unable to detect which protein is an invader.

Exactly how autoimmune disease starts!

About Dr Louise Lagendijk
Louise studied Medicine at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, did PhD research in molecular genetics and obstetrics at the AMC and continued her research into premature birth at Harvard within the Wyss Institute of Biologically Inspired Engineering and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. She received research funding from the National Institute of Health in the US for her idea to develop a ‘uterus on a chip’ and collaborated with DARPA and large pharmaceutical companies to realize a ‘human on a chip’ in the future. She specialized in Integrative Medicine within The Academy of Integrative Medicine in the Netherlands and is now a practitioner at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York.

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Comments (4)

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    Tom O


    I’d like to take exception to that one sentence intro. the mRNA vaccines are NOT supposed to eliminate the virus believed to be associated with the “condition” called COVID-19. It is only to induce reactions to specific symptoms associated with a piece of protein, not necessarily the virus. Though it is “assumed” the protein is part of the virus, it is unknown as a fact since the virus has not been isolated. It might, thus, generate an antibody response to the virus IF the virus has that protein. For all we truly know, the vaccine dogs may be barking up the wrong virus tree.


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    Guido FORRIER


    who is DUTCH MEDICAL DOCTOR LOUISE HAGENDIJK ? I can not find her !


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      Try spelling her last name with an L instead of H.


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    Guido FORRIER


    thanks , she is indeed Louise Lagendijk and now her video is most important to me , as she really exist ands is a medic .


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