Drier or Wetter UK Summers? Met Office Cannot Make Its Mind Up

First the British Met Office said this year will be much drier than usual, now it says much wetter than usual

2018 and 2022 saw Europe hit by summer droughts, and so-called ‘experts’ and much of the media ineivtably blamed man-made ‘climate change’.

Many claimed that ever-increasing temperatures would mean more and more droughts will be the future for British and European summers.

We should not forget that about ten years ago Britain was forecast to have a Mediterranean climate by 2020, and two days later forecast to have a Siberian climate by 2020.

The Met Office recently said:

As global temperatures rise, there is a risk drought will become more frequent in the UK. Data available here.

Winters across the UK are projected to get wetter, while summers are expected to become drier. However, it is the distribution of this rainfall that will determine future UK drought risk.

Now, the Met Office says we should expect “at least” 50 days of summer rain!

Make your mind up!!

No Tricks Zone takes up the story:

All the talk of ‘climate-change’ induced droughts has shifted to drenched summers!

“Last summer saw 40 days of rain, but the Met Office expects this summer to be even worse, jeopardising popular summer events such as Wimbledon, Trooping of the Colour, Royal Ascot and many festivals including Glastonbury,” LBC adds.

More rain and more drought in the summer

The reason for all the expected rain, according to the LBC site: global warming.

“Climate change is largely to blame for the UK’s wetter weather. As the atmosphere warms, it holds more moisture – around seven percent for each degree.”

Ironically, the wettest ever summer ever in the UK occurred in 1912, which saw rainfall on more than 55 days. At the time, the UK was about a degree Celsius cooler and so the atmosphere was, according to their reasoning, capable of holding seven percent less water.

Why would it rain more back then?

Met Office concedes forecasts are not possible

It’s becoming glaringly clear that climate science is indeed full of contradictions and theoretical errors. Climatic statements can’t be taken seriously anymore.

Hours later, the Met Office tried to backpedal, telling tyla.com here that it:

“has had to come forward to shut down reports that the UK is reportedly set for 50 days of rain this summer”


“It is not possible to forecast a specific number of days of rain for the whole of summer.”

“When looking at forecasts beyond five days into the future, the chaotic nature of the atmosphere starts to come into play – small events currently over the Atlantic can have potentially significant impacts on our weather in the UK in several days’ or weeks’ time,” the Met Office told Tyla.

So there you have it. Any and every weather event is now your fault, because humans dared to improve their condition.

When they can get weather forecasts right more than a couple days in advance, then, and only then, might I start taking their projections further ahead more seriously.

See more here notrickszone.com

Some bold emphasis added

About the author: Andy Rowlands is a university graduate in space science and British Principia Scientific International researcher, writer and editor who co-edited the new climate science book, ‘The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap

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