Dr Vernon Coleman: Final Proof the Pandemic Never Existed

Dr Vernon Coleman, Britain’s most successful published medical doctor, explains in detail the reasons why the pandemic was an illusion based on faked data, abuse of elderly and sick patients, removal/suspension of essential care protocols, etc.

“The coronavirus is no more deadly than the flu- COVID19 is merely the annual flu season rebranded as deadly pandemic. Doctors and hospitals has been bribed with a ‘bonus’ for listing ordinary flu deaths and COVID19.”

All the mortality data for the past 12 months or so is entirely consistent with normal deaths from influenza and pneumonia, which are respiratory infections that coincidentally produces the same symptoms as an infection from the supposed ‘virus’ behind COVID19.

More at www.bitchute.com

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (18)

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    I have looked at the ONS statistics and I agree that there hasn’t been a pandemic in the UK, and I suspect other countries are the same. However, I don’t like calling it a hoax. Fraud is more acceptable. But whatever we call it does not explain why this has been perpetrated around the world. Governments have never acted in unison so quickly on any other issue, nor have people willingly given up their freedoms on such a scale without force being used. What is really going on?


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      What’s really going on?
      Zionists control the world’s governments and banking systems.
      People like me have been screaming “It’s the Jews!” for years.
      Yet people like you call people like me “anti Semite” while never finding the answer to your own question for some reason…


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      Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. Many world leaders have been puking his World Economic Forum “Build Back Better”. It’s a Socialist takeover by globalists.


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        Mark Tapley


        The “Great Reset” is just Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) communist manifesto in a new wrapper. All capital and control is consolidated into the hands of the Zionist elite. The final step is the accomplishment of Marx no.1 plank, the abolition of all private property. The purpose of the climate change fraud and the fake virus is to create enough fear of the invisible, imaginary manufactured crises so that the goyim will concede all of their rights over to the elites as they are herded into the U.N. Sustainable Development Initiative Agenda 2030-21 technocratic totalitarian state.


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          It’s almost like you’ve read a book once or twice in your life.


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      Mark Tapley


      The long planned fake virus, fake test and fake numbers was first exposed by reporter Harry Vox in2014 from the Rockefeller documents of 2010. By using the usual Jew MSM fear campaign the Zionists are conditioning the goyim to forfeit their natural rights and become no more than barnyard animals on the elite global plantation. People now have been shown to be just as ignorant as primitive natives or peasants of the Middle Ages. This fake virus just like the fake AIDS “epidemic” cannot be purified, isolated nor identified. Now the Zionist eugenicists have been convinced the cucked idiots to even line up for the Gates GMO chemo injection. Stupidity is truly pervasive.


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        Mark Tapley, I totally agree with you, every word you said, as I too have thought this.


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          This fake virus just like the fake AIDS “epidemic” cannot be purified, isolated nor identified. That sums the whole scam up


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      John Doran


      The global elite want a one world govt & a vast, 95% depopulation.
      The 1%s & their multi-billionaire minions & useful idiots condemned out of their own mouths:
      Click on Quotes.


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        John Doran


        Read climatologist Dr. Tim Ball’s great little handbook for the layman:
        Human Caused Global Warming The Biggest Deception In History
        Reveals all in only 121 pages, well illustrated, & names those responsible, chiefly Rockefellers & Soros.


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        Yes that is the Reset they keep indicating in MSM or Videos


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    I can’t fault the Good Doctor on most things he says.


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    Ranting against Zionist and Jews just brands you as a bigot and destroys the reputation of this website.


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      Brands by whom?
      Truth is truth.


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      denis dombas


      that is the way it is,no need to branding anybody bigot and it does not destroy website reputation because it is truth!


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    denis dombas


    that is the way it is,no need to branding anybody bigot and it does not destroy website reputation because it is truth!


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    judy Ryan


    [email protected]. Dr Coleman, I would really like to send this video on to thousands and thousands of people,schools, politicians and small business owners whose email address i have extracted from the online yellow pages in Australia. Could you please email me the transcript preferably with the timeing noted


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    Guys if you read (the holy Quran) you will discover miracles , shocking news , realities and world issues and their solutions and every problem in this life from the past , present and the future is there but zionest mislead people not to read it ,just try it and I am 200% sure you will change your ideas about everything in life and I dare every person in the universe to prove me wrong and this is forever challenge.


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