Dr. Samantha Bailey Destroys COVID “asymptomatic transmission”
New Zealand MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey, gives an excellent lesson in the various ways that we’re being lied to by our governments and “public health officials” about certain aspects of the Covid-19 narrative. Most of the tyrannical measures being imposed upon the world’s populations have been justified by the scientifically-bogus “asymptomatic transmission” principle and the bogus PCR tests being equated with “cases.”
Dr. Bailey is also a co-author of the 3rd edition of the great book “Virus Mania.”
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‘Asymptomatic transmission’ is, IMHO, no better than assuming everyone is/has breaking/broken the law and therefore has to go to trial to ‘prove’ they are not law breakers.
Mark Tapley
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No germs (what are being referred to as pathogens) have ever been shown to be transmissible. Viruses have never even been shown to exist but are merely cellular debris. The fake covid has never been purified, isolated nor identified so it would also be impossible to prove transmission.
All the countries had ordered the fake PCR test back in 2018 long before the long planned fake virus was sprung. Covid is the latest program by the Zionist elite to use an imaginary, invisible fear program to induce the goyim to forfeit their liberties for a false security.
The doctor and others are waisting their time in communicating with the Zionist operatives in the governments. The only solution is to reclaim our liberties and throw these criminals out of power.
Doug Harrison
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As a New Zealander it does my 85 year old heart good to find that there are young, well educated people in my country that don’t accept the nonsense that is blasted at us daily by all facets of the news media. We owe the fact that we have a communist Prime Minister to years of left wing bias in the teacher unions that has stopped the teaching of history of the world; though they love to concentrate on the Maori wars of the 18th century.
It will be a hard row to hoe to get the woke and stupid to understand that it is their slavery that is the goal of this administration and it is unfortunate that the opposition parties don’t offer much hope either.
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Another New Zealander, Dr Simon Thornley, epidemiologist, lecturer, researcher and public health physician. See him on youtube.
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The word asymptomatic is made up nonsense. Ad far as I can tell it first appeared in the early 2000s. Non of the three 1990s dictionaries I have list it. One of those is 1994 Webster’s Medical dictionary. The first one I have with it is 2004 and the definition is tiny and quite meaningless. Every few years they added more to the definition.
The Truth Party
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I am trying to get in touch with Sam Bailey. I just finished virus mania. Sam has a great audio book voice! I analysed US social security actuarial data for probability of dying in a year and probability of dying by age from study by Megan O’Driscoll in Nature. Probability of dying in a year is greater than probability of dying of COVID. The difference could be explained by timescale. It does not take into account effect of treatment on shortening life of PCR positives or the ‘nocebo’ effect of a positive diagnosis. Links are in my blog post https://thetruthparty.info/policy-statements/f/death-rate-data-suggest-covid-is-imaginary