Dutch Farmers Told To Kill Off 30% Of Their Livestock To Save Planet
Egged on by eco-activists, the highest court in the Netherlands ordered the government to comply with an EU law to reduce the inert gas nitrogen in vulnerable areas. That would mean culling 30% of its livestock. One farming organization called the plans ‘disgusting’.
The proposal sparked protests from the farming community, while enviro-nutters called for even more action.
The 30% reduction is in response to the so-called ‘nitrogen crisis’, including concerns about ammonia pollution.
Despite making up 78% of the atmosphere, excess nitrogen can get into water sources or the oceans via agricultural runoff as it’s a key ingredient in fertilizers.
Holland closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%. Angry and hungry farmers block the nation everywhere. pic.twitter.com/VNSodhGanB
— RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) June 28, 2022
To cut livestock numbers by 30%, the Finance And Agriculture Ministry published two proposals: the forced sale of farmland and the mass disposal of livestock. Both would devastate farmers across the country.
All this as the world teeters on the brink of global famine because of a fertilizer shortage and wheat blockade instigated by sanctions against Russia.
Tellingly, this is part and parcel of the Great Reset being pushed by the ruling elite, the same people who fly private jets to climate conferences and help politicians write laws that make life worse for everyone.
Jim Crenshaw breaks it all down for you. WATCH:
h/t Joe O.
Joseph Olson
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Nitrous Oxide is natural, 331 parts per billion, or 0.33 parts per million, has five narrow absorption bands between 173 and 240 nanometers, range -110°F to 84°F, and has ZERO warming potential. Official fraud site > epa.gov/ghgemissions/
Andy Rowlands
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Have you ever read anything so stupid?
Herb Rose
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Hi Andy,
I’ve been saying that for years but they keep coming up with toppers.
Andy Rowlands
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Hi Herb, I’m on the same page as you with this.
Brian James
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Spot on share PSI! Apr 22, 2022 Something Strange Happening to US Food Processing Plants…
Things are getting a little fiery out there. Is it all a coincidence or something more?
Dale Horst
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The steaks are high.
Andy Rowlands
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Steaks 🙂
Kevin Doyle
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These people are insane!
Have we not had animals on Earth for millions of years?
This is a retarded death cult we are encountering.
Andy Rowlands
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I couldn’t agree more.
Kevin Doyle
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Could these morons please demonstrate in a laboratory how nitrogen warms the planet?
Answer: No.
This is beyond stupid!
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This is true, nitrogen can end up in rivers and oceans where it fertilisers phytoplankton, which in turn photosynthesises Co2 – producing carbohydrates and releases O2 from the H2O molecules used in the process. It is also the keystone species for ALL the food chains in the oceans. It’s amazing what you can bugger up when you haven’t a clue as to what actually goes on.
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stupidity is really endless!
those “environmentalists” are celebrating and encouraging for even more actions!
then they will be the first running out of the cities to the country side to steal food from fields.
i seriously don’t know how much more there has to happen for people to open their stupid eyes.
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The “people” will be dying in the streets and will still think they are right.
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The reduction of bovine stocking rates on dairy farm situations has nothing to do with the’ inert gas nitrogen’ and everything to do with urine infiltration of ground water and leaching into waterways.
A cow can produce anywhere from 30 to 50 gallons of urine each day. This urine is dumped in one place for each batch by one to five hundred cows in a confined paddock. This, in addition with over application of nitrate and phosphate fertilizers as well as cows solid waste means water sources become compromised or toxic
Blue Baby Syndrome is one manifestation as a result of aquifer derived water contaminated by nitrate infiltration. The cows themselves have reduced milk production from nitrate contaminated drinking water and the nutrient rich receiving waters, rivers and estuaries, end up with reduced dissolved oxygen leading to compromised aquaculture, mass fish die offs in summer, and shellfish poisoning caused by algal blooms.
Chris comment above is spot on other than whether it is a good thing or bad thing.
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Those forcing the insanity should be the first to die of starvation.
Andy Rowlands
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I find it hard to disagree with you here 🙂
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You grow more biomass (food) by not polluting the receiving waters with nitrates.
(aquaculture and wild fisheries)
If the reason for reduction of bovine intensity was methane reduction science would agree with your comments.
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Should be kill off 30% of eco-activists to save humanity.
Andy Rowlands
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Sound logic Tom 🙂
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This is what happens when we don’t discipline our libtards. The globos flatter their smugness and vanity by sucking up to their insane ideals. The vulnerable among us were selected, having been observed subscribing to leftist lunacy flung far and wide by media, various sci-ops and what not, for decades. Then having their brains further rotted out in corrupted schools and colleges, the ones with the lowest resistance, deemed the highest performers therein, get selected for placement reinforcing the nonsense in universities and are hired for cushy gov’t jobs, some also getting their ass kissed at wef functions and made to feel important. They then believe they are well qualified to go out trashing the place, and off we go.
This is unacceptable. We really need to fix it.
Archie Bunker
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This is what happens when we don’t discipline our libtards. The globos flatter their smugness and vanity by sucking up to their insane ideals. The vulnerable among us were selected, having been observed subscribing to leftist lunacy flung far and wide by media, various sci-ops and what not, for decades. Then having their brains further rotted out in corrupted schools and colleges, the ones with the lowest resistance, deemed the highest performers therein, get selected for placement reinforcing the nonsense in universities and are hired for cushy gov’t jobs, some also getting their ass kissed at wef functions and made to feel important. They then believe they are well qualified to go out trashing the place, and off we go.
This is unacceptable. We really need to fix it.
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They are working to destroy the world economy. reducing the ability to power and feed the world. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/another-blow-us-food-market-fire-breaks-food-processing-plant-west-waupaca-county-wisconsin/. Saw the one on the Glastonbury “Climate festival” with Greta. They couldn’t even clean up after themselves. With this bunch the light will go out shortly. And blame Putin.