Dr. Pierre Kory: ‘Covid-19 Is Highly Treatable’

New York pulmonologist Dr. Pierre Kory, an unapologetic champion of evidence-based medicine, has had remarkable success treating patients with ivermectin and other therapies during the pandemic.

His efforts to get the word out on this treatment protocol as part of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) have largely been stifled by censorship, ridicule and colleagues — brainwashed by the official narrative — unwilling to accept the science.

Kory spoke with Dr. Chris Martenson, host of the Peak Prosperity podcast, about his incredible experiences over the last nearly two years. On December 8, 2020, Kory testified to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, which held a hearing on “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution.”

He called on the NIH, CDC and FDA to review the expansive data on ivermectin to prevent COVID-19, keep those with early symptoms from progressing and help critically ill patients recover. As he told Martenson, due to their promising results, he believed early on that “the pandemic has been solved,” until he realized that those in power weren’t open to hearing what he had to say.

Despite his impassioned pleas and astonishing science to back them up, the treatment not only was ignored by the Senate committee but promptly eviscerated. Now, he feels his colleagues in the health care field are living in one of two worlds — by either not following the data or putting patients first because they’re afraid of losing their job or status, or by risking everything to put patients first. He’s become estranged from many colleagues who he says “don’t get it.”

There Is Treatment Available for Viruses

Kory’s eyes have been opened to the reality that many people only hear or believe what public health officials tell them, whether it’s because they’re overworked and don’t have time to delve into the real data or because they’re following with blind trust. Many of Kory’s colleagues have gone along with those they believe to be authoritative experts, even when their guidance defies logic and commonsense. Kory’s trust in the “experts,” however, started to erode the more that he learned.

One of Kory’s role models is Dr. Paul Marik, a critical care doctor at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in East Virginia, who is renowned for his work in creating the “Marik Cocktail,” which significantly reduces death rates from sepsis using inexpensive, safe, generic medications.

Marik was one of a small group of critical care physicians who formed FLCCC, which developed a highly effective COVID-19 treatment protocol known as MATH+. Marik is so in tune with science that if he reads a new study and has questions, he’ll contact the first author on the paper to get direct answers.

Right off the bat, the MATH+ protocol led to high survival rates. Out of more than 100 hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated with the MATH+ protocol by mid-April 2020, only two died. Both were in their 80s and had advanced chronic medical conditions.

After several tweaks and updates, the prophylaxis and early outpatient treatment protocol is now known as I-MASK+ while the hospital treatment has been renamed I-MATH+, due to the addition of ivermectin.

Kory is now a public face of FLCCC, and he’s forged a global network of colleagues who are willing to adapt to new information in any way they can to help patients. One of Kory’s biggest revelations involved the treatment of viruses — specifically, the fact that there are dozens of treatment options available, about 90% of which are repurposed, cost pennies and are readily available:

“I went into this pandemic believing what I’ve been taught my whole career, which is that there is no specific antiviral therapy … I mean, you get a cold, you just rest … and now here I am 18 months later — oh my gosh — there are literally two dozen compounds and now we have trial evidence showing pretty profound large magnitude benefits, either in the duration of symptoms, the duration of viral transmission, hospitalization and death.

We have a number of molecules that actually reduce mortality in what’s turned out to be a deadly viral disease. This isn’t the common cold, we’re clear on that.

I went from, there’s nothing to do for a virus to now, anytime I have a cold going forward, or any of my children, or any other virus that comes at us, we already have a whole armory of stuff that we can employ. And that data for those — which are best, which should be employed — is only going to increase.”

Giving Patients Agency Over Their Own Health

Marteson said that, since learning about accessible treatment options, “I feel like I have agency in my own health that I didn’t have before.” Kory mentions natural options like curcumin and nigella sativa, or black cumin, which he would have laughed off years ago, but now realizes they have multiple mechanisms by which they fight viruses:

“Reading about something like curcumin or nigella sativa, which if someone told me a year ago to take something like nigella sativa — black cumin seed — it would save your life in a viral disease, I would have literally burst out laughing … but when you look, there’s literally 10 years of lots of little trials and studies that have evaluated and defined multiple mechanisms of black cumin seed — immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antiviral.

So you have all of these building blocks, and then you have this trial from Pakistan — large randomized controlled trial with really large magnitude benefits — of literally nigella sativa and honey. And then you find out about honey. Honey also has pleotropic properties.”

Kory is driven to share what he’s learned with as many people as possible, because he believes that everyone should feel empowered to stay healthy, similar to what I have long advised — to take control of your health. He told Marteson:

“It’s so satisfying because now we have agency, and so many people have agency by learning this knowledge of things that are readily available, cheap, don’t need a prescription, that you can actually treat yourself with very safe compounds. Not only is that agency so satisfying, but boy does it seem critical for the future. Is this going to be the last viral pandemic?”

His index case with ivermectin — the first person with COVID-19 whom he treated with the drug — is also etched in his memory. The patient — a “slightly older, slightly overweight” woman — was two weeks into COVID-19 and still having fevers and night sweats, so still quite sick. He treated her with ivermectin and she woke up in the morning feeling great:

“Literally I saw what could only be described as a phenomenal response to a medication. So when we talk about data that we use, I’m sorry but I was sold right there on the first dose. First patient, first dose. And then I had repeated experiences.”

COVID-19 Is Highly Treatable

Fear has dominated the pandemic, but both Martenson and Kory say there’s no need to walk around in fear. As a lung and ICU expert, Kory is a master at treating acute illnesses which, he says, “is all about trajectories.” “When we make rounds on patients, we see them every day, we’re following their course … in an ICU, I have to be very knowledgeable about their minute-to-minute, or sometimes hour-to-hour trajectory,” he said.

He teaches medicine also, and he teaches his trainees to study trajectories in their patients. When the trajectory worsens, especially in critical illness, therapies must be instituted but, he says, when “I see a trajectory on the improvement, I always say just stand back. They’re getting better, they’re going to continue to get better …”

In the case of his index patient with ivermectin, she was on a steady trajectory, but it rapidly improved upon administration of ivermectin — a pattern he sees regularly with the drug. The ability to get a sense of this pattern recognition is what makes the difference between an expert and nonexpert in critical care medicine, Kory says.

“The longer you’re in medicine, the better you get at that and you can see which medicines are working.” In this case, ivermectin is one that quickly stood out from the rest. Especially if you’re an expert at trajectories, patterns and diseases, as Kory is, “you can figure things out much quicker than a massive, multicentered, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial.”

If there were one thing that Kory could share, it’s that he wants everyone to know that COVID-19 is a highly treatable disease:

“I want everybody to know how treatable this is … I’m not that worried about it for me, my friends, my family, my colleagues. I’m not worried about it for those who follow the FLCCC and our protocols because we know that they’re effective.

And I just hope that umbrella of reassurance and protection, which is to say there are effective treatments which will save your life and prevent the need for hospitalization, I just hope that number grows. But me personally, I’m not that bothered by COVID. As you know, I actually got COVID. It was a relatively mild case and so I also have natural immunity in my camp.”

Early treatment, however, is essential. One of his friends became ill with COVID-19 and made the mistake of thinking he had a cold. He didn’t contact Kory until he’d been sick for seven or eight days and by that time, he said, “I had to pull out all the stops for him. I really had to use every tool in my arsenal to keep him out of the hospital.” So if you have COVID-19, the sooner you implement the treatment protocol, the better.

There’s a War Against Truth

The successful treatment of COVID-19 using ivermectin and other therapies is being actively suppressed. Few, for instance, have heard about the astonishing success in Uttar Pradesh, India, which embraced large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of ivermectin for COVID-19 patients, close contacts of patients and health care workers.

They’ve since had a COVID-19 positivity rate of almost zero, marking a major public health achievement that Kory believes should be a model for the world. Even the World Health Organization praised Uttar Pradesh for their excellent public health measures, which included sending people out to villages to conduct rapid COVID-19 tests and, if positive, treat patients and close contacts with ivermectin.

WHO, however, did not mention ivermectin as part of Uttar Pradesh’s success story. Kory now calls the FLCCC an “army,” because “they’re actively fighting a war”:

“They’re challenging the pharmacists. They’re talking to their doctors. They’re writing to pharmacy boards … I don’t think war is an overstatement here. There’s a war on truth. There’s a war on free discourse and sharing of opinions. One of the catastrophic things is the way they branded misinformation on the level of a felony. Someone who has an opinion that differs from the agency’s is automatically medical misinformation.

It’s treated as though it’s a scourge of society that needs to be extinguished. I think people are fighting back against that. It’s nice to hear the army and the tribe is growing and most important is, I think we’re helping people. We’re arming people with agency and the ability to navigate a pretty confusing world.”

FLCCC’s I-MASK+ protocol can be downloaded in full, giving you step-by-step instructions on how to prevent and treat the early symptoms of COVID-19. FLCCC also has protocols for at-home prevention and early treatment, called I-MASS, which involves ivermectin, vitamin D3, a multivitamin and a digital thermometer to watch your body temperature in the prevention phase and ivermectin, melatonin, aspirin and antiseptic mouthwash for early at-home treatment.

Household or close contacts of COVID-19 patients may take ivermectin (18 milligrams, then repeat the dose in 48 hours) for post-exposure prevention. FLCCC also has a management protocol — I-RECOVER — for long-haul COVID-19 syndrome. The protocols are translated into 23 different languages to provide widespread, free access to this lifesaving information, including how to get ivermectin.

FLCCC remains hopeful that ivermectin will be formally adopted into national or international COVID-19 treatment guidelines in the near future.

See more here: theepochtimes.com

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Comments (26)

  • Avatar



    He’s a souled out peddler, also upholding the fundamental fraud, another controlled op shill pushing unnecessary garbage.

    And btw, protocol is inherently failure.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    Here’s a clue ‘Alcheminister’ of what not to waste your time reading. Anyone who does not have pride in what they write and therefore do not use their given name probably writes that which is not worthy of being read. And does not have courage to identify with what they write. One most have FAITH that in the end that the Creator God will take care of one.

    Dr. Pierre Kory has not hidden his identity and this article about him is of worthy of being read.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Listen, fucktard, I used my real name, I was accused of not using my real name. I don’t give a shit, coz you’re souled out cretin. You refuse to address fundamentals, you failed at physics, you are ignorant of every factor causative in disease.


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      Doug Harrison


      There is no doubt in my mind that you are much worse than Jerry has claimed. Under the many names that you have used you have always used the same abuse of anything that might be helpful to those trying to figure out how to protect themselves. Like all trolls, some of what you say is true but most of it just the abuse of an egomaniac trying to elevate himself in other’s eyes to the same level as you claim you are.


      • Avatar

        Jerry Krause


        Hi Doug and PSI Readers.,

        Thank you for your comment. PSI Readers, Doug’s information is more important than what I have written. For there is no doubt that we are in a WAR between GOOD and EVIL Ponder Doug’s last statement and do not be deceived by the lies because some of what Alcheminister writes is true.

        Have a good day, Jerry

        Have a good day, Jerry


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    New studies of effectiveness of Ivermectin emerging every day. Peer-reviewed, large PSM study from Brazil finds, regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates. The study was published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science. This medicine is proven over and over again to be effective for covid and flu like symptoms. You can get your ivermectin by visiting https://ivmcures.com


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    Just Me


    I am unvaxxed and have relied on ivermectin. My friends have done likewise.
    It works and anyone who claims it doesn’t has an agenda. That agenda won’t be for your best interest.


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      I haven’t used ivermectin, I’ve not had a “flu” in like 7-8 years. Ivermectin actually can cause serious brain damage, worsens electrical problems in the body (can you say EM susceptibility) is a synthetic industrial derivative to avoid addressing diet, gut, microbiota issues AND worsens proteolytic enzyme, protease function (that would be related to clearing toxicity, debris and aiding regenerative function).

      The OPPOSITE of ivermectin, being like, proteolytic enzymes (serrapeptase, bromelain, nattokinase, etc).

      Here’s an example of the OPPOSITE of ivermectin:

      Anyone peddling ivermectin is essentially, a moron, or malicious.


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        very old white guy


        Question, with over 3 billion doses given and no serious recorded problems why would you suggest not using it when ill? It obviously works.


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          “Question, with over 3 billion doses given and no serious recorded problems why would you suggest not using it when ill? It obviously works.”

          Wrong. It’s peddled based on fraud “against covid” (which is fraud), it’s non-essential, non-nutritional, industrial synthetic from bacteria (to avoid gut, diet, microbiota issues) and is controlled opposition.

          So, why don’t you address what I said, regarding its actual functionality, the context, instead? I don’t need ivermectin?

          No serious adverse reactions? How good do you think acknowledgment or reporting is in sub-Saharan Africa?


        • Avatar



          Why do YOU think ivermectin is so amazingly popular in the media as “the bad guy” against covid? Coz it’s the same shit, it’s the hegelian dialectic, peddled based on fraudulence to avoid essentials.

          Guys like Rogan, Kory, McCullough, Zelenko etc are souled out hey. That’s why they peddle that shit, that’s why IVM prices have roughly doubled recently, it’s scamming, racketeering based on fraud, malicious shit.


          • Avatar



            Cheers Aaron.

            Here’s an example of the sort of shit an Ivermectin peddler peddles…


            “HCQ + AZM had a cardiovascular mortality risk that was more than twice (2.19) as high as the comparative treatment even in the short term based on findings from more than 320,000 users of that combination therapy. This treatment also produced a 15-20% increased rate of angina/chest pain and heart failure.”

            Zelenko also peddles ivermectin, HCQ is a derivative of a wartime “drug”. Get it?

          • Avatar



            Oh right, and that comparative treatment there is also unnecessary fundamentally toxic shit, btw.

            So that “Zelenko protocol” increases the likelihood of organ failures, and is peddled based on fraud. Get it? They’re demonic. They need to be disappeared.

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          Which is to say, those using ivermectin have brain failures.


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            good to see ya back posting Alcheminister

            keep up the fight

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    works against what, the re-branded flu
    the so called virus does not exist, cept on a computer and in the minds of many
    it is a mind virus


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    Mr Crabs


    Lots of you mindless idiots just insist on believing in viruses. Shows how dense and gullible you really are. Have any of you ever even researched Germ theory at all? What you just believe in germs because you “learned” that tripe in school?
    Most of these so called “good Doctors “ that come forward about Covid vaccines and masks still support vaccination. They still believe in Viruses. Not one of these charlatans has ever seen a virus and never will. You are all being played by a system that threw your fat asses overboard hundreds of years ago. Idiots.


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    very old white guy


    The flu has always been highly treatable.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi VOWG,

      And flu and colds have maybe been common human ailments (diseases) since there were FALLEN HUMANS who believed SATAN’s LIES.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        That’s super ironic Jerry, since you peddle those lies.


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    Dr. Kory opened my eyes about the Ivermectin issue. As an ex-official and now researcher on my won, I look for densities of those DRUG structures involved in the ‘healing’. Ivermectin stands out from many in that is represents a huge flat surface, similar to graphene.. When you search for connections between graphene and ivermectin, you will finds many papers talking about biosensing and detection of ivermectin using graphene sensors which bind it, all while being exposed to external EMF fields of GHz range. Well, thus ivermectin must bind graphene, and as such, possibly transport it out out of the body. Just a speculation of mine. But, as mentioned, as soon you have graphene involved, you will have GHz EMFs, including 5G applications of detecting molecules which bind to the large graphene, or its oxides, or hydroxides surfaces. Thus healing with ivermectin certainly goes via its function on the Glutamate-gated chloride channels in neurons, but maybe, who knows, it is even connected with grahene, which is TOO BIG in the transhuman agenda to fail.


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      Or, the ivermectin compounds witth the graphene and makes it more persistent, with that graphene aggregating say, iron oxide (magnetite structures) aside from fibrinogen, neutrophil related responses encapsulating that and fucking retarding your protease function (related to clearing debris, toxicity and aiding regeneration).

      Get it?

      Kory a souled out whore.


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      Essentially, the OPPOSITE of what you’re suggesting, the ivermectin would increase EM susceptibility due to that chloride (typically super excessive, with magnesium and potassium deficiency super common and related to supposed “covid”) channel fuckery.


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      Essentially, the OPPOSITE of what you’re suggesting, the ivermectin would increase EM susceptibility due to that chloride (typically super excessive, with magnesium and potassium deficiency super common and related to supposed “covid”) channel fuckery.

      Ivermectin retards healing, unless you think proteolytic enzymes (which ivermectin suppresses) don’t break down degenerate proteins.


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        Sorry about the double-post, it didn’t seem to post and I added a bit.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    Ivermectin and COVID-19 Controversy – Why?

    To treat an illness, first, it has to exist. In the case of COVID-19, which is allegedly a disease caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. However, no one has isolated the virus from any patient; hence, there is no reason to believe that virus exists. Therefore, the associated disease COVID-19 cannot exist either. Unfortunately, people and medical experts, particularly physicians, mistakenly believe in the existence of the virus and the disease (https://bioanalyticx.com/video-virus-covid-pandemic-vaccine-and-testing-fiction-not-reality-or-science/).

    The diagnosis is mainly based on the PCR test, an irrelevant and invalid test because a test cannot be developed for something (the virus or RNA) if the specimen is not available. Therefore, the disease (COVID-19) is undoubtedly a case of false diagnosis.

    I live in Ottawa, Canada, the center of the current Truckers’ Protest for the past three weeks. However, the protest seems like a celebration festival, like Canada Day. People (in hundreds and thousands) having a good time, partying, music, dancing, playing street/ice hockey – without restrictions and worrying. The most surprising aspect is that no one mentions it as a “virus spreader” or “supper-spreader” activity, as it used to be considered. Friends tell me that hospital activities appear normal as well. The government (the province’s chief medical officer) is considering relaxing or removing the restrictions. It indicates that the virus or scaring is not in the cards, indirectly supporting the view that there is no virus issue.

    But, as some say, why are people get sick then? Firstly, it appears that the illness is infectious (parasitic?), not COVID-19, treatable with anti-infection medications. Secondly, ivermectin appears a good match for the infection, as Dr. Kory here and in one of his published articles suggests (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/pdf/ajt-28-e299.pdf).

    Therefore, if people feel ill, they should immediately consult their physicians for appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Isolation or quarantine with the symptoms should be avoided. It may exacerbate the illness because of not treating it promptly.

    A view worth considering to get out of the COVID-19 phobia!


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