Dr Ron Paul’s Warning of ‘Coronavirus Hoax’

America 2020 - Survival Blueprint

Dr Ron Paul suggests the coronavirus as a government-promoted hoax. His warning warrants wide consideration, not only because of Paul’s political insight, but also because he is qualified to speak on this as a medical doctor. He writes as follows:

Governments love crises because when the people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms for promises that the government will take care of them. After 9/11, for example, Americans accepted the near-total destruction of their civil liberties in the PATRIOT Act’s hollow promises of security.

It is ironic to see the same Democrats who tried to impeach President Trump last month for abuse of power demanding that the Administration grab more power and authority in the name of fighting a virus that thus far has killed less than 100 Americans.

Declaring a pandemic emergency on Friday, President Trump now claims the power to quarantine individuals suspected of being infected by the virus and, as Politico writes, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease.” He can even call out the military to cordon off a US city or state.

State and local authoritarians love panic as well. The mayor of Champaign, Illinois, signed an executive order declaring the power to ban the sale of guns and alcohol and cut off gas, water, or electricity to any citizen. The governor of Ohio just essentially closed his entire state.

The chief fearmonger of the Trump Administration is without a doubt Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Fauci is all over the media, serving up outright falsehoods to stir up even more panic. He testified to Congress that the death rate for the coronavirus is ten times that of the seasonal flu, a claim without any scientific basis.

On Face the Nation, Fauci did his best to further damage an already tanking economy by stating, “Right now, personally, myself, I wouldn’t go to a restaurant.” He has pushed for closing the entire country down for 14 days.

Over what? A virus that has thus far killed just over 5,000 worldwide and less than 100 in the United States?

By contrast, tuberculosis, an old disease not much discussed these days, killed nearly 1.6 million people in 2017. Where’s the panic over this?

If anything, what people like Fauci and the other fearmongers are demanding will likely make the disease worse. The martial law they dream about will leave people hunkered down inside their homes instead of going outdoors or to the beach where the sunshine and fresh air would help boost immunity. The panic produced by these fearmongers is likely helping spread the disease, as massive crowds rush into Walmart and Costco for that last roll of toilet paper.

The madness over the coronavirus is not limited to politicians and the medical community. The head of the neoconservative Atlantic Council wrote an editorial this week urging NATO to pass an Article 5 declaration of war against the COVID-19 virus! Are they going to send in tanks and drones to wipe out these microscopic enemies?

People should ask themselves whether this coronavirus “pandemic” could be a big hoax, with the actual danger of the disease massively exaggerated by those who seek to profit – financially or politically – from the ensuing panic.

That is not to say the disease is harmless. Without question people will die from coronavirus. Those in vulnerable categories should take precautions to limit their risk of exposure. But we have seen this movie before. Government over-hypes a threat as an excuse to grab more of our freedoms. When the “threat” is over, however, they never give us our freedoms back.

About the author: Ronald Ernest Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American author, physician, and retired politician who served as the U.S. Representative for Texas’s 22nd congressional district from 1976 to 1977 and again from 1979 to 1985, and for Texas’s 14th congressional district from 1997 to 2013. On three occasions, he sought the presidency of the United States: as the Libertarian Party nominee in 1988 and as a candidate in the Republican primaries of 2008 and 2012.

Read more at ronpaulinstitute.org

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Comments (36)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    The Pastor of the church I attend decided last week to not have the Sunday service. The reasoning that prompted him to make this decision was a good portion of his congregation were at most risk of dying from this disease. This is one thing (who has died) that we do know. So he decided he was responsible to do everything ‘he’ could do to protect these people.

    A fact is there is much no one knows. Which I have written more than once that is why scientists do experiments. And obviously what many of the world is doing is obviously an experiment. The leaders of the world’s nations must make the decision that my pastor made: to shut down or to go on as it was business as usual. There really is no in between.

    And it is easy for Dr. Ron Paul to question what these leaders are doing for he and I and many who write articles and make comments here at PSI are not in positions of responsibility like my pastor, who is not a politician, was.

    We do not know what the future will be, but we do know what the past has been.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Jerry,
      In a free society it is the individual’s choice and responsibility to decide what is right for them, not the governments. I believe there will be far more deaths as a result of these idiots actions than will be saved.
      It seems strange that a pastor would believe that he has any influence in who lives or dies.


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        Carbon Bigfoot


        That Moron Governor Wolf essentially shut down my State of Pennsylvania. I think suicides will far exceed the virus as many residents especially in the trades are self-employed and not able to file and receive Unemployment Compensation. How are they supporting there families? Follow protocols but do not kill these entrepreneurs because that’s what the State is doing.


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Carbon,
          I have the same imbecile governor. I guess being an idiot or crooked are the reason people go into politics. The flea brained Wolf is really screwing us for no reason. There is a cure for Covid-19 but no fixing his stupidity.


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      Government only has the authority to quarantine the sick and those exposed to the illness. They have no right to keep healthy people from gathering.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Herb,

    Where do you live where the ‘government’ does not provide certain services for you? Where do you live that there are no laws to ‘protect’ you from those who disagree with you? Anarchy is not a good way to go.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Jerry,
      Governing is different than ruling. The proper role of government is to protect everyones right to decide what is right for them not to decide what is right for them. They should not be making us behave how they think we should behave only make sure that our choice does not interfere with others ability to choose. It is entirely different to close all businesses over something they perceive to be a hazard than to allow the business and patrons to determine the threat. This is Y2K2.2. Much hype divorced from reality.
      Why didn’t your pastor let his prisoners decide if they should go to church. Are the services so crowded that people could not maintain safe distances from others?
      Have a good day,


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Herb,

        Have you ever paid taxes?

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Terry Shipman


          Hi Jerry,

          You are on the right tract. Look back to World War II and see the sacrifices the public had to make. You couldn’t buy a new automobile. You couldn’t buy new tires. Gasoline was in short supply and rationed. Sugar, butter and other items were also rationed. You knew that when your male children reached the age of 18 they would be drafted and possibly not return home alive. We called this generation the Greatest Generation for a reason. They accepted short-term sacrifice so that our country could have a future. I suggest these complainers consult a good history book and learn from past generations.



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          Jerry Krause


          Hi Terry,

          Thank you for the reinforcement.

          My grandfather, recently from Germany with his father and family, got married in 1882 and immediately this couple went to South Dakota to homestead while SD was only a territory.

          Then in 1918 my father (drafted I believe) was on a troop ship headed for France to fight the Germans when WWI was called off. One of his duties then became to pack bodies to be sent back to the USA.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Jerry,
          I’ve paid lots of taxes.
          I was drafted and went to Viet Nam.’When I returned the closest thing to a parade I got was people lining up to curse and insult me for doing my duty.Where were you?
          The greatness of the country has nothing to do with governments but with the people who were willing to sacrifice for ideals and freedom.
          You seem to forget that after writing the constitution to establish a form government the founding fathers enacted amendments to protect the people from that government. It is the duty of everyone to protect those freedoms the same as the greatest generation fought to preserve them.If you are a patriot you should fight hardest against those who would use any excuse to steal those freedoms just like 9/11 was used to enact the patriot act allowing them to record every conversation by every citizen. Did you see where governments used the corona virus to ban the sales of guns? what’s the connection?
          Have a good day,


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          Jerry Krause


          Hi Herb,

          The reason for my questions about taxes is the fact we are forced to pay taxes by our government which gives us the greatest amount of freedom of any nation of the world. And to have this freedom we must fight for it.

          Where was I? I certainly was not lining up to curse and insult you for doing your duty. No, I was not forced to serve as you were. I was given a National Education Act fellowship as part of an effort to help the USA to catch up with the technical achievements of the Soviet Union. I do not claim to have helped in this effort for the fact is it was mainly the scientists and engineers whom were educated before WWII who accomplished this.

          I hope you understand who the people were who spit on you and cursed you. You must know they were the druggies of the 60’s who did not appreciate the Nation in which they the freedom to spit on you and curse you.

          They seem to have forgotten WWII and the evil people who began it. And the evil people of the Soviet Union forced us to air-lift supplies to the part of Berlin which was to be kept of a part of the ‘free’ west Germany.

          As Terry stated: “I suggest these complainers consult a good history book and learn from past generations.” For I understand why there was Korea and Viet Nam. We disarmed both West Germany and Japan and there were evil people in Southeast Asia who were trying take advantage of both situations.

          Herb, why did you write: “I believe there will be far more deaths as a result of these idiots actions than will be saved.”? Why do you call others ‘idiots’? Why do you pretend to know the future, which no one knows?

          You ask: “Why didn’t your pastor let his prisoners decide if they should go to church.[?]” Why do you call his voluntary ‘flock’ prisoners? You appear to be spitting in his face for exercising his freedom and in the faces of me and the others who voluntary attend the church of which he is the senior pastor.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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            Her Rose


            Hi Jerry,
            It was suppose to say parishioners but spell check corrected my misspelling to prisoners. No disrespect intended. What I was questioning was him using his position to make the choice for all of them rather than letting each decide on their own
            Have a good day,

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      Jerry Krause


      Forgot the word No.


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    Herb Rose

    I can appreciate your appeal to freedom of choice. Normally I think your view is the correct one. There are times when that value could be the wrong one. On this blog it seems like a lot of posters think the Coronavirus is a hoax. No worse than the seasonal flu. You have Ron Paul also voicing this opinion. Initially the Government asked people to limit their exposure to others. Many ignored that request. When this article was written USA had less than 100 deaths from this disease. Now it is over 300 and growing.

    If your freedom of choice intentionally kills many people is that then your right to engage in whatever behavior you feel you are entitled to? If you have Covid-19 and want to go to a nursing home should you be allowed to use your own judgement.


    This disease is growing fast and if you look at Italy you would be an idiot to think it was just the same as the seasonal flu. Just go about you activities as normal. Congregate in crowds and ignore your officials that warn of the dangers.

    I am not sure what is the correct path between restraining stupid people that have attitudes and letting them do whatever they feel they need to do (like lick toilet seats and make videos about it).


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Norman,
      When there is a group of people at risk, like in a nursing home, it is quite correct for those charged with their care to take actions to protect them. What I object to is when people in authority use their power to use blanket regulations that affect everyone not just for those who are at risk. By closing down “non essential” businesses it creates larger crowds at the businesses that can remain open. Larger crowds are precisely what you do not want. If my toilet stops working it would be far better if I could go to a local hardware store to get the necessary part rather than to a crowded Walmart.
      It is far better to allow individuals to assess their risk and behave accordingly than to force everyone to modify their behavior. It is the responsibility of everyone to protect themselves. If they count on others or the government they are doomed. The authorities show up after the fact.
      When I said that I believe these regulations will result in more deaths it was because the forced modification of behavior will cause more deaths than the disease will. If you close all schools and organized activities it allows more free time for kids to do the dumb things all kids do. If you hype the threat you deter people from going to the doctor or hospital for other problems because of fear. There are always unexpected consequences for any action. The death rate for U.S. military personnel dropped during the first Iraqi war. Not what you’d expect. but a result of changing normal behavior.


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        Herb Rose

        I like your thoughtful response. It has some depth and thinking behind it. The problem with this disease is not just the number who will die a slow death from lack of breathing ability but that it produces a severe reaction in a much larger segment of infected than other diseases like influenza.

        If the Schools were allowed to remain open this disease would certainly spread rapidly in the schools (as it already does with influenza). Now you have millions of carriers in a short time frame. They will infect the elderly and the Hospitals will be overwhelmed (not a possible situation, it is taking place in Italy!). Doctors do not want to make the choice of who lives or dies and have to watch many people suffering and dying. You do not have to watch this play out but the Doctors and Nurses do. If you allow what you want you subject Health Care workers to a very dangerous and miserable condition of watching many many people die in a terrible fashion. I think the Doctors in Italy are the ones who asked for the shut-down. The Government did not want to do it as it would hurt the economy and upset citizens.


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Norman,
          We disagree, which is fine. My thinking is that since the young suffer milder reactions to the disease isolate the vulnerable, have COVID-19 parties for the young just as I attended chicken pox parties. The young would get a life time immunity, the vulnerable would avoid the continuing long-term risk of exposure and the whole thing would be over quickly and in a controlled fashion. Vaccination without big pharma.
          Here is a question for you to think about. If you were a vulnerable person, without any symptoms, on that quarantined cruise ship would you want the option of safely being transported from the ship, where common ventilation ensures your exposure, to an isolated quarantine location or would you acquiesce to others who don’t know or care about your problems, making the decision for you?


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          Norman, as usual, you don’t know what you’re talking about. You have chosen to believe the coronavirus is much worse than an average flu, and nothing will change your beliefs. You have closed you mind to the facts, as you always do.

          The link you provided gives you strong evidence the coronavirus is not much worse than an average flu, but you can’t think for yourself. You can’t figure it out. You will not change your beliefs based on the facts. You will search the internet for something you believe supports your beliefs, ignoring all the evidence to the contrary.

          Dr. Centeno pointed out that the cruise ship Diamond Princess was a perfect research “lab”. 3700 passengers were completely isolated with the virus. After nearly a month, less than 20% of the passengers even tested positive. Of the ones that tested positive, 712, only 8 died, and all of the ones that died were over 70-years-old. The majority recovered quickly, with minimum difficulty.

          That “lab” test indicates the coronavirus is not much worse than a regular flu.

          But, sheep can not process facts and logic. Sheep prefer to panic.

          Nothing new.

          (I will not respond to irresponsible, immature, incompetent rambling.)


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            I am not panicking.

            Here is a doctor in Italy telling about the situation there. The capacity of the Hospitals are being overwhelmed. This does NOT happen with the seasonal flu. This one is different.

            The Doctor stated that 9 out of 10 will experience nothing more than average flu conditions. But 10% are severely effected and if you have millions of infections that is a huge number. Hospitals have limited ability to treat severe conditions..

            Italy is a much larger “lab” then Diamond Princess.

            The point of differentiation is that it is similar to the flu for most people. It is not at all like the flu for the 10% that get the worst of the disease.

            I think most other responses by Nations are based upon what is happening in Italy. They want to avoid this situation if possible.

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          Jerry Krause


          Hi RD,

          You wrote: “Dr. Centeno pointed out that the cruise ship Diamond Princess was a perfect research “lab”. 3700 passengers were completely isolated with the virus. After nearly a month, less than 20% of the passengers even tested positive. Of the ones that tested positive, 712, only 8 died, and all of the ones that died were over 70-years-old. The majority recovered quickly, with minimum difficulty.”

          “The only source of knowledge is experience” (Einstein) In the past this led to a conclusion that older people possessed the greatest wisdom and they were treated with respect. This conclusion because they had had the opportunity to have had the greatest experience. Today, you may have noticed that some believe that the youth have the greatest wisdom.

          As you cited numbers you did not cite the age distribution of the 712 who tested positive. You did not cite the age distribution of the 3700 passengers. Numbers which I would be interested in knowing if “the cruise ship Diamond Princess was a perfect research “lab”.” I am sure these numbers are available and only not reported. So we do not know if the numbers that you report are ‘cherry picked’ or not.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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            Jerry, feel free to throw away any evidence you don’t like.

            As someone once said “You can lead a sheep to water, but you can’t make him drink”, or something like that. Maybe it was Einstein that said it? If he didn’t he should have, huh?

            And who is “RD”?

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        Jerry Krause


        Hi JD [RD} and others,

        Yes, I frequently make mistakes. It seems I am abnormal in this way as it seems most here at PSI have never made a mistake, to this point, in their entire lives

        A friend recently described me as being a Free Thinker. Which had not been done before according to my poor memory. While I have no idea of what his definition of a ‘free thinker’ is, I have pondered what it might be. And I consider the following might be an example of ‘free thinking’ (reasoning).

        I had been questioning: how are these old people with the flu, dying? And, why are only the older people dying? Do the young people even get this flu or are they only carriers of it? Can you remember reading any the possible answers to my question? I ask because I do have a poor memory.

        Finally I read somewhere that some (all?) people die because their lungs fill with fluid. Which made me think of ‘diphtheria’. For my bother did have diphtheria when he was about 19 and I was about 10. So I learned that is how people with diphtheria generally died. For the doctor give him and our family an antitoxin commonly prepared from the blood of horses that had been infected with diphtheria. Which I remember could have caused a problem if one was allergic the antitoxin which was prepared. (I have just read that sheep could be used instead of horses.)

        I read that diphtheria has been nearly eliminated in the US because of vaccinations. But I also read that it is known that this vaccination is not effective forever. I read that diphtheria was commonly a childhood disease but my bother was not longer a child and I suspect (but certainly do not know) that he during early childhood at this much earlier time had not had a series of 5 injections as is common at this time.

        Next I consider the possibility that the older people have lost their immunity to the toxin produced by diphtheria. Which I consider must be similar to that produced by diphtheria. For in both diseases death can be caused by fluid in the lungs. Hence, I question (propose) that that this new flu could be treated with the antitoxin used to treat diphtheria.

        Is such reasoning the product of a Free Thinker?

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Jerry, you may be confusing diphtheria with pneumonia. Any virus can cause viral pneumonia which requires hospitalization, and is usually fatal if it goes too long.

          There’s nothing wrong with “free thinking”, in the sense of one using one’s own head. But free thinking comes with responsibility. Free thinking does not mean people get to avoid or change facts. Free thinking does not mean people get to avoid the established laws of science.

          Flat Earthers and those folks that deny the Moon landings are not being responsible. It’s the same with the folks that believe in the GHE. As you know, the sky cannot warm the planet, but the GHE clowns persist in their false beliefs. They are unable to think for themselves.


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          Jerry Krause


          Hi JD,

          Did you really read what i wrote? We had a hospital in town but the Doctor did not place my brother in the hospital; instead he drove about 4 miles every evenings to make a home call and we (the family) went nowhere.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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            Jerry, how did you know it was “4 miles”. Did you actually have it surveyed? And was that 4 miles, as the grow flies, of 4 miles in a round-about way?

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            “ABOUT 4 miles. “

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          Jerry Krause


          Hi JD,

          Read further. Argument and reason cannot prove any scientific idea to be wrong. Only a reproducible observation (measurement) which refutes a predication of a wrong idea to be wrong can refute the scientific idea. And if any idea does not have such a prediction it does not even qualify as being a scientific theory (idea).

          And please do not offend me by claiming that I do not know my science.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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            Jerry, if you choose to be offended by something I didn’t do, then if i actually offend you, will you not be offended?

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Jerry,
            It once was possible to prove scientific theory wrong by reason but that was back when science was based on reality not the idiocy of your buddy Einstein. If the result of a hypothesis was an impossibility ,like some little beep heard by a machine and interpreted by a computer was the result of an expenditure of energy 50 times greater than the output of every star in the universe since the universe began, it was deemed wrong because it was seen as an impossibility. Now everything is possible and nothing is falsifiable.
            The experiments are interpreted by theory. If you read the introduction to Galileos book as translated by Hugh Gives Aschitt you will see Galileo’s experimental results were invalid because he failed to take into account the devil sitting on the smaller cannonball.

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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Herb and Norman,

      Norman wrote: “I like your thoughtful response. It has some depth and thinking behind it.” The same could be said for Norman as you two are have a meaningful conversation.

      “Intuitive knowledge keeps pace with accurate definition.” (Louis Elzevir)

      Herb wrote: “By closing down “non essential” businesses it creates larger crowds at the businesses that can remain open.” Norman wrote: “If the Schools were allowed to remain open this disease would certainly spread rapidly in the schools (as it already does with influenza).”

      Herb needs to define ‘non essential businesses’. Herb wrote: “a local hardware store to get the necessary part rather than to a crowded Walmart.” I am not sure the local hardware store has been shut down while the Walmart stays open. I consider both are essential businesses. Just as hospitals and other care facilities, gas stations, repair shops, truckers, etc. are essential businesses.

      Most schools already shutdown during the school year so it cannot be argued that schools are essential businesses when they regularly are closed for months during the summer season. Bars and sit-down cafes are not essential businesses because people can get the necessary food they might need by carry out. Gyms are not essential businesses because people can exercise in their homes and yards and parks that are not crowded. People do not need to go to theaters to be entertained. They have their telephones and tv’s and computers.

      So Herb, I believe you are trying to define a situation that really do not exist. I can listen to my pastors sermons on my computer. Yes, I would prefer to also have conversations with others at church but forever long I can live without these conversations. And if they are really necessary I can use my telephone.

      I as have said several times now, we do not know the future. We do know that at a few care facilities an abnormal number of people have died. We know about what has happened in the past. And clearly this is the first time that a nearly world-wide effort is being made to limited the spread of an illness that has killed thousands (even millions) of people over a brief period of time. What is being done is an experiment of which we do not know what the result will be. And we cannot know what would have happened if we did not make this effort. So we will never know if Herb, Norman, or I was right unless thousands, or even millions, end up dying. For if that happens we know what was tried didn’t work. Was a wrong idea. This is SCIENCE. Just because an experiment gives an expected result does not prove the reasoning was necessarily correct. For maybe Herb in this case was correct but we will never know because something with which he disagrees was done.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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    This is the Wuhan Virus, not a CIA Plot. Please, people, realize this is a disease. The problem is we ignored 12,000 dead with H1N1 in 2009 as if you criticized Obama; you were racist. Now, in an Election Year where people Hate Trump, everyone is going batshit crazy. I am in a prime demographic of “You Gonna Die’ and I see no reason to close down everything where people sit down and let us wander all over grocery stores, etc. Panic will destroy the world economy, and a few people will have more control. Sorry about Italy and Spain, but there must be a reason why their death rate is so high. Time to investigate that rather than panic. And now Communist Cuba is sending doctors around the world for propaganda. Give me a break. A lot of small businesses will be destroyed for what is now a few hundred deaths in our country.. I think it is an overreaction. If you are at risk, stay home. The rest of us? Take some basic precautions but open up restaurants etc to at least limited service, Good luck to all.


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