Dr. Robert Malone announces major protest against COVID vax mandates

On January 23, Americans fed up with COVID-19 mandates will descend on Washington, D.C., to protest mandatory COVID vaccination and the stigmatization of those who refuse the new and controversial shots.

Outspoken COVID-19 response dissident and mRNA technology pioneer Dr. Robert Malone, who was recently banned from Twitter for criticizing the Pfizer COVID vaccine, announced the Defeat the Mandates rally during an interview with podcast host Joe Rogan.

“This is not about being anti-vaccines; it’s about being anti-mandates, and our hope is that we bring people together,” Malone explained. “People from every walk of life, every party, every religion, every ethnic background … The thing that we can agree on is personal liberty and the right of people to make their own choice.”

“So this is going to be part of a same-day, worldwide rally for freedom that’s going to come across the entire world,” he added. It will represent “no vaccine passports; no vaccination for healthy children; ‘no’ to censorship … we believe in the power of natural immunity; we believe and insist on informed consent.”

The event’s website says the event, which is being sponsored by the groups Unity Project, Children’s Health Defense, and Global Covid Summit, will begin at 11:30 a.m. at the Washington Monument, from which participants will walk approximately a mile to the Lincoln Memorial, where they will then hear from an as-yet-unrevealed lineup of “recording artists, prominent doctors, journalists, pro athletes, actors and premier thought leaders.”

“No to Vaccine Mandates,” the site declares. “No to Vaccine Passports. No to Vaccinating Healthy Children. No to Censorship. No to Limits on Reasonable Debate.”

“Yes, We Believe in the Power of Natural Immunity,” it adds. “Yes, We Insist on Informed Consent. Yes to Doctors and Patients Making Decisions Without Interference.”

Further details, including attendance registration, hotel accommodations, and how to sign up for updates, are available at DefeatTheMandatesDC.com.

See more here: lifesitenews.com

Header image: Zhen Wang

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Comments (8)

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    And for added emphasis the FBI, CIA and Pelosi-Schumer faction of the Baader-Meinhof Gang have agreed to lead us on a tour of the inside of our nation’s capital.


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    Remember when you set foot in the District of Columbia you are in foreign territory. Be careful. United States= federal corporation (located in the district of cun*s)


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    If Dr. Malone is so much in favor of the immune system, then what is the purpose of the MRNA vaccine he supposedly invented?


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    judy Ryan


    The PCR was not developed as a diagnostic tool. It s purpose is to amplify viral fragments for research purposes. THE FRAUDSTERS ARE MISUSING IT.


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    Have they found the actual virus? Does it really exist?


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      Viruses do not exist period. There never has even been a single virus anywhere in history that has been isolated, purified and identified. Germ theory is a hoax. All “they” have to do is announce some nonsense about a virus and the whole dumb as a box of hammers world loses their minds and poops their pants. No virus = no Covid = hoax. Anyone that gets a shot is commiting suicide by injection. Anyone that wears a mask unless forced to in an airport is merely reducing their oxygen level and re-breathing filth.


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    But wait this guy was on the Rogan Podcast, and……wait. Oh yeah, massive disinfo twat. Better avoid this mess. Going to be one giant trap and free info fest for the Tyrannical USA so called “government” to ensnare anyone dumb enough to attend. History should be something that is learned from. At least if it’s recent. Because later the details are changed into nothing but lies.


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