Dr Vladimir Zelenko: “I am a conspiracy realist”

Dr Vladimir Zelenko, nominated for The Nobel Peace Prize for his COVID-19 peer-reviewed work has accumulated over 100 citations. Regarded as a “white hat” in battling against global medical tyranny and genocide he took to Gab to reveal the dark forces behind the fake pandemic.

Many of us older, independent researchers who have followed the machinations of the deep state for decades saw the evilness of a eugenics policy long ago when the sold-out UN pursued man-made global warming as a devilish path to mass depopulation.

Thanks to my friend and climate science colleague, Dr Tim Ball and others, the people mostly saw through that Malthusian fraud and Dr Ball won a multi-million-dollar judgment against UN climate fraudster “Dr” Michael E Mann in the “science trial of the century.”

The slimy coward, Michael Mann, still hasn’t ponied up. Instead, he ran away to Australia to dodge debt recovery.

Since Tim Ball’s 2019 courtroom triumph, Vladimir Zelenko has emerged as the new science champion of the people. Zelenko’s words sagely echo those of the Canadian climatologist. Both these greats of contemporary science proudly assisted President Donald Trump in his war on “The Swamp.”

In a Gab post of October 25, 2021, Dr Zelenko spelled out precisely who were the psychopathic swamp criminals bent on killing us and our loved ones:

“I am a conspiracy realist.

Vanguard and Black Rock [sic] are stakeholders in all industry, media, academia, and politics.

Vanguard and Black Rock invest in each other through something called circular ownership.

Thus, consider Vanguard and Black Rock as a monopoly that owns everything.

With due diligence you will discover that the major stake holders of this monopoly are

-Rothschild family
-Du Pont family
-Rockefeller family
-Carnegie family
-Orsini Family
-American Bush family
-British Royal family

They use the following foundations to ferment chaos around the world

Bill and Melinda Gates foundation
Soros Open Society foundation
Clinton foundation

These foundations are instrumental for geopolitical destabilization.

Chaos is good for business and power acquisition.

Only a divinely inspired force can overcome this Goliath.

The world will be redeemed by acts of goodness and kindness.

We need collective divine consciousness in order to merit divine intervention.

The owners of the vanguard/black rock monopoly are a manifestation of the primordial serpent.

I am VERY optimistic about an upcoming redemptive event that will rebalance our dark world.

Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD”

Source: https://gab.com/ZZ611/posts/107159216007913212

Dr Zelenko’s words struck a chord of hope for me and affirmed my faith in a “white hat” operation to bring down the satanic global cabal. As a lapsed catholic who long ago saw the Church as an instrument of control rather than a force for good, it is long past time that we reclaimed Truth and set ourselves free to live our lives in peace and harmony with our neighbors.

This article is my own view and does not necessarily represent the opinions of all Principia Scientific International’s members. But there are a good many of my science and medical colleagues who have determined that the pandemic was a ruse, the ‘virus’ never isolated and proven in a lab, and the ‘vaccine’ a toxic potion of death.

The enlightened among us know that the best antidote to coercion and medical tyranny is non-compliance and unity in peaceful rebellion. Together we can be part of a Great Awakening.

Dr Vladimir Zelenko has literally saved tens of thousands of lives. He is among the brightest and best among us and his words warrant our earnest consideration. Please do your own research. Become more enlightened and share this message far and wide.

As regular PSI followers know, vaccine injury expert Dr Judy Wilyman, pharma lab testing expert Dr Saeed Qureshi are among colleagues working hard with us in creating the new ‘Slayers’ book (see volumes one and two) to detail the medical and science fraud. We hope to have it ready by Spring 2022. Please support our work and that of other brave scientists, doctors, and researchers.

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world-leading climate expert Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century.‘ O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 


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Comments (9)

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    Following the money is a good start, but that alone will not help us see the entire picture. Dr.Zelenko is forgetting the Li (Lee) family. Likes of billionaire Li Kashing. They are literally all over the world. The Li bloodline is one of the 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati.

    I am not saying everyone with “Li” or “Lee” last name is evil. But those Li in high society are extremely powerful.

    Look up “Jews in Kaifeng, China”. (Don’t use Google.). Levites were given the family name of “Lee” or “Li”.


    • Avatar



      Not to dispute the significance of the Li family, but Li/Lee was never one of the 13 bloodlines that were consistently listed in the books that are 25 years and older.


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      That’s because those families are all connected, but you have to go way back. This ultimately isn’t about money, this is a far bigger game – and one we will win. Some more of the sleepers need to be brought a little closer to the precipice, but once more awaken, things will move quickly. Much is happening anyway, although it’s a bit like an iceberg. Many are impatient to see the top, or at least a glimpse. All good things come to those who wait (and avoid the ja6 at all costs in the meantime). Peaceful non-compliance and UNITY is what will move us forward.


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    Joseph Olson


    Greta, godess of Garbled Warbling is teenaged, high school dropouts and greenie icon. We may have found a preteen voice for the JAB Truth movement.



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      Excellent. far superior to the Greta creep. Has some excellent facts and a very good speaking voice. Wonderful to see and hear that there are young people not taken in by all the garbage of communism.


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    Herb Rose


    I don’t know what Carnegie family your talking about but Andrew Carnegie, who was at one time the richest person in the world, gave away90% of his money before dying. The majority of the remaining ,obey was left to the Carnegie foundation to promote world peace, not to his family. Not all people who become rich are greedy and evil.


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    T. C. Clark


    Vanguard is a non profit operation – that is the main reason it has so much money (trillion plus?) under management. Vanguard has low costs and thus provides an Index fund at low cost. Blackrock under Larry Fink…yes that’s his name…has attracted attention of people opposed to corporate involvement in politics such as Climate Change and Fink appears to be oblivious to China’s dark side since he has placed bets worth billions in China. Vanguard is limited in what it can do…it is most famous for low cost Index funds such as the SP500 Index. I am sure Vanguard probably has some ESG fund but they also have Energy funds that have oil companies.


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    Roger Higgs


    John, that’s excellent, thank you.



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