Dutch Farmers Triumph Over Ideological Climate Policies: A Victory for Practicality and Reason

In a significant victory for conservative values and practical policy-making, Dutch farmers and a new right-wing coalition government have successfully pushed back against wasteful and impractical climate policies.

This remarkable turnaround comes after years of top-down, ideologically driven mandates that threatened both the livelihood of farmers and the economic stability of the Netherlands.

This victory is not just a win for Dutch farmers but a promising sign for conservatives worldwide who advocate for sensible, science-based environmental policies.

Rise of the Right-Wing Coalition

Geert Wilders, a prominent figure in Dutch politics, has led a coalition that marks a decisive shift in the Netherlands’ approach to climate policy.

Wilders, often dubbed the “Dutch Trump,” formed a new government that includes the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB).

This coalition is notable for being the first to prioritize agricultural interests since the EU set its net-zero objectives.

“The Netherlands will tear up rules forcing homeowners to buy heat pumps as part of a war on net zero by Geert Wilders and the Dutch farmers’ party.

Six months after his shock election victory, Mr. Wilders this week struck an agreement to usher in a Right-wing coalition government of four parties.

‘We are writing history,’ he said as he announced the program for the new government.”


The victory was hard-fought, with mass protests from farmers highlighting the absurdity of the previous government’s policies. The farmers’ movement, which has now found its way into the heart of government, symbolizes a growing discontent with impractical climate mandates.

Repeal Mandatory Heat Pump Rules

One of the most significant reversals under this new government is the scrapping of the mandatory heat pump rule.

This regulation would have forced homeowners to switch to hybrid heat pumps, an expensive and inefficient solution for many.

The EU’s goal was to install at least 10 million additional heat pumps by 2027 as part of its 2050 net-zero ambition.

However, the reality is that these systems are not only costly but also ineffective in many Dutch homes, leading to higher energy bills and unnecessary financial strain on families.

“The act, introduced shortly after the EU announced its objective to install at least 10 million additional heat pumps by 2027 to hit its 2050 net zero goal, would have made them standard in Dutch homes.

Switching to heat pumps would have driven down Dutch household use of natural gas for heating, which is the largest source of its gas consumption, equivalent to about 30 percent in total.”


Caroline van der Plas, leader of the BBB, proudly announced, “Thanks to BBB’s efforts, the mandatory heat pump will be abolished.”

This statement encapsulates the coalition’s commitment to policies that make sense economically and environmentally, rather than blindly following EU mandates.

Reverse Impractical Agricultural Policies

The previous government’s approach included compulsory buyouts of farms to reduce nitrogen emissions, a policy that sparked widespread protests and was met with fierce resistance from the agricultural community.

The new coalition has replaced these compulsory buyouts with voluntary schemes, respecting farmers’ rights and livelihoods while still addressing environmental concerns.

“Compulsory farm buyouts will now be replaced with a voluntary scheme, which was one of the Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement’s (BBB) conditions for entering government with Mr. Wilders.”


End EV Subsidy Policies

The new government also plans to end subsidies for electric cars by 2025, another move that signals a departure from the EU’s blanket approach to climate policy.

These subsidies have been criticized for benefiting the wealthy who can afford electric vehicles while doing little to address broader environmental issues.

By phasing out these subsidies, the Netherlands aims to create a more balanced and fair approach to environmental policy that considers the economic impact on all citizens.

“The coalition pact includes pledges to reverse green policies introduced under the previous government to hit EU climate targets, including compulsory buyouts of polluting farms.

It also plans to end subsidies for electric cars in 2025 and rejects an EU demand that the Dutch reduce livestock numbers to cut pollution.”


This change is a clear rejection of the EU’s heavy-handed tactics.

The Netherlands will now seek to negotiate more realistic nitrogen emission targets, arguing that the previous policies were unattainable and unfairly punitive to Dutch farmers.

Resistance from Environmental Groups

Unsurprisingly, these changes have been met with outrage from environmental groups.

The Dutch branch of Greenpeace labeled the new coalition agreement as “an attack on nature.”

However, this perspective ignores the fundamental flaws in the previous policies, which often prioritized ideological purity over practical outcomes.

The new government’s stance is not an attack on nature but a call for more effective and realistic environmental policies.

The Bigger Picture

The success of Dutch farmers and the new coalition government is part of a broader trend of conservative pushback against impractical climate policies of Brussels and Washington.

Across Europe, similar movements are gaining momentum, driven by a demand for policies that balance environmental protection with economic reality.

This shift reflects a growing recognition that environmental, (climate) policies must be grounded in scientific evidence and economic feasibility, rather than driven by ideological dogma.

“The 26-page coalition agreement also states that the Netherlands must no longer pursue ‘a more ambitious environment policy’ than the rest of Europe.

‘We’ll adhere to the existing agreements; only if we do not achieve the goals do we create alternative policies,’ the document, called Hope, Courage and Pride, said.”



The recent policy reversals in the Netherlands represent a significant victory for conservatives and a welcome relief for those who have long advocated for more practical, science-based approaches to environmental issues. By rejecting wasteful and impractical mandates, the new Dutch government has set a powerful precedent for other nations grappling with similar challenges.

As this movement gains traction, it holds the promise of more balanced and effective climate policies worldwide, ensuring that environmental protection goes hand-in-hand with economic stability and common sense.

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Comments (4)

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    It’s hard to fathom how much I have changed in my life. As a young man, I was right-of-center politically, Christian personally, and a freedom-loving American socially. the American value of respecting other’s rights, including the right tffensive. There was a saying back then about the difference between sticks, stones, and words.
    Now I’m in my fifties, more experienced and at least a little wiser. I still hold my Cristian faith as well as my respect of American ideals, but these days it seems I am a far-right extremist zealot.
    All the propaganda outlets say so.
    Funny thing about it, the more the try to vilify or intimidate people like me, the less they matter. It has reached the point


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      Excuse me. I pressed a combination of keys that auto-posted the comment as I tried to edit it. Cest la vi.


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    The problem is that polititians like Geert Wilder’s predecessor passed legislation with an anti-democratic institution called the european commission. By doing so, Mark Rutte dressed huge obstacles. Netherlands will have to pay fines and will never succeed to abolish this legislation unless they quit the EU.


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    Anyone whose policies takes food out of your mouth has to be removed from society, period.


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